Pushing the Boundaries of Automated Fiber Placement: A Deep Dive into Compaction Roller Design

October 21, 2024
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In the world of advanced manufacturing, Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) has emerged as a game-changing technology. This innovative process has revolutionized the production of high-quality, lightweight composite structures, particularly in the aerospace industry. AFP systems precisely lay down narrow strips of composite material, called tows, to create complex parts with exceptional strength-to-weight ratios.

Initially developed for flat or slightly curved geometries, AFP technology has come a long way. Today, there's a growing interest in pushing the boundaries of what's possible with AFP, particularly in manufacturing more complex, double-curved structures. This evolution is opening up new opportunities for AFP applications across various industries beyond aerospace.

However, as we strive to create increasingly intricate shapes, we face significant challenges. One of the most critical components in the AFP process is the compaction roller, which plays a crucial role in ensuring proper tape placement and preventing defects. The compaction roller applies pressure to bond the composite material to the tooling or substrate, but its effectiveness can be limited when dealing with highly curved surfaces.

Understanding these limitations and optimizing the design of compaction rollers is crucial for advancing AFP technology. That's where our latest research comes in. We've conducted an in-depth study to model the influence of compaction roller properties on manufacturable geometries, aiming to push the boundaries of what's possible with AFP.

In this blog post, we'll take you on a journey through our research, exploring how different roller parameters affect the manufacturing process and what it means for the future of composite manufacturing. Whether you're an AFP expert or new to the field, you'll gain valuable insights into the cutting-edge developments shaping the future of this transformative technology.

The Role of Compaction Rollers in AFP

At the heart of any Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) system lies a crucial component: the compaction roller. These unassuming cylindrical tools play a pivotal role in ensuring the quality and integrity of composite parts produced through AFP. But what exactly do these rollers do, and why are they so important?

The Function of Compaction Rollers

Compaction rollers are responsible for applying pressure to the composite material as it's laid down during the AFP process. This pressure serves several critical functions:

  1. Bonding: The roller presses the newly laid material onto the substrate or previous layers, promoting adhesion and ensuring a strong bond.
  2. Consolidation: By applying pressure, the roller helps to remove air pockets and consolidate the layers, reducing the risk of voids in the final part.
  3. Shaping: For complex geometries, the roller helps to conform the material to the desired shape, particularly important for curved surfaces.

The Link Between Roller Design and Layup Quality

The design of compaction rollers isn't a one-size-fits-all affair. Different roller properties can significantly impact the layup quality and the types of geometries that can be successfully manufactured. Key parameters include:

  • Roller radius: Affects the roller's ability to conform to different curvatures.
  • Roller width: Influences the area of pressure application and the ability to navigate complex geometries.
  • Coating thickness: Impacts the roller's compliance and ability to distribute pressure evenly.
  • Coating hardness: Affects how the roller interacts with the composite material and conforms to surface irregularities.

Understanding how these parameters interact is crucial for optimizing the AFP process for different applications and geometries.

Current Limitations in Manufacturing Complex Geometries

While AFP technology has come a long way, manufacturing highly complex, double-curved geometries remains a significant challenge. The limitations often stem from the compaction roller's ability (or inability) to maintain consistent pressure across the entire surface of intricate shapes.

When dealing with tight curves or rapid changes in surface geometry, traditional roller designs may struggle to maintain full contact. This can lead to issues such as:

  • Inconsistent pressure distribution
  • Inadequate bonding in certain areas
  • Increased risk of defects like wrinkles or voids

These challenges have driven researchers and engineers to explore new approaches to compaction roller design, aiming to push the boundaries of what's possible with AFP technology.

In our study, we set out to model these limitations systematically, with the goal of understanding how different roller properties influence the range of manufacturable geometries. By gaining a deeper understanding of these relationships, we aim to pave the way for more advanced AFP systems capable of producing increasingly complex composite parts with high precision and quality.

The Study: Modeling Compaction Roller Limitations

To address the challenges of manufacturing complex geometries with AFP, our research team conducted a comprehensive study aimed at modeling the influence of compaction roller properties on manufacturable geometries. Let's dive into the details of this groundbreaking research.

Objectives of the Research

The primary goal of our study was to estimate the maximum achievable curvatures for a given compaction roller. By understanding these limitations, we aimed to provide insights that could inform the design of more effective AFP systems capable of producing increasingly complex composite parts.

Specifically, we sought to:

  1. Evaluate the effect of different roller parameters on contact pressure applied to surfaces with varying curvatures.
  2. Develop a model to predict manufacturable curvatures based on roller parameters.
  3. Understand the relationship between roller indentation and contact pressure.

Key Parameters Investigated

Our study focused on four critical parameters of compaction rollers:

  1. Roller Radius: We examined how the overall size of the roller affects its performance on curved surfaces.
  2. Roller Width: We investigated rollers of different widths to understand how this parameter influences pressure distribution and conformability.
  3. Coating Thickness: We varied the thickness of the elastomer coating to assess its impact on roller compliance.
  4. Coating Hardness: Different hardness levels of the elastomer coating were tested to evaluate their effect on pressure distribution and conformability.

These parameters were chosen based on their potential influence on the roller's ability to maintain consistent contact and pressure across complex geometries.

Experimental Setup and Methodology

Our experimental investigation was carefully designed to provide comprehensive data on roller behavior. Here's an overview of our approach:

  1. Roller Design: We created a set of 16 different compaction rollers, varying the four key parameters mentioned above. This allowed us to examine a wide range of roller configurations.
  2. Test Surfaces: We used flat, convex, and concave molds with constant curvatures to simulate various surface geometries.
  3. Force Application: Each roller was pressed onto the surface with a force of 100 N per tow width, mimicking typical AFP process conditions.
  4. Pressure Measurement: We used pressure-sensitive films to measure the contact pressure distribution for each roller configuration on different surface curvatures.
  5. Data Analysis: We developed custom image processing algorithms to analyze the pressure distribution data from the films, allowing us to quantify the contact pressure at different points across the roller width.
  6. Modeling: Based on the experimental data, we developed a model to predict the relationship between roller parameters, indentation, and contact pressure. This model forms the basis for estimating manufacturable curvatures for different roller configurations.

Introduction of the Displacement Pressure Coefficient (DPC)

A key innovation in our study was the introduction of the Displacement Pressure Coefficient (DPC). This coefficient quantifies the relationship between roller indentation and the corresponding contact pressure. The DPC allows us to predict how different roller configurations will perform on various surface curvatures, providing a powerful tool for optimizing AFP processes for complex geometries.

By systematically investigating these parameters and developing a predictive model, our study aims to provide valuable insights for AFP system design and optimization. In the next section, we'll delve into the key findings from this research and their implications for the future of AFP technology.

Key Findings

Our comprehensive study on compaction roller performance in Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) has yielded several significant insights. These findings not only enhance our understanding of the AFP process but also pave the way for more advanced and efficient composite manufacturing techniques.

The Displacement Pressure Coefficient (DPC): A New Metric for Roller Performance

One of the most important outcomes of our research was the introduction of the Displacement Pressure Coefficient (DPC). This novel metric quantifies the relationship between roller indentation and the corresponding contact pressure. The DPC proved to be a powerful tool for predicting roller performance across various surface curvatures.

Key observations about the DPC include:

  1. For curvatures below 0.01 1/mm, the tool shape had no significant influence on the DPC at the applied load.
  2. The DPC can be derived solely as a function of roller parameters for a given force, simplifying performance predictions.

Factors Influencing the DPC

Our analysis revealed that several roller parameters significantly influence the DPC:

  1. Coating Thickness: This emerged as the most influential factor. In some cases, a 20% increase in coating thickness resulted in a 600% increase in manufacturable curvature.
  2. Roller Radius: The outer radius of the roller showed a substantial impact on the DPC and, consequently, on the achievable curvatures.
  3. Coating Hardness: The hardness of the elastomer coating also played a significant role in determining the DPC.
  4. Roller Width: Interestingly, the width of the compaction roller had a negligible effect on the DPC when the force per unit width was kept constant.

These findings provide valuable insights for optimizing AFP processes and roller design.

The Relationship Between Roller Parameters and Manufacturable Curvatures

Our study revealed several key relationships between roller parameters and the ability to manufacture complex curvatures:

  1. Direction Matters: Compaction rollers are generally more capable of producing small concave curvatures compared to small convex curvatures.
  2. Optimal Roller Radius: We found that there's an optimal roller radius for achieving the highest curvature in both the layup direction (0°) and perpendicular to it (90°). Smaller roller radii (r < 50.8 mm) limit high concave curvatures in the 90° direction, while larger radii (r > 50.8 mm) limit curvatures in the layup direction.
  3. Nonlinear Interactions: The interaction between coating thickness and hardness proved crucial for producing high curvatures. We observed that small changes in these parameters can result in significantly higher performance, depending on the specific configuration.
  4. Performance Prediction: Our model allows for the prediction of maximum manufacturable curvatures based on roller parameters. This capability is invaluable for designing AFP systems tailored to specific manufacturing requirements.

Implications for AFP System Design

These findings have significant implications for AFP system design:

  1. Roller Customization: By understanding the influence of each parameter, AFP systems can be equipped with rollers optimized for specific manufacturing tasks.
  2. Process Optimization: The ability to predict manufacturable curvatures allows for better process planning and optimization, potentially reducing defects and improving part quality.
  3. Expanded Capabilities: With a deeper understanding of roller behavior, AFP systems can be pushed to manufacture increasingly complex geometries, expanding the potential applications of this technology.

These results represent a significant step forward in our understanding of AFP technology and open up new possibilities for advanced composite manufacturing. In the next section, we'll explore the practical implications of these findings and how they can be applied to improve AFP processes.

Practical Implications for AFP Design

The insights gained from our study on compaction roller behavior have significant practical implications for the design and optimization of Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) systems. Let's explore how these findings can be applied to enhance AFP technology and expand its capabilities.

Improving AFP Layup Head Design

Our research provides valuable guidance for AFP layup head design:

  1. Optimal Roller Configuration: By understanding the relationship between roller parameters and manufacturable curvatures, engineers can design layup heads with rollers optimized for specific applications. For instance:some text
    • For parts with predominantly concave surfaces, rollers with larger radii might be preferred.
    • For parts with both concave and convex features, an optimal radius can be selected to balance performance in both directions.
  2. Adaptive Systems: The insights from our study could inform the development of adaptive AFP systems with interchangeable rollers or adjustable roller parameters. This would allow a single AFP system to be quickly reconfigured for different part geometries.
  3. Segmented Roller Design: Our findings on the influence of roller width could guide the design of segmented rollers, potentially allowing for better conformity to complex surfaces.

Optimizing Roller Parameters for Specific Applications

The model we developed allows for precise optimization of roller parameters for specific manufacturing tasks:

  1. Coating Customization: Given the significant impact of coating thickness and hardness on performance, manufacturers can fine-tune these parameters for their specific needs. For example:some text
    • Parts with high curvatures might benefit from thicker, softer coatings.
    • Simpler geometries might use thinner, harder coatings for improved durability.
  2. Performance Prediction: Our model enables manufacturers to predict the performance of different roller configurations before physical testing. This can significantly reduce the time and cost associated with AFP system setup and optimization.
  3. Process Parameter Optimization: By understanding the relationship between roller indentation and contact pressure, manufacturers can better optimize process parameters like compaction force and layup speed for different part geometries.

Manufacturing More Complex Geometries

Perhaps the most exciting implication of our research is the potential to manufacture more complex composite parts using AFP:

  1. Pushing Curvature Limits: With a clear understanding of the maximum manufacturable curvatures for different roller configurations, designers can push the boundaries of part complexity while ensuring manufacturability.
  2. Hybrid Manufacturing Approaches: For extremely complex parts, our findings could inform hybrid manufacturing approaches. For instance, areas with high curvatures exceeding the capabilities of a single roller might use a combination of AFP and hand layup or other complementary techniques.
  3. New Application Areas: As AFP systems become capable of producing more complex geometries, new application areas may open up in industries beyond aerospace, such as automotive or renewable energy.

Enhancing Quality Control

Our research also has implications for quality control in AFP processes:

  1. Defect Prediction: Understanding the relationship between roller parameters and contact pressure can help predict areas where defects are more likely to occur, allowing for proactive quality control measures.
  2. In-Process Monitoring: Our findings could inform the development of more sophisticated in-process monitoring systems, potentially using the expected contact pressure as a benchmark for detecting anomalies during layup.
  3. Design for Manufacturability: The ability to predict manufacturable curvatures can be integrated into design software, allowing for real-time feedback on part manufacturability during the design phase.

By applying these insights, manufacturers can enhance the capabilities of their AFP systems, optimize processes for specific applications, and potentially unlock new possibilities in composite part design and manufacturing. As we continue to push the boundaries of what's possible with AFP technology, these findings provide a solid foundation for future innovations in the field.

Future Directions

While our study has provided valuable insights into the behavior of compaction rollers in Automated Fiber Placement (AFP), it also opens up exciting new avenues for further research. Let's explore some of the potential directions for future investigations and how they might shape the evolution of AFP technology.

Areas for Further Research

  1. Expanded Parameter Range: Our study focused on specific ranges for roller parameters. Future research could explore a wider range of parameter combinations to build a more comprehensive understanding of roller behavior.
  2. Dynamic Process Modeling: Our current model is based on static measurements. Future studies could investigate the dynamic behavior of compaction rollers during the layup process, including the effects of layup speed and temperature.
  3. Material Interactions: Further research could delve into how different prepreg materials interact with various roller configurations. This could lead to material-specific optimization strategies for AFP processes.
  4. Complex Geometry Studies: While our study focused on constant curvatures, future research could explore more complex, variable curvature surfaces to better represent real-world manufacturing scenarios.
  5. Defect Formation Mechanisms: Building on our findings, researchers could investigate how roller parameters influence specific defect formation mechanisms, potentially leading to strategies for defect prevention.
  6. Advanced Roller Designs: Our study could serve as a springboard for research into novel roller designs, such as adaptive rollers that can change their properties during layup to suit varying surface geometries.

Integration with Other Design Methodologies

The insights from our research have the potential to be integrated with other design and manufacturing methodologies:

  1. Topology Optimization: Our model for predicting manufacturable curvatures could be incorporated into topology optimization algorithms for composite structures. This would ensure that optimized designs are also manufacturable using AFP.
  2. Digital Twin Technology: The relationship between roller parameters and manufacturability could be integrated into digital twin models of AFP processes. This could enable real-time process optimization and predictive maintenance.
  3. Machine Learning Applications: The data generated from our study and future extensions could feed into machine learning models, potentially leading to AI-driven optimization of AFP processes for complex parts.
  4. Multiscale Modeling: Our findings at the roller level could be integrated into larger-scale models of composite behavior, bridging the gap between manufacturing processes and final part performance.
  5. Design for Manufacturing (DFM) Tools: The insights from our study could be incorporated into DFM software tools, allowing designers to consider AFP manufacturability constraints early in the design process.

Collaboration Opportunities

The complexity of AFP technology and the breadth of potential applications call for collaborative research efforts:

  1. Industry-Academia Partnerships: Collaborations between research institutions and AFP system manufacturers could accelerate the translation of research findings into practical innovations.
  2. Cross-Disciplinary Research: Combining expertise from materials science, mechanical engineering, and computer science could lead to holistic advancements in AFP technology.
  3. International Collaborations: Given the global nature of the composites industry, international research collaborations could pool resources and expertise to tackle larger challenges in AFP technology.

As we look to the future, the potential for advancements in AFP technology is truly exciting. By building on the foundation laid by studies like ours and embracing collaborative, multidisciplinary approaches, we can push the boundaries of what's possible in composite manufacturing. The journey towards more efficient, capable, and versatile AFP systems is ongoing, and each step forward opens up new possibilities for creating lighter, stronger, and more complex composite structures.

Conclusion: Shaping the Future of Composite Manufacturing

As we conclude our deep dive into the world of Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) and compaction roller design, let's recap the key insights from our groundbreaking research and consider their implications for the future of composite manufacturing.

Recap of Key Findings

Our study has shed new light on the complex relationship between compaction roller properties and manufacturable geometries in AFP:

  1. We introduced the Displacement Pressure Coefficient (DPC) as a novel metric for quantifying roller performance.
  2. We identified key factors influencing the DPC, with coating thickness emerging as the most significant parameter.
  3. We discovered that compaction rollers are generally more capable of producing small concave curvatures compared to small convex curvatures.
  4. We found an optimal roller radius for achieving the highest curvature in both the layup direction and perpendicular to it.
  5. We developed a model that allows for the prediction of maximum manufacturable curvatures based on roller parameters.

These findings provide a solid foundation for optimizing AFP processes and pushing the boundaries of what's possible in composite part design and manufacturing.

The Importance of This Research

The insights gained from this study are crucial for advancing AFP technology:

  1. Enhanced Design Capabilities: By understanding the limitations and capabilities of compaction rollers, designers can create more complex and optimized composite structures.
  2. Improved Manufacturing Efficiency: The ability to predict and optimize roller performance can lead to reduced setup times, fewer defects, and overall improved manufacturing efficiency.
  3. Expanded Applications: As AFP technology becomes capable of producing more complex geometries, it opens up new possibilities in industries beyond aerospace, such as automotive, renewable energy, and more.
  4. Informed Innovation: Our findings provide a springboard for future innovations in AFP technology, from adaptive roller designs to AI-driven process optimization.

The Future of Composite Manufacturing

As we look to the future, the potential for advancements in AFP technology and composite manufacturing is truly exciting:

  1. Smarter Systems: We envision AFP systems that can adapt in real-time to changing part geometries, optimizing roller parameters on the fly for perfect layups.
  2. Digital Integration: The integration of our findings with digital twin technology and AI could lead to self-optimizing manufacturing processes.
  3. Sustainable Manufacturing: As AFP technology becomes more efficient and capable, it could play a crucial role in producing lightweight, high-performance parts that contribute to sustainability goals across various industries.
  4. Pushing Boundaries: With continued research and innovation, we may see AFP systems capable of producing geometries that are currently considered impossible, opening up new frontiers in product design.

The journey towards more advanced AFP technology is ongoing, and each step forward brings us closer to realizing the full potential of composite materials. Our research contributes to this journey by providing a deeper understanding of the fundamental interactions between compaction rollers and composite materials.

As we continue to push the boundaries of what's possible with AFP, we invite researchers, engineers, and manufacturers to build upon these findings. The future of composite manufacturing is bright, and together, we can shape it to create a world of stronger, lighter, and more sustainable products.

Explore more about the future of composites manufacturing


  1. Denkena, B., Heimbs, S., Schmidt, C., Reichert, L., & Tiemann, T. (2023). Automated fiber placement: Modeling the influence of compaction roller properties on manufacturable geometries. SAMPE Europe Conference 2023 Madrid - Spain.
  2. What is Automated Fibre Placement (AFP)? - Addcomposites
  3. Automated Fiber Placement Process: A Revolutionary Way to Create Composite Parts - Addcomposites
  4. The Shift in Composite Manufacturing: From Traditional to Intelligent - Addcomposites
  5. AFP Machines and Components - Addcomposites

Advance Your AFP Expertise with Addcomposites

Are you ready to take your composite manufacturing to the next level? At Addcomposites, we're at the forefront of Automated Fiber Placement technology, translating cutting-edge research like the study we've discussed into practical, industry-leading solutions.

Whether you're looking to optimize your current AFP processes, explore new applications for complex geometries, or integrate the latest advancements in compaction roller technology, we're here to help. Our team of experts can guide you through the process of implementing or upgrading your AFP systems to achieve unprecedented levels of efficiency and capability.

Don't let the complexities of AFP hold you back from realizing your manufacturing potential. Contact Addcomposites today to discover how we can help you push the boundaries of what's possible in composite manufacturing.

Get in touch with Addcomposites and let's shape the future of composites together!

In the world of advanced manufacturing, Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) has emerged as a game-changing technology. This innovative process has revolutionized the production of high-quality, lightweight composite structures, particularly in the aerospace industry. AFP systems precisely lay down narrow strips of composite material, called tows, to create complex parts with exceptional strength-to-weight ratios.

Initially developed for flat or slightly curved geometries, AFP technology has come a long way. Today, there's a growing interest in pushing the boundaries of what's possible with AFP, particularly in manufacturing more complex, double-curved structures. This evolution is opening up new opportunities for AFP applications across various industries beyond aerospace.

However, as we strive to create increasingly intricate shapes, we face significant challenges. One of the most critical components in the AFP process is the compaction roller, which plays a crucial role in ensuring proper tape placement and preventing defects. The compaction roller applies pressure to bond the composite material to the tooling or substrate, but its effectiveness can be limited when dealing with highly curved surfaces.

Understanding these limitations and optimizing the design of compaction rollers is crucial for advancing AFP technology. That's where our latest research comes in. We've conducted an in-depth study to model the influence of compaction roller properties on manufacturable geometries, aiming to push the boundaries of what's possible with AFP.

In this blog post, we'll take you on a journey through our research, exploring how different roller parameters affect the manufacturing process and what it means for the future of composite manufacturing. Whether you're an AFP expert or new to the field, you'll gain valuable insights into the cutting-edge developments shaping the future of this transformative technology.


At the heart of any Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) system lies a crucial component: the compaction roller. These unassuming cylindrical tools play a pivotal role in ensuring the quality and integrity of composite parts produced through AFP. But what exactly do these rollers do, and why are they so important?

The Function of Compaction Rollers

Compaction rollers are responsible for applying pressure to the composite material as it's laid down during the AFP process. This pressure serves several critical functions:

  1. Bonding: The roller presses the newly laid material onto the substrate or previous layers, promoting adhesion and ensuring a strong bond.
  2. Consolidation: By applying pressure, the roller helps to remove air pockets and consolidate the layers, reducing the risk of voids in the final part.
  3. Shaping: For complex geometries, the roller helps to conform the material to the desired shape, particularly important for curved surfaces.

The Link Between Roller Design and Layup Quality

The design of compaction rollers isn't a one-size-fits-all affair. Different roller properties can significantly impact the layup quality and the types of geometries that can be successfully manufactured. Key parameters include:

  • Roller radius: Affects the roller's ability to conform to different curvatures.
  • Roller width: Influences the area of pressure application and the ability to navigate complex geometries.
  • Coating thickness: Impacts the roller's compliance and ability to distribute pressure evenly.
  • Coating hardness: Affects how the roller interacts with the composite material and conforms to surface irregularities.

Understanding how these parameters interact is crucial for optimizing the AFP process for different applications and geometries.

Current Limitations in Manufacturing Complex Geometries

While AFP technology has come a long way, manufacturing highly complex, double-curved geometries remains a significant challenge. The limitations often stem from the compaction roller's ability (or inability) to maintain consistent pressure across the entire surface of intricate shapes.

When dealing with tight curves or rapid changes in surface geometry, traditional roller designs may struggle to maintain full contact. This can lead to issues such as:

  • Inconsistent pressure distribution
  • Inadequate bonding in certain areas
  • Increased risk of defects like wrinkles or voids

These challenges have driven researchers and engineers to explore new approaches to compaction roller design, aiming to push the boundaries of what's possible with AFP technology.

In our study, we set out to model these limitations systematically, with the goal of understanding how different roller properties influence the range of manufacturable geometries. By gaining a deeper understanding of these relationships, we aim to pave the way for more advanced AFP systems capable of producing increasingly complex composite parts with high precision and quality.

The Study: Modeling Compaction Roller Limitations

To address the challenges of manufacturing complex geometries with AFP, our research team conducted a comprehensive study aimed at modeling the influence of compaction roller properties on manufacturable geometries. Let's dive into the details of this groundbreaking research.

Objectives of the Research

The primary goal of our study was to estimate the maximum achievable curvatures for a given compaction roller. By understanding these limitations, we aimed to provide insights that could inform the design of more effective AFP systems capable of producing increasingly complex composite parts.

Specifically, we sought to:

  1. Evaluate the effect of different roller parameters on contact pressure applied to surfaces with varying curvatures.
  2. Develop a model to predict manufacturable curvatures based on roller parameters.
  3. Understand the relationship between roller indentation and contact pressure.

Key Parameters Investigated

Our study focused on four critical parameters of compaction rollers:

  1. Roller Radius: We examined how the overall size of the roller affects its performance on curved surfaces.
  2. Roller Width: We investigated rollers of different widths to understand how this parameter influences pressure distribution and conformability.
  3. Coating Thickness: We varied the thickness of the elastomer coating to assess its impact on roller compliance.
  4. Coating Hardness: Different hardness levels of the elastomer coating were tested to evaluate their effect on pressure distribution and conformability.

These parameters were chosen based on their potential influence on the roller's ability to maintain consistent contact and pressure across complex geometries.

Experimental Setup and Methodology

Our experimental investigation was carefully designed to provide comprehensive data on roller behavior. Here's an overview of our approach:

  1. Roller Design: We created a set of 16 different compaction rollers, varying the four key parameters mentioned above. This allowed us to examine a wide range of roller configurations.
  2. Test Surfaces: We used flat, convex, and concave molds with constant curvatures to simulate various surface geometries.
  3. Force Application: Each roller was pressed onto the surface with a force of 100 N per tow width, mimicking typical AFP process conditions.
  4. Pressure Measurement: We used pressure-sensitive films to measure the contact pressure distribution for each roller configuration on different surface curvatures.
  5. Data Analysis: We developed custom image processing algorithms to analyze the pressure distribution data from the films, allowing us to quantify the contact pressure at different points across the roller width.
  6. Modeling: Based on the experimental data, we developed a model to predict the relationship between roller parameters, indentation, and contact pressure. This model forms the basis for estimating manufacturable curvatures for different roller configurations.

Introduction of the Displacement Pressure Coefficient (DPC)

A key innovation in our study was the introduction of the Displacement Pressure Coefficient (DPC). This coefficient quantifies the relationship between roller indentation and the corresponding contact pressure. The DPC allows us to predict how different roller configurations will perform on various surface curvatures, providing a powerful tool for optimizing AFP processes for complex geometries.

By systematically investigating these parameters and developing a predictive model, our study aims to provide valuable insights for AFP system design and optimization. In the next section, we'll delve into the key findings from this research and their implications for the future of AFP technology.

Key Findings

Our comprehensive study on compaction roller performance in Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) has yielded several significant insights. These findings not only enhance our understanding of the AFP process but also pave the way for more advanced and efficient composite manufacturing techniques.

The Displacement Pressure Coefficient (DPC): A New Metric for Roller Performance

One of the most important outcomes of our research was the introduction of the Displacement Pressure Coefficient (DPC). This novel metric quantifies the relationship between roller indentation and the corresponding contact pressure. The DPC proved to be a powerful tool for predicting roller performance across various surface curvatures.

Key observations about the DPC include:

  1. For curvatures below 0.01 1/mm, the tool shape had no significant influence on the DPC at the applied load.
  2. The DPC can be derived solely as a function of roller parameters for a given force, simplifying performance predictions.

Factors Influencing the DPC

Our analysis revealed that several roller parameters significantly influence the DPC:

  1. Coating Thickness: This emerged as the most influential factor. In some cases, a 20% increase in coating thickness resulted in a 600% increase in manufacturable curvature.
  2. Roller Radius: The outer radius of the roller showed a substantial impact on the DPC and, consequently, on the achievable curvatures.
  3. Coating Hardness: The hardness of the elastomer coating also played a significant role in determining the DPC.
  4. Roller Width: Interestingly, the width of the compaction roller had a negligible effect on the DPC when the force per unit width was kept constant.

These findings provide valuable insights for optimizing AFP processes and roller design.

The Relationship Between Roller Parameters and Manufacturable Curvatures

Our study revealed several key relationships between roller parameters and the ability to manufacture complex curvatures:

  1. Direction Matters: Compaction rollers are generally more capable of producing small concave curvatures compared to small convex curvatures.
  2. Optimal Roller Radius: We found that there's an optimal roller radius for achieving the highest curvature in both the layup direction (0°) and perpendicular to it (90°). Smaller roller radii (r < 50.8 mm) limit high concave curvatures in the 90° direction, while larger radii (r > 50.8 mm) limit curvatures in the layup direction.
  3. Nonlinear Interactions: The interaction between coating thickness and hardness proved crucial for producing high curvatures. We observed that small changes in these parameters can result in significantly higher performance, depending on the specific configuration.
  4. Performance Prediction: Our model allows for the prediction of maximum manufacturable curvatures based on roller parameters. This capability is invaluable for designing AFP systems tailored to specific manufacturing requirements.

Implications for AFP System Design

These findings have significant implications for AFP system design:

  1. Roller Customization: By understanding the influence of each parameter, AFP systems can be equipped with rollers optimized for specific manufacturing tasks.
  2. Process Optimization: The ability to predict manufacturable curvatures allows for better process planning and optimization, potentially reducing defects and improving part quality.
  3. Expanded Capabilities: With a deeper understanding of roller behavior, AFP systems can be pushed to manufacture increasingly complex geometries, expanding the potential applications of this technology.

These results represent a significant step forward in our understanding of AFP technology and open up new possibilities for advanced composite manufacturing. In the next section, we'll explore the practical implications of these findings and how they can be applied to improve AFP processes.

Practical Implications for AFP Design

The insights gained from our study on compaction roller behavior have significant practical implications for the design and optimization of Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) systems. Let's explore how these findings can be applied to enhance AFP technology and expand its capabilities.

Improving AFP Layup Head Design

Our research provides valuable guidance for AFP layup head design:

  1. Optimal Roller Configuration: By understanding the relationship between roller parameters and manufacturable curvatures, engineers can design layup heads with rollers optimized for specific applications. For instance:some text
    • For parts with predominantly concave surfaces, rollers with larger radii might be preferred.
    • For parts with both concave and convex features, an optimal radius can be selected to balance performance in both directions.
  2. Adaptive Systems: The insights from our study could inform the development of adaptive AFP systems with interchangeable rollers or adjustable roller parameters. This would allow a single AFP system to be quickly reconfigured for different part geometries.
  3. Segmented Roller Design: Our findings on the influence of roller width could guide the design of segmented rollers, potentially allowing for better conformity to complex surfaces.

Optimizing Roller Parameters for Specific Applications

The model we developed allows for precise optimization of roller parameters for specific manufacturing tasks:

  1. Coating Customization: Given the significant impact of coating thickness and hardness on performance, manufacturers can fine-tune these parameters for their specific needs. For example:some text
    • Parts with high curvatures might benefit from thicker, softer coatings.
    • Simpler geometries might use thinner, harder coatings for improved durability.
  2. Performance Prediction: Our model enables manufacturers to predict the performance of different roller configurations before physical testing. This can significantly reduce the time and cost associated with AFP system setup and optimization.
  3. Process Parameter Optimization: By understanding the relationship between roller indentation and contact pressure, manufacturers can better optimize process parameters like compaction force and layup speed for different part geometries.

Manufacturing More Complex Geometries

Perhaps the most exciting implication of our research is the potential to manufacture more complex composite parts using AFP:

  1. Pushing Curvature Limits: With a clear understanding of the maximum manufacturable curvatures for different roller configurations, designers can push the boundaries of part complexity while ensuring manufacturability.
  2. Hybrid Manufacturing Approaches: For extremely complex parts, our findings could inform hybrid manufacturing approaches. For instance, areas with high curvatures exceeding the capabilities of a single roller might use a combination of AFP and hand layup or other complementary techniques.
  3. New Application Areas: As AFP systems become capable of producing more complex geometries, new application areas may open up in industries beyond aerospace, such as automotive or renewable energy.

Enhancing Quality Control

Our research also has implications for quality control in AFP processes:

  1. Defect Prediction: Understanding the relationship between roller parameters and contact pressure can help predict areas where defects are more likely to occur, allowing for proactive quality control measures.
  2. In-Process Monitoring: Our findings could inform the development of more sophisticated in-process monitoring systems, potentially using the expected contact pressure as a benchmark for detecting anomalies during layup.
  3. Design for Manufacturability: The ability to predict manufacturable curvatures can be integrated into design software, allowing for real-time feedback on part manufacturability during the design phase.

By applying these insights, manufacturers can enhance the capabilities of their AFP systems, optimize processes for specific applications, and potentially unlock new possibilities in composite part design and manufacturing. As we continue to push the boundaries of what's possible with AFP technology, these findings provide a solid foundation for future innovations in the field.

Future Directions

While our study has provided valuable insights into the behavior of compaction rollers in Automated Fiber Placement (AFP), it also opens up exciting new avenues for further research. Let's explore some of the potential directions for future investigations and how they might shape the evolution of AFP technology.

Areas for Further Research

  1. Expanded Parameter Range: Our study focused on specific ranges for roller parameters. Future research could explore a wider range of parameter combinations to build a more comprehensive understanding of roller behavior.
  2. Dynamic Process Modeling: Our current model is based on static measurements. Future studies could investigate the dynamic behavior of compaction rollers during the layup process, including the effects of layup speed and temperature.
  3. Material Interactions: Further research could delve into how different prepreg materials interact with various roller configurations. This could lead to material-specific optimization strategies for AFP processes.
  4. Complex Geometry Studies: While our study focused on constant curvatures, future research could explore more complex, variable curvature surfaces to better represent real-world manufacturing scenarios.
  5. Defect Formation Mechanisms: Building on our findings, researchers could investigate how roller parameters influence specific defect formation mechanisms, potentially leading to strategies for defect prevention.
  6. Advanced Roller Designs: Our study could serve as a springboard for research into novel roller designs, such as adaptive rollers that can change their properties during layup to suit varying surface geometries.

Integration with Other Design Methodologies

The insights from our research have the potential to be integrated with other design and manufacturing methodologies:

  1. Topology Optimization: Our model for predicting manufacturable curvatures could be incorporated into topology optimization algorithms for composite structures. This would ensure that optimized designs are also manufacturable using AFP.
  2. Digital Twin Technology: The relationship between roller parameters and manufacturability could be integrated into digital twin models of AFP processes. This could enable real-time process optimization and predictive maintenance.
  3. Machine Learning Applications: The data generated from our study and future extensions could feed into machine learning models, potentially leading to AI-driven optimization of AFP processes for complex parts.
  4. Multiscale Modeling: Our findings at the roller level could be integrated into larger-scale models of composite behavior, bridging the gap between manufacturing processes and final part performance.
  5. Design for Manufacturing (DFM) Tools: The insights from our study could be incorporated into DFM software tools, allowing designers to consider AFP manufacturability constraints early in the design process.

Collaboration Opportunities

The complexity of AFP technology and the breadth of potential applications call for collaborative research efforts:

  1. Industry-Academia Partnerships: Collaborations between research institutions and AFP system manufacturers could accelerate the translation of research findings into practical innovations.
  2. Cross-Disciplinary Research: Combining expertise from materials science, mechanical engineering, and computer science could lead to holistic advancements in AFP technology.
  3. International Collaborations: Given the global nature of the composites industry, international research collaborations could pool resources and expertise to tackle larger challenges in AFP technology.

As we look to the future, the potential for advancements in AFP technology is truly exciting. By building on the foundation laid by studies like ours and embracing collaborative, multidisciplinary approaches, we can push the boundaries of what's possible in composite manufacturing. The journey towards more efficient, capable, and versatile AFP systems is ongoing, and each step forward opens up new possibilities for creating lighter, stronger, and more complex composite structures.

Conclusion: Shaping the Future of Composite Manufacturing

As we conclude our deep dive into the world of Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) and compaction roller design, let's recap the key insights from our groundbreaking research and consider their implications for the future of composite manufacturing.

Recap of Key Findings

Our study has shed new light on the complex relationship between compaction roller properties and manufacturable geometries in AFP:

  1. We introduced the Displacement Pressure Coefficient (DPC) as a novel metric for quantifying roller performance.
  2. We identified key factors influencing the DPC, with coating thickness emerging as the most significant parameter.
  3. We discovered that compaction rollers are generally more capable of producing small concave curvatures compared to small convex curvatures.
  4. We found an optimal roller radius for achieving the highest curvature in both the layup direction and perpendicular to it.
  5. We developed a model that allows for the prediction of maximum manufacturable curvatures based on roller parameters.

These findings provide a solid foundation for optimizing AFP processes and pushing the boundaries of what's possible in composite part design and manufacturing.

The Importance of This Research

The insights gained from this study are crucial for advancing AFP technology:

  1. Enhanced Design Capabilities: By understanding the limitations and capabilities of compaction rollers, designers can create more complex and optimized composite structures.
  2. Improved Manufacturing Efficiency: The ability to predict and optimize roller performance can lead to reduced setup times, fewer defects, and overall improved manufacturing efficiency.
  3. Expanded Applications: As AFP technology becomes capable of producing more complex geometries, it opens up new possibilities in industries beyond aerospace, such as automotive, renewable energy, and more.
  4. Informed Innovation: Our findings provide a springboard for future innovations in AFP technology, from adaptive roller designs to AI-driven process optimization.

The Future of Composite Manufacturing

As we look to the future, the potential for advancements in AFP technology and composite manufacturing is truly exciting:

  1. Smarter Systems: We envision AFP systems that can adapt in real-time to changing part geometries, optimizing roller parameters on the fly for perfect layups.
  2. Digital Integration: The integration of our findings with digital twin technology and AI could lead to self-optimizing manufacturing processes.
  3. Sustainable Manufacturing: As AFP technology becomes more efficient and capable, it could play a crucial role in producing lightweight, high-performance parts that contribute to sustainability goals across various industries.
  4. Pushing Boundaries: With continued research and innovation, we may see AFP systems capable of producing geometries that are currently considered impossible, opening up new frontiers in product design.

The journey towards more advanced AFP technology is ongoing, and each step forward brings us closer to realizing the full potential of composite materials. Our research contributes to this journey by providing a deeper understanding of the fundamental interactions between compaction rollers and composite materials.

As we continue to push the boundaries of what's possible with AFP, we invite researchers, engineers, and manufacturers to build upon these findings. The future of composite manufacturing is bright, and together, we can shape it to create a world of stronger, lighter, and more sustainable products.

Explore more about the future of composites manufacturing


  1. Denkena, B., Heimbs, S., Schmidt, C., Reichert, L., & Tiemann, T. (2023). Automated fiber placement: Modeling the influence of compaction roller properties on manufacturable geometries. SAMPE Europe Conference 2023 Madrid - Spain.
  2. What is Automated Fibre Placement (AFP)? - Addcomposites
  3. Automated Fiber Placement Process: A Revolutionary Way to Create Composite Parts - Addcomposites
  4. The Shift in Composite Manufacturing: From Traditional to Intelligent - Addcomposites
  5. AFP Machines and Components - Addcomposites

Advance Your AFP Expertise with Addcomposites

Are you ready to take your composite manufacturing to the next level? At Addcomposites, we're at the forefront of Automated Fiber Placement technology, translating cutting-edge research like the study we've discussed into practical, industry-leading solutions.

Whether you're looking to optimize your current AFP processes, explore new applications for complex geometries, or integrate the latest advancements in compaction roller technology, we're here to help. Our team of experts can guide you through the process of implementing or upgrading your AFP systems to achieve unprecedented levels of efficiency and capability.

Don't let the complexities of AFP hold you back from realizing your manufacturing potential. Contact Addcomposites today to discover how we can help you push the boundaries of what's possible in composite manufacturing.

Get in touch with Addcomposites and let's shape the future of composites together!


In the world of advanced manufacturing, Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) has emerged as a game-changing technology. This innovative process has revolutionized the production of high-quality, lightweight composite structures, particularly in the aerospace industry. AFP systems precisely lay down narrow strips of composite material, called tows, to create complex parts with exceptional strength-to-weight ratios.

Initially developed for flat or slightly curved geometries, AFP technology has come a long way. Today, there's a growing interest in pushing the boundaries of what's possible with AFP, particularly in manufacturing more complex, double-curved structures. This evolution is opening up new opportunities for AFP applications across various industries beyond aerospace.

However, as we strive to create increasingly intricate shapes, we face significant challenges. One of the most critical components in the AFP process is the compaction roller, which plays a crucial role in ensuring proper tape placement and preventing defects. The compaction roller applies pressure to bond the composite material to the tooling or substrate, but its effectiveness can be limited when dealing with highly curved surfaces.

Understanding these limitations and optimizing the design of compaction rollers is crucial for advancing AFP technology. That's where our latest research comes in. We've conducted an in-depth study to model the influence of compaction roller properties on manufacturable geometries, aiming to push the boundaries of what's possible with AFP.

In this blog post, we'll take you on a journey through our research, exploring how different roller parameters affect the manufacturing process and what it means for the future of composite manufacturing. Whether you're an AFP expert or new to the field, you'll gain valuable insights into the cutting-edge developments shaping the future of this transformative technology.

The Role of Compaction Rollers in AFP

At the heart of any Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) system lies a crucial component: the compaction roller. These unassuming cylindrical tools play a pivotal role in ensuring the quality and integrity of composite parts produced through AFP. But what exactly do these rollers do, and why are they so important?

The Function of Compaction Rollers

Compaction rollers are responsible for applying pressure to the composite material as it's laid down during the AFP process. This pressure serves several critical functions:

  1. Bonding: The roller presses the newly laid material onto the substrate or previous layers, promoting adhesion and ensuring a strong bond.
  2. Consolidation: By applying pressure, the roller helps to remove air pockets and consolidate the layers, reducing the risk of voids in the final part.
  3. Shaping: For complex geometries, the roller helps to conform the material to the desired shape, particularly important for curved surfaces.

The Link Between Roller Design and Layup Quality

The design of compaction rollers isn't a one-size-fits-all affair. Different roller properties can significantly impact the layup quality and the types of geometries that can be successfully manufactured. Key parameters include:

  • Roller radius: Affects the roller's ability to conform to different curvatures.
  • Roller width: Influences the area of pressure application and the ability to navigate complex geometries.
  • Coating thickness: Impacts the roller's compliance and ability to distribute pressure evenly.
  • Coating hardness: Affects how the roller interacts with the composite material and conforms to surface irregularities.

Understanding how these parameters interact is crucial for optimizing the AFP process for different applications and geometries.

Current Limitations in Manufacturing Complex Geometries

While AFP technology has come a long way, manufacturing highly complex, double-curved geometries remains a significant challenge. The limitations often stem from the compaction roller's ability (or inability) to maintain consistent pressure across the entire surface of intricate shapes.

When dealing with tight curves or rapid changes in surface geometry, traditional roller designs may struggle to maintain full contact. This can lead to issues such as:

  • Inconsistent pressure distribution
  • Inadequate bonding in certain areas
  • Increased risk of defects like wrinkles or voids

These challenges have driven researchers and engineers to explore new approaches to compaction roller design, aiming to push the boundaries of what's possible with AFP technology.

In our study, we set out to model these limitations systematically, with the goal of understanding how different roller properties influence the range of manufacturable geometries. By gaining a deeper understanding of these relationships, we aim to pave the way for more advanced AFP systems capable of producing increasingly complex composite parts with high precision and quality.

The Study: Modeling Compaction Roller Limitations

To address the challenges of manufacturing complex geometries with AFP, our research team conducted a comprehensive study aimed at modeling the influence of compaction roller properties on manufacturable geometries. Let's dive into the details of this groundbreaking research.

Objectives of the Research

The primary goal of our study was to estimate the maximum achievable curvatures for a given compaction roller. By understanding these limitations, we aimed to provide insights that could inform the design of more effective AFP systems capable of producing increasingly complex composite parts.

Specifically, we sought to:

  1. Evaluate the effect of different roller parameters on contact pressure applied to surfaces with varying curvatures.
  2. Develop a model to predict manufacturable curvatures based on roller parameters.
  3. Understand the relationship between roller indentation and contact pressure.

Key Parameters Investigated

Our study focused on four critical parameters of compaction rollers:

  1. Roller Radius: We examined how the overall size of the roller affects its performance on curved surfaces.
  2. Roller Width: We investigated rollers of different widths to understand how this parameter influences pressure distribution and conformability.
  3. Coating Thickness: We varied the thickness of the elastomer coating to assess its impact on roller compliance.
  4. Coating Hardness: Different hardness levels of the elastomer coating were tested to evaluate their effect on pressure distribution and conformability.

These parameters were chosen based on their potential influence on the roller's ability to maintain consistent contact and pressure across complex geometries.

Experimental Setup and Methodology

Our experimental investigation was carefully designed to provide comprehensive data on roller behavior. Here's an overview of our approach:

  1. Roller Design: We created a set of 16 different compaction rollers, varying the four key parameters mentioned above. This allowed us to examine a wide range of roller configurations.
  2. Test Surfaces: We used flat, convex, and concave molds with constant curvatures to simulate various surface geometries.
  3. Force Application: Each roller was pressed onto the surface with a force of 100 N per tow width, mimicking typical AFP process conditions.
  4. Pressure Measurement: We used pressure-sensitive films to measure the contact pressure distribution for each roller configuration on different surface curvatures.
  5. Data Analysis: We developed custom image processing algorithms to analyze the pressure distribution data from the films, allowing us to quantify the contact pressure at different points across the roller width.
  6. Modeling: Based on the experimental data, we developed a model to predict the relationship between roller parameters, indentation, and contact pressure. This model forms the basis for estimating manufacturable curvatures for different roller configurations.

Introduction of the Displacement Pressure Coefficient (DPC)

A key innovation in our study was the introduction of the Displacement Pressure Coefficient (DPC). This coefficient quantifies the relationship between roller indentation and the corresponding contact pressure. The DPC allows us to predict how different roller configurations will perform on various surface curvatures, providing a powerful tool for optimizing AFP processes for complex geometries.

By systematically investigating these parameters and developing a predictive model, our study aims to provide valuable insights for AFP system design and optimization. In the next section, we'll delve into the key findings from this research and their implications for the future of AFP technology.

Key Findings

Our comprehensive study on compaction roller performance in Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) has yielded several significant insights. These findings not only enhance our understanding of the AFP process but also pave the way for more advanced and efficient composite manufacturing techniques.

The Displacement Pressure Coefficient (DPC): A New Metric for Roller Performance

One of the most important outcomes of our research was the introduction of the Displacement Pressure Coefficient (DPC). This novel metric quantifies the relationship between roller indentation and the corresponding contact pressure. The DPC proved to be a powerful tool for predicting roller performance across various surface curvatures.

Key observations about the DPC include:

  1. For curvatures below 0.01 1/mm, the tool shape had no significant influence on the DPC at the applied load.
  2. The DPC can be derived solely as a function of roller parameters for a given force, simplifying performance predictions.

Factors Influencing the DPC

Our analysis revealed that several roller parameters significantly influence the DPC:

  1. Coating Thickness: This emerged as the most influential factor. In some cases, a 20% increase in coating thickness resulted in a 600% increase in manufacturable curvature.
  2. Roller Radius: The outer radius of the roller showed a substantial impact on the DPC and, consequently, on the achievable curvatures.
  3. Coating Hardness: The hardness of the elastomer coating also played a significant role in determining the DPC.
  4. Roller Width: Interestingly, the width of the compaction roller had a negligible effect on the DPC when the force per unit width was kept constant.

These findings provide valuable insights for optimizing AFP processes and roller design.

The Relationship Between Roller Parameters and Manufacturable Curvatures

Our study revealed several key relationships between roller parameters and the ability to manufacture complex curvatures:

  1. Direction Matters: Compaction rollers are generally more capable of producing small concave curvatures compared to small convex curvatures.
  2. Optimal Roller Radius: We found that there's an optimal roller radius for achieving the highest curvature in both the layup direction (0°) and perpendicular to it (90°). Smaller roller radii (r < 50.8 mm) limit high concave curvatures in the 90° direction, while larger radii (r > 50.8 mm) limit curvatures in the layup direction.
  3. Nonlinear Interactions: The interaction between coating thickness and hardness proved crucial for producing high curvatures. We observed that small changes in these parameters can result in significantly higher performance, depending on the specific configuration.
  4. Performance Prediction: Our model allows for the prediction of maximum manufacturable curvatures based on roller parameters. This capability is invaluable for designing AFP systems tailored to specific manufacturing requirements.

Implications for AFP System Design

These findings have significant implications for AFP system design:

  1. Roller Customization: By understanding the influence of each parameter, AFP systems can be equipped with rollers optimized for specific manufacturing tasks.
  2. Process Optimization: The ability to predict manufacturable curvatures allows for better process planning and optimization, potentially reducing defects and improving part quality.
  3. Expanded Capabilities: With a deeper understanding of roller behavior, AFP systems can be pushed to manufacture increasingly complex geometries, expanding the potential applications of this technology.

These results represent a significant step forward in our understanding of AFP technology and open up new possibilities for advanced composite manufacturing. In the next section, we'll explore the practical implications of these findings and how they can be applied to improve AFP processes.

Practical Implications for AFP Design

The insights gained from our study on compaction roller behavior have significant practical implications for the design and optimization of Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) systems. Let's explore how these findings can be applied to enhance AFP technology and expand its capabilities.

Improving AFP Layup Head Design

Our research provides valuable guidance for AFP layup head design:

  1. Optimal Roller Configuration: By understanding the relationship between roller parameters and manufacturable curvatures, engineers can design layup heads with rollers optimized for specific applications. For instance:some text
    • For parts with predominantly concave surfaces, rollers with larger radii might be preferred.
    • For parts with both concave and convex features, an optimal radius can be selected to balance performance in both directions.
  2. Adaptive Systems: The insights from our study could inform the development of adaptive AFP systems with interchangeable rollers or adjustable roller parameters. This would allow a single AFP system to be quickly reconfigured for different part geometries.
  3. Segmented Roller Design: Our findings on the influence of roller width could guide the design of segmented rollers, potentially allowing for better conformity to complex surfaces.

Optimizing Roller Parameters for Specific Applications

The model we developed allows for precise optimization of roller parameters for specific manufacturing tasks:

  1. Coating Customization: Given the significant impact of coating thickness and hardness on performance, manufacturers can fine-tune these parameters for their specific needs. For example:some text
    • Parts with high curvatures might benefit from thicker, softer coatings.
    • Simpler geometries might use thinner, harder coatings for improved durability.
  2. Performance Prediction: Our model enables manufacturers to predict the performance of different roller configurations before physical testing. This can significantly reduce the time and cost associated with AFP system setup and optimization.
  3. Process Parameter Optimization: By understanding the relationship between roller indentation and contact pressure, manufacturers can better optimize process parameters like compaction force and layup speed for different part geometries.

Manufacturing More Complex Geometries

Perhaps the most exciting implication of our research is the potential to manufacture more complex composite parts using AFP:

  1. Pushing Curvature Limits: With a clear understanding of the maximum manufacturable curvatures for different roller configurations, designers can push the boundaries of part complexity while ensuring manufacturability.
  2. Hybrid Manufacturing Approaches: For extremely complex parts, our findings could inform hybrid manufacturing approaches. For instance, areas with high curvatures exceeding the capabilities of a single roller might use a combination of AFP and hand layup or other complementary techniques.
  3. New Application Areas: As AFP systems become capable of producing more complex geometries, new application areas may open up in industries beyond aerospace, such as automotive or renewable energy.

Enhancing Quality Control

Our research also has implications for quality control in AFP processes:

  1. Defect Prediction: Understanding the relationship between roller parameters and contact pressure can help predict areas where defects are more likely to occur, allowing for proactive quality control measures.
  2. In-Process Monitoring: Our findings could inform the development of more sophisticated in-process monitoring systems, potentially using the expected contact pressure as a benchmark for detecting anomalies during layup.
  3. Design for Manufacturability: The ability to predict manufacturable curvatures can be integrated into design software, allowing for real-time feedback on part manufacturability during the design phase.

By applying these insights, manufacturers can enhance the capabilities of their AFP systems, optimize processes for specific applications, and potentially unlock new possibilities in composite part design and manufacturing. As we continue to push the boundaries of what's possible with AFP technology, these findings provide a solid foundation for future innovations in the field.

Future Directions

While our study has provided valuable insights into the behavior of compaction rollers in Automated Fiber Placement (AFP), it also opens up exciting new avenues for further research. Let's explore some of the potential directions for future investigations and how they might shape the evolution of AFP technology.

Areas for Further Research

  1. Expanded Parameter Range: Our study focused on specific ranges for roller parameters. Future research could explore a wider range of parameter combinations to build a more comprehensive understanding of roller behavior.
  2. Dynamic Process Modeling: Our current model is based on static measurements. Future studies could investigate the dynamic behavior of compaction rollers during the layup process, including the effects of layup speed and temperature.
  3. Material Interactions: Further research could delve into how different prepreg materials interact with various roller configurations. This could lead to material-specific optimization strategies for AFP processes.
  4. Complex Geometry Studies: While our study focused on constant curvatures, future research could explore more complex, variable curvature surfaces to better represent real-world manufacturing scenarios.
  5. Defect Formation Mechanisms: Building on our findings, researchers could investigate how roller parameters influence specific defect formation mechanisms, potentially leading to strategies for defect prevention.
  6. Advanced Roller Designs: Our study could serve as a springboard for research into novel roller designs, such as adaptive rollers that can change their properties during layup to suit varying surface geometries.

Integration with Other Design Methodologies

The insights from our research have the potential to be integrated with other design and manufacturing methodologies:

  1. Topology Optimization: Our model for predicting manufacturable curvatures could be incorporated into topology optimization algorithms for composite structures. This would ensure that optimized designs are also manufacturable using AFP.
  2. Digital Twin Technology: The relationship between roller parameters and manufacturability could be integrated into digital twin models of AFP processes. This could enable real-time process optimization and predictive maintenance.
  3. Machine Learning Applications: The data generated from our study and future extensions could feed into machine learning models, potentially leading to AI-driven optimization of AFP processes for complex parts.
  4. Multiscale Modeling: Our findings at the roller level could be integrated into larger-scale models of composite behavior, bridging the gap between manufacturing processes and final part performance.
  5. Design for Manufacturing (DFM) Tools: The insights from our study could be incorporated into DFM software tools, allowing designers to consider AFP manufacturability constraints early in the design process.

Collaboration Opportunities

The complexity of AFP technology and the breadth of potential applications call for collaborative research efforts:

  1. Industry-Academia Partnerships: Collaborations between research institutions and AFP system manufacturers could accelerate the translation of research findings into practical innovations.
  2. Cross-Disciplinary Research: Combining expertise from materials science, mechanical engineering, and computer science could lead to holistic advancements in AFP technology.
  3. International Collaborations: Given the global nature of the composites industry, international research collaborations could pool resources and expertise to tackle larger challenges in AFP technology.

As we look to the future, the potential for advancements in AFP technology is truly exciting. By building on the foundation laid by studies like ours and embracing collaborative, multidisciplinary approaches, we can push the boundaries of what's possible in composite manufacturing. The journey towards more efficient, capable, and versatile AFP systems is ongoing, and each step forward opens up new possibilities for creating lighter, stronger, and more complex composite structures.

Conclusion: Shaping the Future of Composite Manufacturing

As we conclude our deep dive into the world of Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) and compaction roller design, let's recap the key insights from our groundbreaking research and consider their implications for the future of composite manufacturing.

Recap of Key Findings

Our study has shed new light on the complex relationship between compaction roller properties and manufacturable geometries in AFP:

  1. We introduced the Displacement Pressure Coefficient (DPC) as a novel metric for quantifying roller performance.
  2. We identified key factors influencing the DPC, with coating thickness emerging as the most significant parameter.
  3. We discovered that compaction rollers are generally more capable of producing small concave curvatures compared to small convex curvatures.
  4. We found an optimal roller radius for achieving the highest curvature in both the layup direction and perpendicular to it.
  5. We developed a model that allows for the prediction of maximum manufacturable curvatures based on roller parameters.

These findings provide a solid foundation for optimizing AFP processes and pushing the boundaries of what's possible in composite part design and manufacturing.

The Importance of This Research

The insights gained from this study are crucial for advancing AFP technology:

  1. Enhanced Design Capabilities: By understanding the limitations and capabilities of compaction rollers, designers can create more complex and optimized composite structures.
  2. Improved Manufacturing Efficiency: The ability to predict and optimize roller performance can lead to reduced setup times, fewer defects, and overall improved manufacturing efficiency.
  3. Expanded Applications: As AFP technology becomes capable of producing more complex geometries, it opens up new possibilities in industries beyond aerospace, such as automotive, renewable energy, and more.
  4. Informed Innovation: Our findings provide a springboard for future innovations in AFP technology, from adaptive roller designs to AI-driven process optimization.

The Future of Composite Manufacturing

As we look to the future, the potential for advancements in AFP technology and composite manufacturing is truly exciting:

  1. Smarter Systems: We envision AFP systems that can adapt in real-time to changing part geometries, optimizing roller parameters on the fly for perfect layups.
  2. Digital Integration: The integration of our findings with digital twin technology and AI could lead to self-optimizing manufacturing processes.
  3. Sustainable Manufacturing: As AFP technology becomes more efficient and capable, it could play a crucial role in producing lightweight, high-performance parts that contribute to sustainability goals across various industries.
  4. Pushing Boundaries: With continued research and innovation, we may see AFP systems capable of producing geometries that are currently considered impossible, opening up new frontiers in product design.

The journey towards more advanced AFP technology is ongoing, and each step forward brings us closer to realizing the full potential of composite materials. Our research contributes to this journey by providing a deeper understanding of the fundamental interactions between compaction rollers and composite materials.

As we continue to push the boundaries of what's possible with AFP, we invite researchers, engineers, and manufacturers to build upon these findings. The future of composite manufacturing is bright, and together, we can shape it to create a world of stronger, lighter, and more sustainable products.

Explore more about the future of composites manufacturing


  1. Denkena, B., Heimbs, S., Schmidt, C., Reichert, L., & Tiemann, T. (2023). Automated fiber placement: Modeling the influence of compaction roller properties on manufacturable geometries. SAMPE Europe Conference 2023 Madrid - Spain.
  2. What is Automated Fibre Placement (AFP)? - Addcomposites
  3. Automated Fiber Placement Process: A Revolutionary Way to Create Composite Parts - Addcomposites
  4. The Shift in Composite Manufacturing: From Traditional to Intelligent - Addcomposites
  5. AFP Machines and Components - Addcomposites

Advance Your AFP Expertise with Addcomposites

Are you ready to take your composite manufacturing to the next level? At Addcomposites, we're at the forefront of Automated Fiber Placement technology, translating cutting-edge research like the study we've discussed into practical, industry-leading solutions.

Whether you're looking to optimize your current AFP processes, explore new applications for complex geometries, or integrate the latest advancements in compaction roller technology, we're here to help. Our team of experts can guide you through the process of implementing or upgrading your AFP systems to achieve unprecedented levels of efficiency and capability.

Don't let the complexities of AFP hold you back from realizing your manufacturing potential. Contact Addcomposites today to discover how we can help you push the boundaries of what's possible in composite manufacturing.

Get in touch with Addcomposites and let's shape the future of composites together!

In the world of advanced manufacturing, Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) has emerged as a game-changing technology. This innovative process has revolutionized the production of high-quality, lightweight composite structures, particularly in the aerospace industry. AFP systems precisely lay down narrow strips of composite material, called tows, to create complex parts with exceptional strength-to-weight ratios.

Initially developed for flat or slightly curved geometries, AFP technology has come a long way. Today, there's a growing interest in pushing the boundaries of what's possible with AFP, particularly in manufacturing more complex, double-curved structures. This evolution is opening up new opportunities for AFP applications across various industries beyond aerospace.

However, as we strive to create increasingly intricate shapes, we face significant challenges. One of the most critical components in the AFP process is the compaction roller, which plays a crucial role in ensuring proper tape placement and preventing defects. The compaction roller applies pressure to bond the composite material to the tooling or substrate, but its effectiveness can be limited when dealing with highly curved surfaces.

Understanding these limitations and optimizing the design of compaction rollers is crucial for advancing AFP technology. That's where our latest research comes in. We've conducted an in-depth study to model the influence of compaction roller properties on manufacturable geometries, aiming to push the boundaries of what's possible with AFP.

In this blog post, we'll take you on a journey through our research, exploring how different roller parameters affect the manufacturing process and what it means for the future of composite manufacturing. Whether you're an AFP expert or new to the field, you'll gain valuable insights into the cutting-edge developments shaping the future of this transformative technology.


At the heart of any Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) system lies a crucial component: the compaction roller. These unassuming cylindrical tools play a pivotal role in ensuring the quality and integrity of composite parts produced through AFP. But what exactly do these rollers do, and why are they so important?

The Function of Compaction Rollers

Compaction rollers are responsible for applying pressure to the composite material as it's laid down during the AFP process. This pressure serves several critical functions:

  1. Bonding: The roller presses the newly laid material onto the substrate or previous layers, promoting adhesion and ensuring a strong bond.
  2. Consolidation: By applying pressure, the roller helps to remove air pockets and consolidate the layers, reducing the risk of voids in the final part.
  3. Shaping: For complex geometries, the roller helps to conform the material to the desired shape, particularly important for curved surfaces.

The Link Between Roller Design and Layup Quality

The design of compaction rollers isn't a one-size-fits-all affair. Different roller properties can significantly impact the layup quality and the types of geometries that can be successfully manufactured. Key parameters include:

  • Roller radius: Affects the roller's ability to conform to different curvatures.
  • Roller width: Influences the area of pressure application and the ability to navigate complex geometries.
  • Coating thickness: Impacts the roller's compliance and ability to distribute pressure evenly.
  • Coating hardness: Affects how the roller interacts with the composite material and conforms to surface irregularities.

Understanding how these parameters interact is crucial for optimizing the AFP process for different applications and geometries.

Current Limitations in Manufacturing Complex Geometries

While AFP technology has come a long way, manufacturing highly complex, double-curved geometries remains a significant challenge. The limitations often stem from the compaction roller's ability (or inability) to maintain consistent pressure across the entire surface of intricate shapes.

When dealing with tight curves or rapid changes in surface geometry, traditional roller designs may struggle to maintain full contact. This can lead to issues such as:

  • Inconsistent pressure distribution
  • Inadequate bonding in certain areas
  • Increased risk of defects like wrinkles or voids

These challenges have driven researchers and engineers to explore new approaches to compaction roller design, aiming to push the boundaries of what's possible with AFP technology.

In our study, we set out to model these limitations systematically, with the goal of understanding how different roller properties influence the range of manufacturable geometries. By gaining a deeper understanding of these relationships, we aim to pave the way for more advanced AFP systems capable of producing increasingly complex composite parts with high precision and quality.

The Role of Compaction Rollers in AFP

To address the challenges of manufacturing complex geometries with AFP, our research team conducted a comprehensive study aimed at modeling the influence of compaction roller properties on manufacturable geometries. Let's dive into the details of this groundbreaking research.

Objectives of the Research

The primary goal of our study was to estimate the maximum achievable curvatures for a given compaction roller. By understanding these limitations, we aimed to provide insights that could inform the design of more effective AFP systems capable of producing increasingly complex composite parts.

Specifically, we sought to:

  1. Evaluate the effect of different roller parameters on contact pressure applied to surfaces with varying curvatures.
  2. Develop a model to predict manufacturable curvatures based on roller parameters.
  3. Understand the relationship between roller indentation and contact pressure.

Key Parameters Investigated

Our study focused on four critical parameters of compaction rollers:

  1. Roller Radius: We examined how the overall size of the roller affects its performance on curved surfaces.
  2. Roller Width: We investigated rollers of different widths to understand how this parameter influences pressure distribution and conformability.
  3. Coating Thickness: We varied the thickness of the elastomer coating to assess its impact on roller compliance.
  4. Coating Hardness: Different hardness levels of the elastomer coating were tested to evaluate their effect on pressure distribution and conformability.

These parameters were chosen based on their potential influence on the roller's ability to maintain consistent contact and pressure across complex geometries.

Experimental Setup and Methodology

Our experimental investigation was carefully designed to provide comprehensive data on roller behavior. Here's an overview of our approach:

  1. Roller Design: We created a set of 16 different compaction rollers, varying the four key parameters mentioned above. This allowed us to examine a wide range of roller configurations.
  2. Test Surfaces: We used flat, convex, and concave molds with constant curvatures to simulate various surface geometries.
  3. Force Application: Each roller was pressed onto the surface with a force of 100 N per tow width, mimicking typical AFP process conditions.
  4. Pressure Measurement: We used pressure-sensitive films to measure the contact pressure distribution for each roller configuration on different surface curvatures.
  5. Data Analysis: We developed custom image processing algorithms to analyze the pressure distribution data from the films, allowing us to quantify the contact pressure at different points across the roller width.
  6. Modeling: Based on the experimental data, we developed a model to predict the relationship between roller parameters, indentation, and contact pressure. This model forms the basis for estimating manufacturable curvatures for different roller configurations.

Introduction of the Displacement Pressure Coefficient (DPC)

A key innovation in our study was the introduction of the Displacement Pressure Coefficient (DPC). This coefficient quantifies the relationship between roller indentation and the corresponding contact pressure. The DPC allows us to predict how different roller configurations will perform on various surface curvatures, providing a powerful tool for optimizing AFP processes for complex geometries.

By systematically investigating these parameters and developing a predictive model, our study aims to provide valuable insights for AFP system design and optimization. In the next section, we'll delve into the key findings from this research and their implications for the future of AFP technology.

The Study: Modeling Compaction Roller Limitations

Our comprehensive study on compaction roller performance in Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) has yielded several significant insights. These findings not only enhance our understanding of the AFP process but also pave the way for more advanced and efficient composite manufacturing techniques.

The Displacement Pressure Coefficient (DPC): A New Metric for Roller Performance

One of the most important outcomes of our research was the introduction of the Displacement Pressure Coefficient (DPC). This novel metric quantifies the relationship between roller indentation and the corresponding contact pressure. The DPC proved to be a powerful tool for predicting roller performance across various surface curvatures.

Key observations about the DPC include:

  1. For curvatures below 0.01 1/mm, the tool shape had no significant influence on the DPC at the applied load.
  2. The DPC can be derived solely as a function of roller parameters for a given force, simplifying performance predictions.

Factors Influencing the DPC

Our analysis revealed that several roller parameters significantly influence the DPC:

  1. Coating Thickness: This emerged as the most influential factor. In some cases, a 20% increase in coating thickness resulted in a 600% increase in manufacturable curvature.
  2. Roller Radius: The outer radius of the roller showed a substantial impact on the DPC and, consequently, on the achievable curvatures.
  3. Coating Hardness: The hardness of the elastomer coating also played a significant role in determining the DPC.
  4. Roller Width: Interestingly, the width of the compaction roller had a negligible effect on the DPC when the force per unit width was kept constant.

These findings provide valuable insights for optimizing AFP processes and roller design.

The Relationship Between Roller Parameters and Manufacturable Curvatures

Our study revealed several key relationships between roller parameters and the ability to manufacture complex curvatures:

  1. Direction Matters: Compaction rollers are generally more capable of producing small concave curvatures compared to small convex curvatures.
  2. Optimal Roller Radius: We found that there's an optimal roller radius for achieving the highest curvature in both the layup direction (0°) and perpendicular to it (90°). Smaller roller radii (r < 50.8 mm) limit high concave curvatures in the 90° direction, while larger radii (r > 50.8 mm) limit curvatures in the layup direction.
  3. Nonlinear Interactions: The interaction between coating thickness and hardness proved crucial for producing high curvatures. We observed that small changes in these parameters can result in significantly higher performance, depending on the specific configuration.
  4. Performance Prediction: Our model allows for the prediction of maximum manufacturable curvatures based on roller parameters. This capability is invaluable for designing AFP systems tailored to specific manufacturing requirements.

Implications for AFP System Design

These findings have significant implications for AFP system design:

  1. Roller Customization: By understanding the influence of each parameter, AFP systems can be equipped with rollers optimized for specific manufacturing tasks.
  2. Process Optimization: The ability to predict manufacturable curvatures allows for better process planning and optimization, potentially reducing defects and improving part quality.
  3. Expanded Capabilities: With a deeper understanding of roller behavior, AFP systems can be pushed to manufacture increasingly complex geometries, expanding the potential applications of this technology.

These results represent a significant step forward in our understanding of AFP technology and open up new possibilities for advanced composite manufacturing. In the next section, we'll explore the practical implications of these findings and how they can be applied to improve AFP processes.

Key Findings

The insights gained from our study on compaction roller behavior have significant practical implications for the design and optimization of Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) systems. Let's explore how these findings can be applied to enhance AFP technology and expand its capabilities.

Improving AFP Layup Head Design

Our research provides valuable guidance for AFP layup head design:

  1. Optimal Roller Configuration: By understanding the relationship between roller parameters and manufacturable curvatures, engineers can design layup heads with rollers optimized for specific applications. For instance:some text
    • For parts with predominantly concave surfaces, rollers with larger radii might be preferred.
    • For parts with both concave and convex features, an optimal radius can be selected to balance performance in both directions.
  2. Adaptive Systems: The insights from our study could inform the development of adaptive AFP systems with interchangeable rollers or adjustable roller parameters. This would allow a single AFP system to be quickly reconfigured for different part geometries.
  3. Segmented Roller Design: Our findings on the influence of roller width could guide the design of segmented rollers, potentially allowing for better conformity to complex surfaces.

Optimizing Roller Parameters for Specific Applications

The model we developed allows for precise optimization of roller parameters for specific manufacturing tasks:

  1. Coating Customization: Given the significant impact of coating thickness and hardness on performance, manufacturers can fine-tune these parameters for their specific needs. For example:some text
    • Parts with high curvatures might benefit from thicker, softer coatings.
    • Simpler geometries might use thinner, harder coatings for improved durability.
  2. Performance Prediction: Our model enables manufacturers to predict the performance of different roller configurations before physical testing. This can significantly reduce the time and cost associated with AFP system setup and optimization.
  3. Process Parameter Optimization: By understanding the relationship between roller indentation and contact pressure, manufacturers can better optimize process parameters like compaction force and layup speed for different part geometries.

Manufacturing More Complex Geometries

Perhaps the most exciting implication of our research is the potential to manufacture more complex composite parts using AFP:

  1. Pushing Curvature Limits: With a clear understanding of the maximum manufacturable curvatures for different roller configurations, designers can push the boundaries of part complexity while ensuring manufacturability.
  2. Hybrid Manufacturing Approaches: For extremely complex parts, our findings could inform hybrid manufacturing approaches. For instance, areas with high curvatures exceeding the capabilities of a single roller might use a combination of AFP and hand layup or other complementary techniques.
  3. New Application Areas: As AFP systems become capable of producing more complex geometries, new application areas may open up in industries beyond aerospace, such as automotive or renewable energy.

Enhancing Quality Control

Our research also has implications for quality control in AFP processes:

  1. Defect Prediction: Understanding the relationship between roller parameters and contact pressure can help predict areas where defects are more likely to occur, allowing for proactive quality control measures.
  2. In-Process Monitoring: Our findings could inform the development of more sophisticated in-process monitoring systems, potentially using the expected contact pressure as a benchmark for detecting anomalies during layup.
  3. Design for Manufacturability: The ability to predict manufacturable curvatures can be integrated into design software, allowing for real-time feedback on part manufacturability during the design phase.

By applying these insights, manufacturers can enhance the capabilities of their AFP systems, optimize processes for specific applications, and potentially unlock new possibilities in composite part design and manufacturing. As we continue to push the boundaries of what's possible with AFP technology, these findings provide a solid foundation for future innovations in the field.

Practical Implications for AFP Design

While our study has provided valuable insights into the behavior of compaction rollers in Automated Fiber Placement (AFP), it also opens up exciting new avenues for further research. Let's explore some of the potential directions for future investigations and how they might shape the evolution of AFP technology.

Areas for Further Research

  1. Expanded Parameter Range: Our study focused on specific ranges for roller parameters. Future research could explore a wider range of parameter combinations to build a more comprehensive understanding of roller behavior.
  2. Dynamic Process Modeling: Our current model is based on static measurements. Future studies could investigate the dynamic behavior of compaction rollers during the layup process, including the effects of layup speed and temperature.
  3. Material Interactions: Further research could delve into how different prepreg materials interact with various roller configurations. This could lead to material-specific optimization strategies for AFP processes.
  4. Complex Geometry Studies: While our study focused on constant curvatures, future research could explore more complex, variable curvature surfaces to better represent real-world manufacturing scenarios.
  5. Defect Formation Mechanisms: Building on our findings, researchers could investigate how roller parameters influence specific defect formation mechanisms, potentially leading to strategies for defect prevention.
  6. Advanced Roller Designs: Our study could serve as a springboard for research into novel roller designs, such as adaptive rollers that can change their properties during layup to suit varying surface geometries.

Integration with Other Design Methodologies

The insights from our research have the potential to be integrated with other design and manufacturing methodologies:

  1. Topology Optimization: Our model for predicting manufacturable curvatures could be incorporated into topology optimization algorithms for composite structures. This would ensure that optimized designs are also manufacturable using AFP.
  2. Digital Twin Technology: The relationship between roller parameters and manufacturability could be integrated into digital twin models of AFP processes. This could enable real-time process optimization and predictive maintenance.
  3. Machine Learning Applications: The data generated from our study and future extensions could feed into machine learning models, potentially leading to AI-driven optimization of AFP processes for complex parts.
  4. Multiscale Modeling: Our findings at the roller level could be integrated into larger-scale models of composite behavior, bridging the gap between manufacturing processes and final part performance.
  5. Design for Manufacturing (DFM) Tools: The insights from our study could be incorporated into DFM software tools, allowing designers to consider AFP manufacturability constraints early in the design process.

Collaboration Opportunities

The complexity of AFP technology and the breadth of potential applications call for collaborative research efforts:

  1. Industry-Academia Partnerships: Collaborations between research institutions and AFP system manufacturers could accelerate the translation of research findings into practical innovations.
  2. Cross-Disciplinary Research: Combining expertise from materials science, mechanical engineering, and computer science could lead to holistic advancements in AFP technology.
  3. International Collaborations: Given the global nature of the composites industry, international research collaborations could pool resources and expertise to tackle larger challenges in AFP technology.

As we look to the future, the potential for advancements in AFP technology is truly exciting. By building on the foundation laid by studies like ours and embracing collaborative, multidisciplinary approaches, we can push the boundaries of what's possible in composite manufacturing. The journey towards more efficient, capable, and versatile AFP systems is ongoing, and each step forward opens up new possibilities for creating lighter, stronger, and more complex composite structures.

Future Directions

As we conclude our deep dive into the world of Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) and compaction roller design, let's recap the key insights from our groundbreaking research and consider their implications for the future of composite manufacturing.

Recap of Key Findings

Our study has shed new light on the complex relationship between compaction roller properties and manufacturable geometries in AFP:

  1. We introduced the Displacement Pressure Coefficient (DPC) as a novel metric for quantifying roller performance.
  2. We identified key factors influencing the DPC, with coating thickness emerging as the most significant parameter.
  3. We discovered that compaction rollers are generally more capable of producing small concave curvatures compared to small convex curvatures.
  4. We found an optimal roller radius for achieving the highest curvature in both the layup direction and perpendicular to it.
  5. We developed a model that allows for the prediction of maximum manufacturable curvatures based on roller parameters.

These findings provide a solid foundation for optimizing AFP processes and pushing the boundaries of what's possible in composite part design and manufacturing.

The Importance of This Research

The insights gained from this study are crucial for advancing AFP technology:

  1. Enhanced Design Capabilities: By understanding the limitations and capabilities of compaction rollers, designers can create more complex and optimized composite structures.
  2. Improved Manufacturing Efficiency: The ability to predict and optimize roller performance can lead to reduced setup times, fewer defects, and overall improved manufacturing efficiency.
  3. Expanded Applications: As AFP technology becomes capable of producing more complex geometries, it opens up new possibilities in industries beyond aerospace, such as automotive, renewable energy, and more.
  4. Informed Innovation: Our findings provide a springboard for future innovations in AFP technology, from adaptive roller designs to AI-driven process optimization.

The Future of Composite Manufacturing

As we look to the future, the potential for advancements in AFP technology and composite manufacturing is truly exciting:

  1. Smarter Systems: We envision AFP systems that can adapt in real-time to changing part geometries, optimizing roller parameters on the fly for perfect layups.
  2. Digital Integration: The integration of our findings with digital twin technology and AI could lead to self-optimizing manufacturing processes.
  3. Sustainable Manufacturing: As AFP technology becomes more efficient and capable, it could play a crucial role in producing lightweight, high-performance parts that contribute to sustainability goals across various industries.
  4. Pushing Boundaries: With continued research and innovation, we may see AFP systems capable of producing geometries that are currently considered impossible, opening up new frontiers in product design.

The journey towards more advanced AFP technology is ongoing, and each step forward brings us closer to realizing the full potential of composite materials. Our research contributes to this journey by providing a deeper understanding of the fundamental interactions between compaction rollers and composite materials.

As we continue to push the boundaries of what's possible with AFP, we invite researchers, engineers, and manufacturers to build upon these findings. The future of composite manufacturing is bright, and together, we can shape it to create a world of stronger, lighter, and more sustainable products.

Explore more about the future of composites manufacturing


  1. Denkena, B., Heimbs, S., Schmidt, C., Reichert, L., & Tiemann, T. (2023). Automated fiber placement: Modeling the influence of compaction roller properties on manufacturable geometries. SAMPE Europe Conference 2023 Madrid - Spain.
  2. What is Automated Fibre Placement (AFP)? - Addcomposites
  3. Automated Fiber Placement Process: A Revolutionary Way to Create Composite Parts - Addcomposites
  4. The Shift in Composite Manufacturing: From Traditional to Intelligent - Addcomposites
  5. AFP Machines and Components - Addcomposites

Advance Your AFP Expertise with Addcomposites

Are you ready to take your composite manufacturing to the next level? At Addcomposites, we're at the forefront of Automated Fiber Placement technology, translating cutting-edge research like the study we've discussed into practical, industry-leading solutions.

Whether you're looking to optimize your current AFP processes, explore new applications for complex geometries, or integrate the latest advancements in compaction roller technology, we're here to help. Our team of experts can guide you through the process of implementing or upgrading your AFP systems to achieve unprecedented levels of efficiency and capability.

Don't let the complexities of AFP hold you back from realizing your manufacturing potential. Contact Addcomposites today to discover how we can help you push the boundaries of what's possible in composite manufacturing.

Get in touch with Addcomposites and let's shape the future of composites together!

In the world of advanced manufacturing, Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) has emerged as a game-changing technology. This innovative process has revolutionized the production of high-quality, lightweight composite structures, particularly in the aerospace industry. AFP systems precisely lay down narrow strips of composite material, called tows, to create complex parts with exceptional strength-to-weight ratios.

Initially developed for flat or slightly curved geometries, AFP technology has come a long way. Today, there's a growing interest in pushing the boundaries of what's possible with AFP, particularly in manufacturing more complex, double-curved structures. This evolution is opening up new opportunities for AFP applications across various industries beyond aerospace.

However, as we strive to create increasingly intricate shapes, we face significant challenges. One of the most critical components in the AFP process is the compaction roller, which plays a crucial role in ensuring proper tape placement and preventing defects. The compaction roller applies pressure to bond the composite material to the tooling or substrate, but its effectiveness can be limited when dealing with highly curved surfaces.

Understanding these limitations and optimizing the design of compaction rollers is crucial for advancing AFP technology. That's where our latest research comes in. We've conducted an in-depth study to model the influence of compaction roller properties on manufacturable geometries, aiming to push the boundaries of what's possible with AFP.

In this blog post, we'll take you on a journey through our research, exploring how different roller parameters affect the manufacturing process and what it means for the future of composite manufacturing. Whether you're an AFP expert or new to the field, you'll gain valuable insights into the cutting-edge developments shaping the future of this transformative technology.


At the heart of any Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) system lies a crucial component: the compaction roller. These unassuming cylindrical tools play a pivotal role in ensuring the quality and integrity of composite parts produced through AFP. But what exactly do these rollers do, and why are they so important?

The Function of Compaction Rollers

Compaction rollers are responsible for applying pressure to the composite material as it's laid down during the AFP process. This pressure serves several critical functions:

  1. Bonding: The roller presses the newly laid material onto the substrate or previous layers, promoting adhesion and ensuring a strong bond.
  2. Consolidation: By applying pressure, the roller helps to remove air pockets and consolidate the layers, reducing the risk of voids in the final part.
  3. Shaping: For complex geometries, the roller helps to conform the material to the desired shape, particularly important for curved surfaces.

The Link Between Roller Design and Layup Quality

The design of compaction rollers isn't a one-size-fits-all affair. Different roller properties can significantly impact the layup quality and the types of geometries that can be successfully manufactured. Key parameters include:

  • Roller radius: Affects the roller's ability to conform to different curvatures.
  • Roller width: Influences the area of pressure application and the ability to navigate complex geometries.
  • Coating thickness: Impacts the roller's compliance and ability to distribute pressure evenly.
  • Coating hardness: Affects how the roller interacts with the composite material and conforms to surface irregularities.

Understanding how these parameters interact is crucial for optimizing the AFP process for different applications and geometries.

Current Limitations in Manufacturing Complex Geometries

While AFP technology has come a long way, manufacturing highly complex, double-curved geometries remains a significant challenge. The limitations often stem from the compaction roller's ability (or inability) to maintain consistent pressure across the entire surface of intricate shapes.

When dealing with tight curves or rapid changes in surface geometry, traditional roller designs may struggle to maintain full contact. This can lead to issues such as:

  • Inconsistent pressure distribution
  • Inadequate bonding in certain areas
  • Increased risk of defects like wrinkles or voids

These challenges have driven researchers and engineers to explore new approaches to compaction roller design, aiming to push the boundaries of what's possible with AFP technology.

In our study, we set out to model these limitations systematically, with the goal of understanding how different roller properties influence the range of manufacturable geometries. By gaining a deeper understanding of these relationships, we aim to pave the way for more advanced AFP systems capable of producing increasingly complex composite parts with high precision and quality.

The Study: Modeling Compaction Roller Limitations

To address the challenges of manufacturing complex geometries with AFP, our research team conducted a comprehensive study aimed at modeling the influence of compaction roller properties on manufacturable geometries. Let's dive into the details of this groundbreaking research.

Objectives of the Research

The primary goal of our study was to estimate the maximum achievable curvatures for a given compaction roller. By understanding these limitations, we aimed to provide insights that could inform the design of more effective AFP systems capable of producing increasingly complex composite parts.

Specifically, we sought to:

  1. Evaluate the effect of different roller parameters on contact pressure applied to surfaces with varying curvatures.
  2. Develop a model to predict manufacturable curvatures based on roller parameters.
  3. Understand the relationship between roller indentation and contact pressure.

Key Parameters Investigated

Our study focused on four critical parameters of compaction rollers:

  1. Roller Radius: We examined how the overall size of the roller affects its performance on curved surfaces.
  2. Roller Width: We investigated rollers of different widths to understand how this parameter influences pressure distribution and conformability.
  3. Coating Thickness: We varied the thickness of the elastomer coating to assess its impact on roller compliance.
  4. Coating Hardness: Different hardness levels of the elastomer coating were tested to evaluate their effect on pressure distribution and conformability.

These parameters were chosen based on their potential influence on the roller's ability to maintain consistent contact and pressure across complex geometries.

Experimental Setup and Methodology

Our experimental investigation was carefully designed to provide comprehensive data on roller behavior. Here's an overview of our approach:

  1. Roller Design: We created a set of 16 different compaction rollers, varying the four key parameters mentioned above. This allowed us to examine a wide range of roller configurations.
  2. Test Surfaces: We used flat, convex, and concave molds with constant curvatures to simulate various surface geometries.
  3. Force Application: Each roller was pressed onto the surface with a force of 100 N per tow width, mimicking typical AFP process conditions.
  4. Pressure Measurement: We used pressure-sensitive films to measure the contact pressure distribution for each roller configuration on different surface curvatures.
  5. Data Analysis: We developed custom image processing algorithms to analyze the pressure distribution data from the films, allowing us to quantify the contact pressure at different points across the roller width.
  6. Modeling: Based on the experimental data, we developed a model to predict the relationship between roller parameters, indentation, and contact pressure. This model forms the basis for estimating manufacturable curvatures for different roller configurations.

Introduction of the Displacement Pressure Coefficient (DPC)

A key innovation in our study was the introduction of the Displacement Pressure Coefficient (DPC). This coefficient quantifies the relationship between roller indentation and the corresponding contact pressure. The DPC allows us to predict how different roller configurations will perform on various surface curvatures, providing a powerful tool for optimizing AFP processes for complex geometries.

By systematically investigating these parameters and developing a predictive model, our study aims to provide valuable insights for AFP system design and optimization. In the next section, we'll delve into the key findings from this research and their implications for the future of AFP technology.

Key Findings

Our comprehensive study on compaction roller performance in Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) has yielded several significant insights. These findings not only enhance our understanding of the AFP process but also pave the way for more advanced and efficient composite manufacturing techniques.

The Displacement Pressure Coefficient (DPC): A New Metric for Roller Performance

One of the most important outcomes of our research was the introduction of the Displacement Pressure Coefficient (DPC). This novel metric quantifies the relationship between roller indentation and the corresponding contact pressure. The DPC proved to be a powerful tool for predicting roller performance across various surface curvatures.

Key observations about the DPC include:

  1. For curvatures below 0.01 1/mm, the tool shape had no significant influence on the DPC at the applied load.
  2. The DPC can be derived solely as a function of roller parameters for a given force, simplifying performance predictions.

Factors Influencing the DPC

Our analysis revealed that several roller parameters significantly influence the DPC:

  1. Coating Thickness: This emerged as the most influential factor. In some cases, a 20% increase in coating thickness resulted in a 600% increase in manufacturable curvature.
  2. Roller Radius: The outer radius of the roller showed a substantial impact on the DPC and, consequently, on the achievable curvatures.
  3. Coating Hardness: The hardness of the elastomer coating also played a significant role in determining the DPC.
  4. Roller Width: Interestingly, the width of the compaction roller had a negligible effect on the DPC when the force per unit width was kept constant.

These findings provide valuable insights for optimizing AFP processes and roller design.

The Relationship Between Roller Parameters and Manufacturable Curvatures

Our study revealed several key relationships between roller parameters and the ability to manufacture complex curvatures:

  1. Direction Matters: Compaction rollers are generally more capable of producing small concave curvatures compared to small convex curvatures.
  2. Optimal Roller Radius: We found that there's an optimal roller radius for achieving the highest curvature in both the layup direction (0°) and perpendicular to it (90°). Smaller roller radii (r < 50.8 mm) limit high concave curvatures in the 90° direction, while larger radii (r > 50.8 mm) limit curvatures in the layup direction.
  3. Nonlinear Interactions: The interaction between coating thickness and hardness proved crucial for producing high curvatures. We observed that small changes in these parameters can result in significantly higher performance, depending on the specific configuration.
  4. Performance Prediction: Our model allows for the prediction of maximum manufacturable curvatures based on roller parameters. This capability is invaluable for designing AFP systems tailored to specific manufacturing requirements.

Implications for AFP System Design

These findings have significant implications for AFP system design:

  1. Roller Customization: By understanding the influence of each parameter, AFP systems can be equipped with rollers optimized for specific manufacturing tasks.
  2. Process Optimization: The ability to predict manufacturable curvatures allows for better process planning and optimization, potentially reducing defects and improving part quality.
  3. Expanded Capabilities: With a deeper understanding of roller behavior, AFP systems can be pushed to manufacture increasingly complex geometries, expanding the potential applications of this technology.

These results represent a significant step forward in our understanding of AFP technology and open up new possibilities for advanced composite manufacturing. In the next section, we'll explore the practical implications of these findings and how they can be applied to improve AFP processes.

Practical Implications for AFP Design

The insights gained from our study on compaction roller behavior have significant practical implications for the design and optimization of Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) systems. Let's explore how these findings can be applied to enhance AFP technology and expand its capabilities.

Improving AFP Layup Head Design

Our research provides valuable guidance for AFP layup head design:

  1. Optimal Roller Configuration: By understanding the relationship between roller parameters and manufacturable curvatures, engineers can design layup heads with rollers optimized for specific applications. For instance:some text
    • For parts with predominantly concave surfaces, rollers with larger radii might be preferred.
    • For parts with both concave and convex features, an optimal radius can be selected to balance performance in both directions.
  2. Adaptive Systems: The insights from our study could inform the development of adaptive AFP systems with interchangeable rollers or adjustable roller parameters. This would allow a single AFP system to be quickly reconfigured for different part geometries.
  3. Segmented Roller Design: Our findings on the influence of roller width could guide the design of segmented rollers, potentially allowing for better conformity to complex surfaces.

Optimizing Roller Parameters for Specific Applications

The model we developed allows for precise optimization of roller parameters for specific manufacturing tasks:

  1. Coating Customization: Given the significant impact of coating thickness and hardness on performance, manufacturers can fine-tune these parameters for their specific needs. For example:some text
    • Parts with high curvatures might benefit from thicker, softer coatings.
    • Simpler geometries might use thinner, harder coatings for improved durability.
  2. Performance Prediction: Our model enables manufacturers to predict the performance of different roller configurations before physical testing. This can significantly reduce the time and cost associated with AFP system setup and optimization.
  3. Process Parameter Optimization: By understanding the relationship between roller indentation and contact pressure, manufacturers can better optimize process parameters like compaction force and layup speed for different part geometries.

Manufacturing More Complex Geometries

Perhaps the most exciting implication of our research is the potential to manufacture more complex composite parts using AFP:

  1. Pushing Curvature Limits: With a clear understanding of the maximum manufacturable curvatures for different roller configurations, designers can push the boundaries of part complexity while ensuring manufacturability.
  2. Hybrid Manufacturing Approaches: For extremely complex parts, our findings could inform hybrid manufacturing approaches. For instance, areas with high curvatures exceeding the capabilities of a single roller might use a combination of AFP and hand layup or other complementary techniques.
  3. New Application Areas: As AFP systems become capable of producing more complex geometries, new application areas may open up in industries beyond aerospace, such as automotive or renewable energy.

Enhancing Quality Control

Our research also has implications for quality control in AFP processes:

  1. Defect Prediction: Understanding the relationship between roller parameters and contact pressure can help predict areas where defects are more likely to occur, allowing for proactive quality control measures.
  2. In-Process Monitoring: Our findings could inform the development of more sophisticated in-process monitoring systems, potentially using the expected contact pressure as a benchmark for detecting anomalies during layup.
  3. Design for Manufacturability: The ability to predict manufacturable curvatures can be integrated into design software, allowing for real-time feedback on part manufacturability during the design phase.

By applying these insights, manufacturers can enhance the capabilities of their AFP systems, optimize processes for specific applications, and potentially unlock new possibilities in composite part design and manufacturing. As we continue to push the boundaries of what's possible with AFP technology, these findings provide a solid foundation for future innovations in the field.

Future Directions

While our study has provided valuable insights into the behavior of compaction rollers in Automated Fiber Placement (AFP), it also opens up exciting new avenues for further research. Let's explore some of the potential directions for future investigations and how they might shape the evolution of AFP technology.

Areas for Further Research

  1. Expanded Parameter Range: Our study focused on specific ranges for roller parameters. Future research could explore a wider range of parameter combinations to build a more comprehensive understanding of roller behavior.
  2. Dynamic Process Modeling: Our current model is based on static measurements. Future studies could investigate the dynamic behavior of compaction rollers during the layup process, including the effects of layup speed and temperature.
  3. Material Interactions: Further research could delve into how different prepreg materials interact with various roller configurations. This could lead to material-specific optimization strategies for AFP processes.
  4. Complex Geometry Studies: While our study focused on constant curvatures, future research could explore more complex, variable curvature surfaces to better represent real-world manufacturing scenarios.
  5. Defect Formation Mechanisms: Building on our findings, researchers could investigate how roller parameters influence specific defect formation mechanisms, potentially leading to strategies for defect prevention.
  6. Advanced Roller Designs: Our study could serve as a springboard for research into novel roller designs, such as adaptive rollers that can change their properties during layup to suit varying surface geometries.

Integration with Other Design Methodologies

The insights from our research have the potential to be integrated with other design and manufacturing methodologies:

  1. Topology Optimization: Our model for predicting manufacturable curvatures could be incorporated into topology optimization algorithms for composite structures. This would ensure that optimized designs are also manufacturable using AFP.
  2. Digital Twin Technology: The relationship between roller parameters and manufacturability could be integrated into digital twin models of AFP processes. This could enable real-time process optimization and predictive maintenance.
  3. Machine Learning Applications: The data generated from our study and future extensions could feed into machine learning models, potentially leading to AI-driven optimization of AFP processes for complex parts.
  4. Multiscale Modeling: Our findings at the roller level could be integrated into larger-scale models of composite behavior, bridging the gap between manufacturing processes and final part performance.
  5. Design for Manufacturing (DFM) Tools: The insights from our study could be incorporated into DFM software tools, allowing designers to consider AFP manufacturability constraints early in the design process.

Collaboration Opportunities

The complexity of AFP technology and the breadth of potential applications call for collaborative research efforts:

  1. Industry-Academia Partnerships: Collaborations between research institutions and AFP system manufacturers could accelerate the translation of research findings into practical innovations.
  2. Cross-Disciplinary Research: Combining expertise from materials science, mechanical engineering, and computer science could lead to holistic advancements in AFP technology.
  3. International Collaborations: Given the global nature of the composites industry, international research collaborations could pool resources and expertise to tackle larger challenges in AFP technology.

As we look to the future, the potential for advancements in AFP technology is truly exciting. By building on the foundation laid by studies like ours and embracing collaborative, multidisciplinary approaches, we can push the boundaries of what's possible in composite manufacturing. The journey towards more efficient, capable, and versatile AFP systems is ongoing, and each step forward opens up new possibilities for creating lighter, stronger, and more complex composite structures.

Conclusion: Shaping the Future of Composite Manufacturing

As we conclude our deep dive into the world of Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) and compaction roller design, let's recap the key insights from our groundbreaking research and consider their implications for the future of composite manufacturing.

Recap of Key Findings

Our study has shed new light on the complex relationship between compaction roller properties and manufacturable geometries in AFP:

  1. We introduced the Displacement Pressure Coefficient (DPC) as a novel metric for quantifying roller performance.
  2. We identified key factors influencing the DPC, with coating thickness emerging as the most significant parameter.
  3. We discovered that compaction rollers are generally more capable of producing small concave curvatures compared to small convex curvatures.
  4. We found an optimal roller radius for achieving the highest curvature in both the layup direction and perpendicular to it.
  5. We developed a model that allows for the prediction of maximum manufacturable curvatures based on roller parameters.

These findings provide a solid foundation for optimizing AFP processes and pushing the boundaries of what's possible in composite part design and manufacturing.

The Importance of This Research

The insights gained from this study are crucial for advancing AFP technology:

  1. Enhanced Design Capabilities: By understanding the limitations and capabilities of compaction rollers, designers can create more complex and optimized composite structures.
  2. Improved Manufacturing Efficiency: The ability to predict and optimize roller performance can lead to reduced setup times, fewer defects, and overall improved manufacturing efficiency.
  3. Expanded Applications: As AFP technology becomes capable of producing more complex geometries, it opens up new possibilities in industries beyond aerospace, such as automotive, renewable energy, and more.
  4. Informed Innovation: Our findings provide a springboard for future innovations in AFP technology, from adaptive roller designs to AI-driven process optimization.

The Future of Composite Manufacturing

As we look to the future, the potential for advancements in AFP technology and composite manufacturing is truly exciting:

  1. Smarter Systems: We envision AFP systems that can adapt in real-time to changing part geometries, optimizing roller parameters on the fly for perfect layups.
  2. Digital Integration: The integration of our findings with digital twin technology and AI could lead to self-optimizing manufacturing processes.
  3. Sustainable Manufacturing: As AFP technology becomes more efficient and capable, it could play a crucial role in producing lightweight, high-performance parts that contribute to sustainability goals across various industries.
  4. Pushing Boundaries: With continued research and innovation, we may see AFP systems capable of producing geometries that are currently considered impossible, opening up new frontiers in product design.

The journey towards more advanced AFP technology is ongoing, and each step forward brings us closer to realizing the full potential of composite materials. Our research contributes to this journey by providing a deeper understanding of the fundamental interactions between compaction rollers and composite materials.

As we continue to push the boundaries of what's possible with AFP, we invite researchers, engineers, and manufacturers to build upon these findings. The future of composite manufacturing is bright, and together, we can shape it to create a world of stronger, lighter, and more sustainable products.

Explore more about the future of composites manufacturing


  1. Denkena, B., Heimbs, S., Schmidt, C., Reichert, L., & Tiemann, T. (2023). Automated fiber placement: Modeling the influence of compaction roller properties on manufacturable geometries. SAMPE Europe Conference 2023 Madrid - Spain.
  2. What is Automated Fibre Placement (AFP)? - Addcomposites
  3. Automated Fiber Placement Process: A Revolutionary Way to Create Composite Parts - Addcomposites
  4. The Shift in Composite Manufacturing: From Traditional to Intelligent - Addcomposites
  5. AFP Machines and Components - Addcomposites

Advance Your AFP Expertise with Addcomposites

Are you ready to take your composite manufacturing to the next level? At Addcomposites, we're at the forefront of Automated Fiber Placement technology, translating cutting-edge research like the study we've discussed into practical, industry-leading solutions.

Whether you're looking to optimize your current AFP processes, explore new applications for complex geometries, or integrate the latest advancements in compaction roller technology, we're here to help. Our team of experts can guide you through the process of implementing or upgrading your AFP systems to achieve unprecedented levels of efficiency and capability.

Don't let the complexities of AFP hold you back from realizing your manufacturing potential. Contact Addcomposites today to discover how we can help you push the boundaries of what's possible in composite manufacturing.

Get in touch with Addcomposites and let's shape the future of composites together!

In the world of advanced manufacturing, Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) has emerged as a game-changing technology. This innovative process has revolutionized the production of high-quality, lightweight composite structures, particularly in the aerospace industry. AFP systems precisely lay down narrow strips of composite material, called tows, to create complex parts with exceptional strength-to-weight ratios.

Initially developed for flat or slightly curved geometries, AFP technology has come a long way. Today, there's a growing interest in pushing the boundaries of what's possible with AFP, particularly in manufacturing more complex, double-curved structures. This evolution is opening up new opportunities for AFP applications across various industries beyond aerospace.

However, as we strive to create increasingly intricate shapes, we face significant challenges. One of the most critical components in the AFP process is the compaction roller, which plays a crucial role in ensuring proper tape placement and preventing defects. The compaction roller applies pressure to bond the composite material to the tooling or substrate, but its effectiveness can be limited when dealing with highly curved surfaces.

Understanding these limitations and optimizing the design of compaction rollers is crucial for advancing AFP technology. That's where our latest research comes in. We've conducted an in-depth study to model the influence of compaction roller properties on manufacturable geometries, aiming to push the boundaries of what's possible with AFP.

In this blog post, we'll take you on a journey through our research, exploring how different roller parameters affect the manufacturing process and what it means for the future of composite manufacturing. Whether you're an AFP expert or new to the field, you'll gain valuable insights into the cutting-edge developments shaping the future of this transformative technology.


At the heart of any Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) system lies a crucial component: the compaction roller. These unassuming cylindrical tools play a pivotal role in ensuring the quality and integrity of composite parts produced through AFP. But what exactly do these rollers do, and why are they so important?

The Function of Compaction Rollers

Compaction rollers are responsible for applying pressure to the composite material as it's laid down during the AFP process. This pressure serves several critical functions:

  1. Bonding: The roller presses the newly laid material onto the substrate or previous layers, promoting adhesion and ensuring a strong bond.
  2. Consolidation: By applying pressure, the roller helps to remove air pockets and consolidate the layers, reducing the risk of voids in the final part.
  3. Shaping: For complex geometries, the roller helps to conform the material to the desired shape, particularly important for curved surfaces.

The Link Between Roller Design and Layup Quality

The design of compaction rollers isn't a one-size-fits-all affair. Different roller properties can significantly impact the layup quality and the types of geometries that can be successfully manufactured. Key parameters include:

  • Roller radius: Affects the roller's ability to conform to different curvatures.
  • Roller width: Influences the area of pressure application and the ability to navigate complex geometries.
  • Coating thickness: Impacts the roller's compliance and ability to distribute pressure evenly.
  • Coating hardness: Affects how the roller interacts with the composite material and conforms to surface irregularities.

Understanding how these parameters interact is crucial for optimizing the AFP process for different applications and geometries.

Current Limitations in Manufacturing Complex Geometries

While AFP technology has come a long way, manufacturing highly complex, double-curved geometries remains a significant challenge. The limitations often stem from the compaction roller's ability (or inability) to maintain consistent pressure across the entire surface of intricate shapes.

When dealing with tight curves or rapid changes in surface geometry, traditional roller designs may struggle to maintain full contact. This can lead to issues such as:

  • Inconsistent pressure distribution
  • Inadequate bonding in certain areas
  • Increased risk of defects like wrinkles or voids

These challenges have driven researchers and engineers to explore new approaches to compaction roller design, aiming to push the boundaries of what's possible with AFP technology.

In our study, we set out to model these limitations systematically, with the goal of understanding how different roller properties influence the range of manufacturable geometries. By gaining a deeper understanding of these relationships, we aim to pave the way for more advanced AFP systems capable of producing increasingly complex composite parts with high precision and quality.

The Study: Modeling Compaction Roller Limitations

To address the challenges of manufacturing complex geometries with AFP, our research team conducted a comprehensive study aimed at modeling the influence of compaction roller properties on manufacturable geometries. Let's dive into the details of this groundbreaking research.

Objectives of the Research

The primary goal of our study was to estimate the maximum achievable curvatures for a given compaction roller. By understanding these limitations, we aimed to provide insights that could inform the design of more effective AFP systems capable of producing increasingly complex composite parts.

Specifically, we sought to:

  1. Evaluate the effect of different roller parameters on contact pressure applied to surfaces with varying curvatures.
  2. Develop a model to predict manufacturable curvatures based on roller parameters.
  3. Understand the relationship between roller indentation and contact pressure.

Key Parameters Investigated

Our study focused on four critical parameters of compaction rollers:

  1. Roller Radius: We examined how the overall size of the roller affects its performance on curved surfaces.
  2. Roller Width: We investigated rollers of different widths to understand how this parameter influences pressure distribution and conformability.
  3. Coating Thickness: We varied the thickness of the elastomer coating to assess its impact on roller compliance.
  4. Coating Hardness: Different hardness levels of the elastomer coating were tested to evaluate their effect on pressure distribution and conformability.

These parameters were chosen based on their potential influence on the roller's ability to maintain consistent contact and pressure across complex geometries.

Experimental Setup and Methodology

Our experimental investigation was carefully designed to provide comprehensive data on roller behavior. Here's an overview of our approach:

  1. Roller Design: We created a set of 16 different compaction rollers, varying the four key parameters mentioned above. This allowed us to examine a wide range of roller configurations.
  2. Test Surfaces: We used flat, convex, and concave molds with constant curvatures to simulate various surface geometries.
  3. Force Application: Each roller was pressed onto the surface with a force of 100 N per tow width, mimicking typical AFP process conditions.
  4. Pressure Measurement: We used pressure-sensitive films to measure the contact pressure distribution for each roller configuration on different surface curvatures.
  5. Data Analysis: We developed custom image processing algorithms to analyze the pressure distribution data from the films, allowing us to quantify the contact pressure at different points across the roller width.
  6. Modeling: Based on the experimental data, we developed a model to predict the relationship between roller parameters, indentation, and contact pressure. This model forms the basis for estimating manufacturable curvatures for different roller configurations.

Introduction of the Displacement Pressure Coefficient (DPC)

A key innovation in our study was the introduction of the Displacement Pressure Coefficient (DPC). This coefficient quantifies the relationship between roller indentation and the corresponding contact pressure. The DPC allows us to predict how different roller configurations will perform on various surface curvatures, providing a powerful tool for optimizing AFP processes for complex geometries.

By systematically investigating these parameters and developing a predictive model, our study aims to provide valuable insights for AFP system design and optimization. In the next section, we'll delve into the key findings from this research and their implications for the future of AFP technology.

Key Findings

Our comprehensive study on compaction roller performance in Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) has yielded several significant insights. These findings not only enhance our understanding of the AFP process but also pave the way for more advanced and efficient composite manufacturing techniques.

The Displacement Pressure Coefficient (DPC): A New Metric for Roller Performance

One of the most important outcomes of our research was the introduction of the Displacement Pressure Coefficient (DPC). This novel metric quantifies the relationship between roller indentation and the corresponding contact pressure. The DPC proved to be a powerful tool for predicting roller performance across various surface curvatures.

Key observations about the DPC include:

  1. For curvatures below 0.01 1/mm, the tool shape had no significant influence on the DPC at the applied load.
  2. The DPC can be derived solely as a function of roller parameters for a given force, simplifying performance predictions.

Factors Influencing the DPC

Our analysis revealed that several roller parameters significantly influence the DPC:

  1. Coating Thickness: This emerged as the most influential factor. In some cases, a 20% increase in coating thickness resulted in a 600% increase in manufacturable curvature.
  2. Roller Radius: The outer radius of the roller showed a substantial impact on the DPC and, consequently, on the achievable curvatures.
  3. Coating Hardness: The hardness of the elastomer coating also played a significant role in determining the DPC.
  4. Roller Width: Interestingly, the width of the compaction roller had a negligible effect on the DPC when the force per unit width was kept constant.

These findings provide valuable insights for optimizing AFP processes and roller design.

The Relationship Between Roller Parameters and Manufacturable Curvatures

Our study revealed several key relationships between roller parameters and the ability to manufacture complex curvatures:

  1. Direction Matters: Compaction rollers are generally more capable of producing small concave curvatures compared to small convex curvatures.
  2. Optimal Roller Radius: We found that there's an optimal roller radius for achieving the highest curvature in both the layup direction (0°) and perpendicular to it (90°). Smaller roller radii (r < 50.8 mm) limit high concave curvatures in the 90° direction, while larger radii (r > 50.8 mm) limit curvatures in the layup direction.
  3. Nonlinear Interactions: The interaction between coating thickness and hardness proved crucial for producing high curvatures. We observed that small changes in these parameters can result in significantly higher performance, depending on the specific configuration.
  4. Performance Prediction: Our model allows for the prediction of maximum manufacturable curvatures based on roller parameters. This capability is invaluable for designing AFP systems tailored to specific manufacturing requirements.

Implications for AFP System Design

These findings have significant implications for AFP system design:

  1. Roller Customization: By understanding the influence of each parameter, AFP systems can be equipped with rollers optimized for specific manufacturing tasks.
  2. Process Optimization: The ability to predict manufacturable curvatures allows for better process planning and optimization, potentially reducing defects and improving part quality.
  3. Expanded Capabilities: With a deeper understanding of roller behavior, AFP systems can be pushed to manufacture increasingly complex geometries, expanding the potential applications of this technology.

These results represent a significant step forward in our understanding of AFP technology and open up new possibilities for advanced composite manufacturing. In the next section, we'll explore the practical implications of these findings and how they can be applied to improve AFP processes.

Practical Implications for AFP Design

The insights gained from our study on compaction roller behavior have significant practical implications for the design and optimization of Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) systems. Let's explore how these findings can be applied to enhance AFP technology and expand its capabilities.

Improving AFP Layup Head Design

Our research provides valuable guidance for AFP layup head design:

  1. Optimal Roller Configuration: By understanding the relationship between roller parameters and manufacturable curvatures, engineers can design layup heads with rollers optimized for specific applications. For instance:some text
    • For parts with predominantly concave surfaces, rollers with larger radii might be preferred.
    • For parts with both concave and convex features, an optimal radius can be selected to balance performance in both directions.
  2. Adaptive Systems: The insights from our study could inform the development of adaptive AFP systems with interchangeable rollers or adjustable roller parameters. This would allow a single AFP system to be quickly reconfigured for different part geometries.
  3. Segmented Roller Design: Our findings on the influence of roller width could guide the design of segmented rollers, potentially allowing for better conformity to complex surfaces.

Optimizing Roller Parameters for Specific Applications

The model we developed allows for precise optimization of roller parameters for specific manufacturing tasks:

  1. Coating Customization: Given the significant impact of coating thickness and hardness on performance, manufacturers can fine-tune these parameters for their specific needs. For example:some text
    • Parts with high curvatures might benefit from thicker, softer coatings.
    • Simpler geometries might use thinner, harder coatings for improved durability.
  2. Performance Prediction: Our model enables manufacturers to predict the performance of different roller configurations before physical testing. This can significantly reduce the time and cost associated with AFP system setup and optimization.
  3. Process Parameter Optimization: By understanding the relationship between roller indentation and contact pressure, manufacturers can better optimize process parameters like compaction force and layup speed for different part geometries.

Manufacturing More Complex Geometries

Perhaps the most exciting implication of our research is the potential to manufacture more complex composite parts using AFP:

  1. Pushing Curvature Limits: With a clear understanding of the maximum manufacturable curvatures for different roller configurations, designers can push the boundaries of part complexity while ensuring manufacturability.
  2. Hybrid Manufacturing Approaches: For extremely complex parts, our findings could inform hybrid manufacturing approaches. For instance, areas with high curvatures exceeding the capabilities of a single roller might use a combination of AFP and hand layup or other complementary techniques.
  3. New Application Areas: As AFP systems become capable of producing more complex geometries, new application areas may open up in industries beyond aerospace, such as automotive or renewable energy.

Enhancing Quality Control

Our research also has implications for quality control in AFP processes:

  1. Defect Prediction: Understanding the relationship between roller parameters and contact pressure can help predict areas where defects are more likely to occur, allowing for proactive quality control measures.
  2. In-Process Monitoring: Our findings could inform the development of more sophisticated in-process monitoring systems, potentially using the expected contact pressure as a benchmark for detecting anomalies during layup.
  3. Design for Manufacturability: The ability to predict manufacturable curvatures can be integrated into design software, allowing for real-time feedback on part manufacturability during the design phase.

By applying these insights, manufacturers can enhance the capabilities of their AFP systems, optimize processes for specific applications, and potentially unlock new possibilities in composite part design and manufacturing. As we continue to push the boundaries of what's possible with AFP technology, these findings provide a solid foundation for future innovations in the field.

Future Directions

While our study has provided valuable insights into the behavior of compaction rollers in Automated Fiber Placement (AFP), it also opens up exciting new avenues for further research. Let's explore some of the potential directions for future investigations and how they might shape the evolution of AFP technology.

Areas for Further Research

  1. Expanded Parameter Range: Our study focused on specific ranges for roller parameters. Future research could explore a wider range of parameter combinations to build a more comprehensive understanding of roller behavior.
  2. Dynamic Process Modeling: Our current model is based on static measurements. Future studies could investigate the dynamic behavior of compaction rollers during the layup process, including the effects of layup speed and temperature.
  3. Material Interactions: Further research could delve into how different prepreg materials interact with various roller configurations. This could lead to material-specific optimization strategies for AFP processes.
  4. Complex Geometry Studies: While our study focused on constant curvatures, future research could explore more complex, variable curvature surfaces to better represent real-world manufacturing scenarios.
  5. Defect Formation Mechanisms: Building on our findings, researchers could investigate how roller parameters influence specific defect formation mechanisms, potentially leading to strategies for defect prevention.
  6. Advanced Roller Designs: Our study could serve as a springboard for research into novel roller designs, such as adaptive rollers that can change their properties during layup to suit varying surface geometries.

Integration with Other Design Methodologies

The insights from our research have the potential to be integrated with other design and manufacturing methodologies:

  1. Topology Optimization: Our model for predicting manufacturable curvatures could be incorporated into topology optimization algorithms for composite structures. This would ensure that optimized designs are also manufacturable using AFP.
  2. Digital Twin Technology: The relationship between roller parameters and manufacturability could be integrated into digital twin models of AFP processes. This could enable real-time process optimization and predictive maintenance.
  3. Machine Learning Applications: The data generated from our study and future extensions could feed into machine learning models, potentially leading to AI-driven optimization of AFP processes for complex parts.
  4. Multiscale Modeling: Our findings at the roller level could be integrated into larger-scale models of composite behavior, bridging the gap between manufacturing processes and final part performance.
  5. Design for Manufacturing (DFM) Tools: The insights from our study could be incorporated into DFM software tools, allowing designers to consider AFP manufacturability constraints early in the design process.

Collaboration Opportunities

The complexity of AFP technology and the breadth of potential applications call for collaborative research efforts:

  1. Industry-Academia Partnerships: Collaborations between research institutions and AFP system manufacturers could accelerate the translation of research findings into practical innovations.
  2. Cross-Disciplinary Research: Combining expertise from materials science, mechanical engineering, and computer science could lead to holistic advancements in AFP technology.
  3. International Collaborations: Given the global nature of the composites industry, international research collaborations could pool resources and expertise to tackle larger challenges in AFP technology.

As we look to the future, the potential for advancements in AFP technology is truly exciting. By building on the foundation laid by studies like ours and embracing collaborative, multidisciplinary approaches, we can push the boundaries of what's possible in composite manufacturing. The journey towards more efficient, capable, and versatile AFP systems is ongoing, and each step forward opens up new possibilities for creating lighter, stronger, and more complex composite structures.

Conclusion: Shaping the Future of Composite Manufacturing

As we conclude our deep dive into the world of Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) and compaction roller design, let's recap the key insights from our groundbreaking research and consider their implications for the future of composite manufacturing.

Recap of Key Findings

Our study has shed new light on the complex relationship between compaction roller properties and manufacturable geometries in AFP:

  1. We introduced the Displacement Pressure Coefficient (DPC) as a novel metric for quantifying roller performance.
  2. We identified key factors influencing the DPC, with coating thickness emerging as the most significant parameter.
  3. We discovered that compaction rollers are generally more capable of producing small concave curvatures compared to small convex curvatures.
  4. We found an optimal roller radius for achieving the highest curvature in both the layup direction and perpendicular to it.
  5. We developed a model that allows for the prediction of maximum manufacturable curvatures based on roller parameters.

These findings provide a solid foundation for optimizing AFP processes and pushing the boundaries of what's possible in composite part design and manufacturing.

The Importance of This Research

The insights gained from this study are crucial for advancing AFP technology:

  1. Enhanced Design Capabilities: By understanding the limitations and capabilities of compaction rollers, designers can create more complex and optimized composite structures.
  2. Improved Manufacturing Efficiency: The ability to predict and optimize roller performance can lead to reduced setup times, fewer defects, and overall improved manufacturing efficiency.
  3. Expanded Applications: As AFP technology becomes capable of producing more complex geometries, it opens up new possibilities in industries beyond aerospace, such as automotive, renewable energy, and more.
  4. Informed Innovation: Our findings provide a springboard for future innovations in AFP technology, from adaptive roller designs to AI-driven process optimization.

The Future of Composite Manufacturing

As we look to the future, the potential for advancements in AFP technology and composite manufacturing is truly exciting:

  1. Smarter Systems: We envision AFP systems that can adapt in real-time to changing part geometries, optimizing roller parameters on the fly for perfect layups.
  2. Digital Integration: The integration of our findings with digital twin technology and AI could lead to self-optimizing manufacturing processes.
  3. Sustainable Manufacturing: As AFP technology becomes more efficient and capable, it could play a crucial role in producing lightweight, high-performance parts that contribute to sustainability goals across various industries.
  4. Pushing Boundaries: With continued research and innovation, we may see AFP systems capable of producing geometries that are currently considered impossible, opening up new frontiers in product design.

The journey towards more advanced AFP technology is ongoing, and each step forward brings us closer to realizing the full potential of composite materials. Our research contributes to this journey by providing a deeper understanding of the fundamental interactions between compaction rollers and composite materials.

As we continue to push the boundaries of what's possible with AFP, we invite researchers, engineers, and manufacturers to build upon these findings. The future of composite manufacturing is bright, and together, we can shape it to create a world of stronger, lighter, and more sustainable products.

Explore more about the future of composites manufacturing


  1. Denkena, B., Heimbs, S., Schmidt, C., Reichert, L., & Tiemann, T. (2023). Automated fiber placement: Modeling the influence of compaction roller properties on manufacturable geometries. SAMPE Europe Conference 2023 Madrid - Spain.
  2. What is Automated Fibre Placement (AFP)? - Addcomposites
  3. Automated Fiber Placement Process: A Revolutionary Way to Create Composite Parts - Addcomposites
  4. The Shift in Composite Manufacturing: From Traditional to Intelligent - Addcomposites
  5. AFP Machines and Components - Addcomposites

Advance Your AFP Expertise with Addcomposites

Are you ready to take your composite manufacturing to the next level? At Addcomposites, we're at the forefront of Automated Fiber Placement technology, translating cutting-edge research like the study we've discussed into practical, industry-leading solutions.

Whether you're looking to optimize your current AFP processes, explore new applications for complex geometries, or integrate the latest advancements in compaction roller technology, we're here to help. Our team of experts can guide you through the process of implementing or upgrading your AFP systems to achieve unprecedented levels of efficiency and capability.

Don't let the complexities of AFP hold you back from realizing your manufacturing potential. Contact Addcomposites today to discover how we can help you push the boundaries of what's possible in composite manufacturing.

Get in touch with Addcomposites and let's shape the future of composites together!


In the world of advanced manufacturing, Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) has emerged as a game-changing technology. This innovative process has revolutionized the production of high-quality, lightweight composite structures, particularly in the aerospace industry. AFP systems precisely lay down narrow strips of composite material, called tows, to create complex parts with exceptional strength-to-weight ratios.

Initially developed for flat or slightly curved geometries, AFP technology has come a long way. Today, there's a growing interest in pushing the boundaries of what's possible with AFP, particularly in manufacturing more complex, double-curved structures. This evolution is opening up new opportunities for AFP applications across various industries beyond aerospace.

However, as we strive to create increasingly intricate shapes, we face significant challenges. One of the most critical components in the AFP process is the compaction roller, which plays a crucial role in ensuring proper tape placement and preventing defects. The compaction roller applies pressure to bond the composite material to the tooling or substrate, but its effectiveness can be limited when dealing with highly curved surfaces.

Understanding these limitations and optimizing the design of compaction rollers is crucial for advancing AFP technology. That's where our latest research comes in. We've conducted an in-depth study to model the influence of compaction roller properties on manufacturable geometries, aiming to push the boundaries of what's possible with AFP.

In this blog post, we'll take you on a journey through our research, exploring how different roller parameters affect the manufacturing process and what it means for the future of composite manufacturing. Whether you're an AFP expert or new to the field, you'll gain valuable insights into the cutting-edge developments shaping the future of this transformative technology.

The Role of Compaction Rollers in AFP

At the heart of any Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) system lies a crucial component: the compaction roller. These unassuming cylindrical tools play a pivotal role in ensuring the quality and integrity of composite parts produced through AFP. But what exactly do these rollers do, and why are they so important?

The Function of Compaction Rollers

Compaction rollers are responsible for applying pressure to the composite material as it's laid down during the AFP process. This pressure serves several critical functions:

  1. Bonding: The roller presses the newly laid material onto the substrate or previous layers, promoting adhesion and ensuring a strong bond.
  2. Consolidation: By applying pressure, the roller helps to remove air pockets and consolidate the layers, reducing the risk of voids in the final part.
  3. Shaping: For complex geometries, the roller helps to conform the material to the desired shape, particularly important for curved surfaces.

The Link Between Roller Design and Layup Quality

The design of compaction rollers isn't a one-size-fits-all affair. Different roller properties can significantly impact the layup quality and the types of geometries that can be successfully manufactured. Key parameters include:

  • Roller radius: Affects the roller's ability to conform to different curvatures.
  • Roller width: Influences the area of pressure application and the ability to navigate complex geometries.
  • Coating thickness: Impacts the roller's compliance and ability to distribute pressure evenly.
  • Coating hardness: Affects how the roller interacts with the composite material and conforms to surface irregularities.

Understanding how these parameters interact is crucial for optimizing the AFP process for different applications and geometries.

Current Limitations in Manufacturing Complex Geometries

While AFP technology has come a long way, manufacturing highly complex, double-curved geometries remains a significant challenge. The limitations often stem from the compaction roller's ability (or inability) to maintain consistent pressure across the entire surface of intricate shapes.

When dealing with tight curves or rapid changes in surface geometry, traditional roller designs may struggle to maintain full contact. This can lead to issues such as:

  • Inconsistent pressure distribution
  • Inadequate bonding in certain areas
  • Increased risk of defects like wrinkles or voids

These challenges have driven researchers and engineers to explore new approaches to compaction roller design, aiming to push the boundaries of what's possible with AFP technology.

In our study, we set out to model these limitations systematically, with the goal of understanding how different roller properties influence the range of manufacturable geometries. By gaining a deeper understanding of these relationships, we aim to pave the way for more advanced AFP systems capable of producing increasingly complex composite parts with high precision and quality.

The Study: Modeling Compaction Roller Limitations

To address the challenges of manufacturing complex geometries with AFP, our research team conducted a comprehensive study aimed at modeling the influence of compaction roller properties on manufacturable geometries. Let's dive into the details of this groundbreaking research.

Objectives of the Research

The primary goal of our study was to estimate the maximum achievable curvatures for a given compaction roller. By understanding these limitations, we aimed to provide insights that could inform the design of more effective AFP systems capable of producing increasingly complex composite parts.

Specifically, we sought to:

  1. Evaluate the effect of different roller parameters on contact pressure applied to surfaces with varying curvatures.
  2. Develop a model to predict manufacturable curvatures based on roller parameters.
  3. Understand the relationship between roller indentation and contact pressure.

Key Parameters Investigated

Our study focused on four critical parameters of compaction rollers:

  1. Roller Radius: We examined how the overall size of the roller affects its performance on curved surfaces.
  2. Roller Width: We investigated rollers of different widths to understand how this parameter influences pressure distribution and conformability.
  3. Coating Thickness: We varied the thickness of the elastomer coating to assess its impact on roller compliance.
  4. Coating Hardness: Different hardness levels of the elastomer coating were tested to evaluate their effect on pressure distribution and conformability.

These parameters were chosen based on their potential influence on the roller's ability to maintain consistent contact and pressure across complex geometries.

Experimental Setup and Methodology

Our experimental investigation was carefully designed to provide comprehensive data on roller behavior. Here's an overview of our approach:

  1. Roller Design: We created a set of 16 different compaction rollers, varying the four key parameters mentioned above. This allowed us to examine a wide range of roller configurations.
  2. Test Surfaces: We used flat, convex, and concave molds with constant curvatures to simulate various surface geometries.
  3. Force Application: Each roller was pressed onto the surface with a force of 100 N per tow width, mimicking typical AFP process conditions.
  4. Pressure Measurement: We used pressure-sensitive films to measure the contact pressure distribution for each roller configuration on different surface curvatures.
  5. Data Analysis: We developed custom image processing algorithms to analyze the pressure distribution data from the films, allowing us to quantify the contact pressure at different points across the roller width.
  6. Modeling: Based on the experimental data, we developed a model to predict the relationship between roller parameters, indentation, and contact pressure. This model forms the basis for estimating manufacturable curvatures for different roller configurations.

Introduction of the Displacement Pressure Coefficient (DPC)

A key innovation in our study was the introduction of the Displacement Pressure Coefficient (DPC). This coefficient quantifies the relationship between roller indentation and the corresponding contact pressure. The DPC allows us to predict how different roller configurations will perform on various surface curvatures, providing a powerful tool for optimizing AFP processes for complex geometries.

By systematically investigating these parameters and developing a predictive model, our study aims to provide valuable insights for AFP system design and optimization. In the next section, we'll delve into the key findings from this research and their implications for the future of AFP technology.

Key Findings

Our comprehensive study on compaction roller performance in Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) has yielded several significant insights. These findings not only enhance our understanding of the AFP process but also pave the way for more advanced and efficient composite manufacturing techniques.

The Displacement Pressure Coefficient (DPC): A New Metric for Roller Performance

One of the most important outcomes of our research was the introduction of the Displacement Pressure Coefficient (DPC). This novel metric quantifies the relationship between roller indentation and the corresponding contact pressure. The DPC proved to be a powerful tool for predicting roller performance across various surface curvatures.

Key observations about the DPC include:

  1. For curvatures below 0.01 1/mm, the tool shape had no significant influence on the DPC at the applied load.
  2. The DPC can be derived solely as a function of roller parameters for a given force, simplifying performance predictions.

Factors Influencing the DPC

Our analysis revealed that several roller parameters significantly influence the DPC:

  1. Coating Thickness: This emerged as the most influential factor. In some cases, a 20% increase in coating thickness resulted in a 600% increase in manufacturable curvature.
  2. Roller Radius: The outer radius of the roller showed a substantial impact on the DPC and, consequently, on the achievable curvatures.
  3. Coating Hardness: The hardness of the elastomer coating also played a significant role in determining the DPC.
  4. Roller Width: Interestingly, the width of the compaction roller had a negligible effect on the DPC when the force per unit width was kept constant.

These findings provide valuable insights for optimizing AFP processes and roller design.

The Relationship Between Roller Parameters and Manufacturable Curvatures

Our study revealed several key relationships between roller parameters and the ability to manufacture complex curvatures:

  1. Direction Matters: Compaction rollers are generally more capable of producing small concave curvatures compared to small convex curvatures.
  2. Optimal Roller Radius: We found that there's an optimal roller radius for achieving the highest curvature in both the layup direction (0°) and perpendicular to it (90°). Smaller roller radii (r < 50.8 mm) limit high concave curvatures in the 90° direction, while larger radii (r > 50.8 mm) limit curvatures in the layup direction.
  3. Nonlinear Interactions: The interaction between coating thickness and hardness proved crucial for producing high curvatures. We observed that small changes in these parameters can result in significantly higher performance, depending on the specific configuration.
  4. Performance Prediction: Our model allows for the prediction of maximum manufacturable curvatures based on roller parameters. This capability is invaluable for designing AFP systems tailored to specific manufacturing requirements.

Implications for AFP System Design

These findings have significant implications for AFP system design:

  1. Roller Customization: By understanding the influence of each parameter, AFP systems can be equipped with rollers optimized for specific manufacturing tasks.
  2. Process Optimization: The ability to predict manufacturable curvatures allows for better process planning and optimization, potentially reducing defects and improving part quality.
  3. Expanded Capabilities: With a deeper understanding of roller behavior, AFP systems can be pushed to manufacture increasingly complex geometries, expanding the potential applications of this technology.

These results represent a significant step forward in our understanding of AFP technology and open up new possibilities for advanced composite manufacturing. In the next section, we'll explore the practical implications of these findings and how they can be applied to improve AFP processes.

Future Directions

The insights gained from our study on compaction roller behavior have significant practical implications for the design and optimization of Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) systems. Let's explore how these findings can be applied to enhance AFP technology and expand its capabilities.

Improving AFP Layup Head Design

Our research provides valuable guidance for AFP layup head design:

  1. Optimal Roller Configuration: By understanding the relationship between roller parameters and manufacturable curvatures, engineers can design layup heads with rollers optimized for specific applications. For instance:some text
    • For parts with predominantly concave surfaces, rollers with larger radii might be preferred.
    • For parts with both concave and convex features, an optimal radius can be selected to balance performance in both directions.
  2. Adaptive Systems: The insights from our study could inform the development of adaptive AFP systems with interchangeable rollers or adjustable roller parameters. This would allow a single AFP system to be quickly reconfigured for different part geometries.
  3. Segmented Roller Design: Our findings on the influence of roller width could guide the design of segmented rollers, potentially allowing for better conformity to complex surfaces.

Optimizing Roller Parameters for Specific Applications

The model we developed allows for precise optimization of roller parameters for specific manufacturing tasks:

  1. Coating Customization: Given the significant impact of coating thickness and hardness on performance, manufacturers can fine-tune these parameters for their specific needs. For example:some text
    • Parts with high curvatures might benefit from thicker, softer coatings.
    • Simpler geometries might use thinner, harder coatings for improved durability.
  2. Performance Prediction: Our model enables manufacturers to predict the performance of different roller configurations before physical testing. This can significantly reduce the time and cost associated with AFP system setup and optimization.
  3. Process Parameter Optimization: By understanding the relationship between roller indentation and contact pressure, manufacturers can better optimize process parameters like compaction force and layup speed for different part geometries.

Manufacturing More Complex Geometries

Perhaps the most exciting implication of our research is the potential to manufacture more complex composite parts using AFP:

  1. Pushing Curvature Limits: With a clear understanding of the maximum manufacturable curvatures for different roller configurations, designers can push the boundaries of part complexity while ensuring manufacturability.
  2. Hybrid Manufacturing Approaches: For extremely complex parts, our findings could inform hybrid manufacturing approaches. For instance, areas with high curvatures exceeding the capabilities of a single roller might use a combination of AFP and hand layup or other complementary techniques.
  3. New Application Areas: As AFP systems become capable of producing more complex geometries, new application areas may open up in industries beyond aerospace, such as automotive or renewable energy.

Enhancing Quality Control

Our research also has implications for quality control in AFP processes:

  1. Defect Prediction: Understanding the relationship between roller parameters and contact pressure can help predict areas where defects are more likely to occur, allowing for proactive quality control measures.
  2. In-Process Monitoring: Our findings could inform the development of more sophisticated in-process monitoring systems, potentially using the expected contact pressure as a benchmark for detecting anomalies during layup.
  3. Design for Manufacturability: The ability to predict manufacturable curvatures can be integrated into design software, allowing for real-time feedback on part manufacturability during the design phase.

By applying these insights, manufacturers can enhance the capabilities of their AFP systems, optimize processes for specific applications, and potentially unlock new possibilities in composite part design and manufacturing. As we continue to push the boundaries of what's possible with AFP technology, these findings provide a solid foundation for future innovations in the field.

While our study has provided valuable insights into the behavior of compaction rollers in Automated Fiber Placement (AFP), it also opens up exciting new avenues for further research. Let's explore some of the potential directions for future investigations and how they might shape the evolution of AFP technology.

Areas for Further Research

  1. Expanded Parameter Range: Our study focused on specific ranges for roller parameters. Future research could explore a wider range of parameter combinations to build a more comprehensive understanding of roller behavior.
  2. Dynamic Process Modeling: Our current model is based on static measurements. Future studies could investigate the dynamic behavior of compaction rollers during the layup process, including the effects of layup speed and temperature.
  3. Material Interactions: Further research could delve into how different prepreg materials interact with various roller configurations. This could lead to material-specific optimization strategies for AFP processes.
  4. Complex Geometry Studies: While our study focused on constant curvatures, future research could explore more complex, variable curvature surfaces to better represent real-world manufacturing scenarios.
  5. Defect Formation Mechanisms: Building on our findings, researchers could investigate how roller parameters influence specific defect formation mechanisms, potentially leading to strategies for defect prevention.
  6. Advanced Roller Designs: Our study could serve as a springboard for research into novel roller designs, such as adaptive rollers that can change their properties during layup to suit varying surface geometries.

Integration with Other Design Methodologies

The insights from our research have the potential to be integrated with other design and manufacturing methodologies:

  1. Topology Optimization: Our model for predicting manufacturable curvatures could be incorporated into topology optimization algorithms for composite structures. This would ensure that optimized designs are also manufacturable using AFP.
  2. Digital Twin Technology: The relationship between roller parameters and manufacturability could be integrated into digital twin models of AFP processes. This could enable real-time process optimization and predictive maintenance.
  3. Machine Learning Applications: The data generated from our study and future extensions could feed into machine learning models, potentially leading to AI-driven optimization of AFP processes for complex parts.
  4. Multiscale Modeling: Our findings at the roller level could be integrated into larger-scale models of composite behavior, bridging the gap between manufacturing processes and final part performance.
  5. Design for Manufacturing (DFM) Tools: The insights from our study could be incorporated into DFM software tools, allowing designers to consider AFP manufacturability constraints early in the design process.

Collaboration Opportunities

The complexity of AFP technology and the breadth of potential applications call for collaborative research efforts:

  1. Industry-Academia Partnerships: Collaborations between research institutions and AFP system manufacturers could accelerate the translation of research findings into practical innovations.
  2. Cross-Disciplinary Research: Combining expertise from materials science, mechanical engineering, and computer science could lead to holistic advancements in AFP technology.
  3. International Collaborations: Given the global nature of the composites industry, international research collaborations could pool resources and expertise to tackle larger challenges in AFP technology.

As we look to the future, the potential for advancements in AFP technology is truly exciting. By building on the foundation laid by studies like ours and embracing collaborative, multidisciplinary approaches, we can push the boundaries of what's possible in composite manufacturing. The journey towards more efficient, capable, and versatile AFP systems is ongoing, and each step forward opens up new possibilities for creating lighter, stronger, and more complex composite structures.

Conclusion: Shaping the Future of Composite Manufacturing

As we conclude our deep dive into the world of Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) and compaction roller design, let's recap the key insights from our groundbreaking research and consider their implications for the future of composite manufacturing.

Recap of Key Findings

Our study has shed new light on the complex relationship between compaction roller properties and manufacturable geometries in AFP:

  1. We introduced the Displacement Pressure Coefficient (DPC) as a novel metric for quantifying roller performance.
  2. We identified key factors influencing the DPC, with coating thickness emerging as the most significant parameter.
  3. We discovered that compaction rollers are generally more capable of producing small concave curvatures compared to small convex curvatures.
  4. We found an optimal roller radius for achieving the highest curvature in both the layup direction and perpendicular to it.
  5. We developed a model that allows for the prediction of maximum manufacturable curvatures based on roller parameters.

These findings provide a solid foundation for optimizing AFP processes and pushing the boundaries of what's possible in composite part design and manufacturing.

The Importance of This Research

The insights gained from this study are crucial for advancing AFP technology:

  1. Enhanced Design Capabilities: By understanding the limitations and capabilities of compaction rollers, designers can create more complex and optimized composite structures.
  2. Improved Manufacturing Efficiency: The ability to predict and optimize roller performance can lead to reduced setup times, fewer defects, and overall improved manufacturing efficiency.
  3. Expanded Applications: As AFP technology becomes capable of producing more complex geometries, it opens up new possibilities in industries beyond aerospace, such as automotive, renewable energy, and more.
  4. Informed Innovation: Our findings provide a springboard for future innovations in AFP technology, from adaptive roller designs to AI-driven process optimization.

The Future of Composite Manufacturing

As we look to the future, the potential for advancements in AFP technology and composite manufacturing is truly exciting:

  1. Smarter Systems: We envision AFP systems that can adapt in real-time to changing part geometries, optimizing roller parameters on the fly for perfect layups.
  2. Digital Integration: The integration of our findings with digital twin technology and AI could lead to self-optimizing manufacturing processes.
  3. Sustainable Manufacturing: As AFP technology becomes more efficient and capable, it could play a crucial role in producing lightweight, high-performance parts that contribute to sustainability goals across various industries.
  4. Pushing Boundaries: With continued research and innovation, we may see AFP systems capable of producing geometries that are currently considered impossible, opening up new frontiers in product design.

The journey towards more advanced AFP technology is ongoing, and each step forward brings us closer to realizing the full potential of composite materials. Our research contributes to this journey by providing a deeper understanding of the fundamental interactions between compaction rollers and composite materials.

As we continue to push the boundaries of what's possible with AFP, we invite researchers, engineers, and manufacturers to build upon these findings. The future of composite manufacturing is bright, and together, we can shape it to create a world of stronger, lighter, and more sustainable products.

Explore more about the future of composites manufacturing


  1. Denkena, B., Heimbs, S., Schmidt, C., Reichert, L., & Tiemann, T. (2023). Automated fiber placement: Modeling the influence of compaction roller properties on manufacturable geometries. SAMPE Europe Conference 2023 Madrid - Spain.
  2. What is Automated Fibre Placement (AFP)? - Addcomposites
  3. Automated Fiber Placement Process: A Revolutionary Way to Create Composite Parts - Addcomposites
  4. The Shift in Composite Manufacturing: From Traditional to Intelligent - Addcomposites
  5. AFP Machines and Components - Addcomposites

Advance Your AFP Expertise with Addcomposites

Are you ready to take your composite manufacturing to the next level? At Addcomposites, we're at the forefront of Automated Fiber Placement technology, translating cutting-edge research like the study we've discussed into practical, industry-leading solutions.

Whether you're looking to optimize your current AFP processes, explore new applications for complex geometries, or integrate the latest advancements in compaction roller technology, we're here to help. Our team of experts can guide you through the process of implementing or upgrading your AFP systems to achieve unprecedented levels of efficiency and capability.

Don't let the complexities of AFP hold you back from realizing your manufacturing potential. Contact Addcomposites today to discover how we can help you push the boundaries of what's possible in composite manufacturing.

Get in touch with Addcomposites and let's shape the future of composites together!


In the world of advanced manufacturing, Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) has emerged as a game-changing technology. This innovative process has revolutionized the production of high-quality, lightweight composite structures, particularly in the aerospace industry. AFP systems precisely lay down narrow strips of composite material, called tows, to create complex parts with exceptional strength-to-weight ratios.

Initially developed for flat or slightly curved geometries, AFP technology has come a long way. Today, there's a growing interest in pushing the boundaries of what's possible with AFP, particularly in manufacturing more complex, double-curved structures. This evolution is opening up new opportunities for AFP applications across various industries beyond aerospace.

However, as we strive to create increasingly intricate shapes, we face significant challenges. One of the most critical components in the AFP process is the compaction roller, which plays a crucial role in ensuring proper tape placement and preventing defects. The compaction roller applies pressure to bond the composite material to the tooling or substrate, but its effectiveness can be limited when dealing with highly curved surfaces.

Understanding these limitations and optimizing the design of compaction rollers is crucial for advancing AFP technology. That's where our latest research comes in. We've conducted an in-depth study to model the influence of compaction roller properties on manufacturable geometries, aiming to push the boundaries of what's possible with AFP.

In this blog post, we'll take you on a journey through our research, exploring how different roller parameters affect the manufacturing process and what it means for the future of composite manufacturing. Whether you're an AFP expert or new to the field, you'll gain valuable insights into the cutting-edge developments shaping the future of this transformative technology.

The Role of Compaction Rollers in AFP

At the heart of any Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) system lies a crucial component: the compaction roller. These unassuming cylindrical tools play a pivotal role in ensuring the quality and integrity of composite parts produced through AFP. But what exactly do these rollers do, and why are they so important?

The Function of Compaction Rollers

Compaction rollers are responsible for applying pressure to the composite material as it's laid down during the AFP process. This pressure serves several critical functions:

  1. Bonding: The roller presses the newly laid material onto the substrate or previous layers, promoting adhesion and ensuring a strong bond.
  2. Consolidation: By applying pressure, the roller helps to remove air pockets and consolidate the layers, reducing the risk of voids in the final part.
  3. Shaping: For complex geometries, the roller helps to conform the material to the desired shape, particularly important for curved surfaces.

The Link Between Roller Design and Layup Quality

The design of compaction rollers isn't a one-size-fits-all affair. Different roller properties can significantly impact the layup quality and the types of geometries that can be successfully manufactured. Key parameters include:

  • Roller radius: Affects the roller's ability to conform to different curvatures.
  • Roller width: Influences the area of pressure application and the ability to navigate complex geometries.
  • Coating thickness: Impacts the roller's compliance and ability to distribute pressure evenly.
  • Coating hardness: Affects how the roller interacts with the composite material and conforms to surface irregularities.

Understanding how these parameters interact is crucial for optimizing the AFP process for different applications and geometries.

Current Limitations in Manufacturing Complex Geometries

While AFP technology has come a long way, manufacturing highly complex, double-curved geometries remains a significant challenge. The limitations often stem from the compaction roller's ability (or inability) to maintain consistent pressure across the entire surface of intricate shapes.

When dealing with tight curves or rapid changes in surface geometry, traditional roller designs may struggle to maintain full contact. This can lead to issues such as:

  • Inconsistent pressure distribution
  • Inadequate bonding in certain areas
  • Increased risk of defects like wrinkles or voids

These challenges have driven researchers and engineers to explore new approaches to compaction roller design, aiming to push the boundaries of what's possible with AFP technology.

In our study, we set out to model these limitations systematically, with the goal of understanding how different roller properties influence the range of manufacturable geometries. By gaining a deeper understanding of these relationships, we aim to pave the way for more advanced AFP systems capable of producing increasingly complex composite parts with high precision and quality.

The Study: Modeling Compaction Roller Limitations

To address the challenges of manufacturing complex geometries with AFP, our research team conducted a comprehensive study aimed at modeling the influence of compaction roller properties on manufacturable geometries. Let's dive into the details of this groundbreaking research.

Objectives of the Research

The primary goal of our study was to estimate the maximum achievable curvatures for a given compaction roller. By understanding these limitations, we aimed to provide insights that could inform the design of more effective AFP systems capable of producing increasingly complex composite parts.

Specifically, we sought to:

  1. Evaluate the effect of different roller parameters on contact pressure applied to surfaces with varying curvatures.
  2. Develop a model to predict manufacturable curvatures based on roller parameters.
  3. Understand the relationship between roller indentation and contact pressure.

Key Parameters Investigated

Our study focused on four critical parameters of compaction rollers:

  1. Roller Radius: We examined how the overall size of the roller affects its performance on curved surfaces.
  2. Roller Width: We investigated rollers of different widths to understand how this parameter influences pressure distribution and conformability.
  3. Coating Thickness: We varied the thickness of the elastomer coating to assess its impact on roller compliance.
  4. Coating Hardness: Different hardness levels of the elastomer coating were tested to evaluate their effect on pressure distribution and conformability.

These parameters were chosen based on their potential influence on the roller's ability to maintain consistent contact and pressure across complex geometries.

Experimental Setup and Methodology

Our experimental investigation was carefully designed to provide comprehensive data on roller behavior. Here's an overview of our approach:

  1. Roller Design: We created a set of 16 different compaction rollers, varying the four key parameters mentioned above. This allowed us to examine a wide range of roller configurations.
  2. Test Surfaces: We used flat, convex, and concave molds with constant curvatures to simulate various surface geometries.
  3. Force Application: Each roller was pressed onto the surface with a force of 100 N per tow width, mimicking typical AFP process conditions.
  4. Pressure Measurement: We used pressure-sensitive films to measure the contact pressure distribution for each roller configuration on different surface curvatures.
  5. Data Analysis: We developed custom image processing algorithms to analyze the pressure distribution data from the films, allowing us to quantify the contact pressure at different points across the roller width.
  6. Modeling: Based on the experimental data, we developed a model to predict the relationship between roller parameters, indentation, and contact pressure. This model forms the basis for estimating manufacturable curvatures for different roller configurations.

Introduction of the Displacement Pressure Coefficient (DPC)

A key innovation in our study was the introduction of the Displacement Pressure Coefficient (DPC). This coefficient quantifies the relationship between roller indentation and the corresponding contact pressure. The DPC allows us to predict how different roller configurations will perform on various surface curvatures, providing a powerful tool for optimizing AFP processes for complex geometries.

By systematically investigating these parameters and developing a predictive model, our study aims to provide valuable insights for AFP system design and optimization. In the next section, we'll delve into the key findings from this research and their implications for the future of AFP technology.

Key Findings

Our comprehensive study on compaction roller performance in Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) has yielded several significant insights. These findings not only enhance our understanding of the AFP process but also pave the way for more advanced and efficient composite manufacturing techniques.

The Displacement Pressure Coefficient (DPC): A New Metric for Roller Performance

One of the most important outcomes of our research was the introduction of the Displacement Pressure Coefficient (DPC). This novel metric quantifies the relationship between roller indentation and the corresponding contact pressure. The DPC proved to be a powerful tool for predicting roller performance across various surface curvatures.

Key observations about the DPC include:

  1. For curvatures below 0.01 1/mm, the tool shape had no significant influence on the DPC at the applied load.
  2. The DPC can be derived solely as a function of roller parameters for a given force, simplifying performance predictions.

Factors Influencing the DPC

Our analysis revealed that several roller parameters significantly influence the DPC:

  1. Coating Thickness: This emerged as the most influential factor. In some cases, a 20% increase in coating thickness resulted in a 600% increase in manufacturable curvature.
  2. Roller Radius: The outer radius of the roller showed a substantial impact on the DPC and, consequently, on the achievable curvatures.
  3. Coating Hardness: The hardness of the elastomer coating also played a significant role in determining the DPC.
  4. Roller Width: Interestingly, the width of the compaction roller had a negligible effect on the DPC when the force per unit width was kept constant.

These findings provide valuable insights for optimizing AFP processes and roller design.

The Relationship Between Roller Parameters and Manufacturable Curvatures

Our study revealed several key relationships between roller parameters and the ability to manufacture complex curvatures:

  1. Direction Matters: Compaction rollers are generally more capable of producing small concave curvatures compared to small convex curvatures.
  2. Optimal Roller Radius: We found that there's an optimal roller radius for achieving the highest curvature in both the layup direction (0°) and perpendicular to it (90°). Smaller roller radii (r < 50.8 mm) limit high concave curvatures in the 90° direction, while larger radii (r > 50.8 mm) limit curvatures in the layup direction.
  3. Nonlinear Interactions: The interaction between coating thickness and hardness proved crucial for producing high curvatures. We observed that small changes in these parameters can result in significantly higher performance, depending on the specific configuration.
  4. Performance Prediction: Our model allows for the prediction of maximum manufacturable curvatures based on roller parameters. This capability is invaluable for designing AFP systems tailored to specific manufacturing requirements.

Implications for AFP System Design

These findings have significant implications for AFP system design:

  1. Roller Customization: By understanding the influence of each parameter, AFP systems can be equipped with rollers optimized for specific manufacturing tasks.
  2. Process Optimization: The ability to predict manufacturable curvatures allows for better process planning and optimization, potentially reducing defects and improving part quality.
  3. Expanded Capabilities: With a deeper understanding of roller behavior, AFP systems can be pushed to manufacture increasingly complex geometries, expanding the potential applications of this technology.

These results represent a significant step forward in our understanding of AFP technology and open up new possibilities for advanced composite manufacturing. In the next section, we'll explore the practical implications of these findings and how they can be applied to improve AFP processes.

Practical Implications for AFP Design

The insights gained from our study on compaction roller behavior have significant practical implications for the design and optimization of Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) systems. Let's explore how these findings can be applied to enhance AFP technology and expand its capabilities.

Improving AFP Layup Head Design

Our research provides valuable guidance for AFP layup head design:

  1. Optimal Roller Configuration: By understanding the relationship between roller parameters and manufacturable curvatures, engineers can design layup heads with rollers optimized for specific applications. For instance:some text
    • For parts with predominantly concave surfaces, rollers with larger radii might be preferred.
    • For parts with both concave and convex features, an optimal radius can be selected to balance performance in both directions.
  2. Adaptive Systems: The insights from our study could inform the development of adaptive AFP systems with interchangeable rollers or adjustable roller parameters. This would allow a single AFP system to be quickly reconfigured for different part geometries.
  3. Segmented Roller Design: Our findings on the influence of roller width could guide the design of segmented rollers, potentially allowing for better conformity to complex surfaces.

Optimizing Roller Parameters for Specific Applications

The model we developed allows for precise optimization of roller parameters for specific manufacturing tasks:

  1. Coating Customization: Given the significant impact of coating thickness and hardness on performance, manufacturers can fine-tune these parameters for their specific needs. For example:some text
    • Parts with high curvatures might benefit from thicker, softer coatings.
    • Simpler geometries might use thinner, harder coatings for improved durability.
  2. Performance Prediction: Our model enables manufacturers to predict the performance of different roller configurations before physical testing. This can significantly reduce the time and cost associated with AFP system setup and optimization.
  3. Process Parameter Optimization: By understanding the relationship between roller indentation and contact pressure, manufacturers can better optimize process parameters like compaction force and layup speed for different part geometries.

Manufacturing More Complex Geometries

Perhaps the most exciting implication of our research is the potential to manufacture more complex composite parts using AFP:

  1. Pushing Curvature Limits: With a clear understanding of the maximum manufacturable curvatures for different roller configurations, designers can push the boundaries of part complexity while ensuring manufacturability.
  2. Hybrid Manufacturing Approaches: For extremely complex parts, our findings could inform hybrid manufacturing approaches. For instance, areas with high curvatures exceeding the capabilities of a single roller might use a combination of AFP and hand layup or other complementary techniques.
  3. New Application Areas: As AFP systems become capable of producing more complex geometries, new application areas may open up in industries beyond aerospace, such as automotive or renewable energy.

Enhancing Quality Control

Our research also has implications for quality control in AFP processes:

  1. Defect Prediction: Understanding the relationship between roller parameters and contact pressure can help predict areas where defects are more likely to occur, allowing for proactive quality control measures.
  2. In-Process Monitoring: Our findings could inform the development of more sophisticated in-process monitoring systems, potentially using the expected contact pressure as a benchmark for detecting anomalies during layup.
  3. Design for Manufacturability: The ability to predict manufacturable curvatures can be integrated into design software, allowing for real-time feedback on part manufacturability during the design phase.

By applying these insights, manufacturers can enhance the capabilities of their AFP systems, optimize processes for specific applications, and potentially unlock new possibilities in composite part design and manufacturing. As we continue to push the boundaries of what's possible with AFP technology, these findings provide a solid foundation for future innovations in the field.

Future Directions

While our study has provided valuable insights into the behavior of compaction rollers in Automated Fiber Placement (AFP), it also opens up exciting new avenues for further research. Let's explore some of the potential directions for future investigations and how they might shape the evolution of AFP technology.

Areas for Further Research

  1. Expanded Parameter Range: Our study focused on specific ranges for roller parameters. Future research could explore a wider range of parameter combinations to build a more comprehensive understanding of roller behavior.
  2. Dynamic Process Modeling: Our current model is based on static measurements. Future studies could investigate the dynamic behavior of compaction rollers during the layup process, including the effects of layup speed and temperature.
  3. Material Interactions: Further research could delve into how different prepreg materials interact with various roller configurations. This could lead to material-specific optimization strategies for AFP processes.
  4. Complex Geometry Studies: While our study focused on constant curvatures, future research could explore more complex, variable curvature surfaces to better represent real-world manufacturing scenarios.
  5. Defect Formation Mechanisms: Building on our findings, researchers could investigate how roller parameters influence specific defect formation mechanisms, potentially leading to strategies for defect prevention.
  6. Advanced Roller Designs: Our study could serve as a springboard for research into novel roller designs, such as adaptive rollers that can change their properties during layup to suit varying surface geometries.

Integration with Other Design Methodologies

The insights from our research have the potential to be integrated with other design and manufacturing methodologies:

  1. Topology Optimization: Our model for predicting manufacturable curvatures could be incorporated into topology optimization algorithms for composite structures. This would ensure that optimized designs are also manufacturable using AFP.
  2. Digital Twin Technology: The relationship between roller parameters and manufacturability could be integrated into digital twin models of AFP processes. This could enable real-time process optimization and predictive maintenance.
  3. Machine Learning Applications: The data generated from our study and future extensions could feed into machine learning models, potentially leading to AI-driven optimization of AFP processes for complex parts.
  4. Multiscale Modeling: Our findings at the roller level could be integrated into larger-scale models of composite behavior, bridging the gap between manufacturing processes and final part performance.
  5. Design for Manufacturing (DFM) Tools: The insights from our study could be incorporated into DFM software tools, allowing designers to consider AFP manufacturability constraints early in the design process.

Collaboration Opportunities

The complexity of AFP technology and the breadth of potential applications call for collaborative research efforts:

  1. Industry-Academia Partnerships: Collaborations between research institutions and AFP system manufacturers could accelerate the translation of research findings into practical innovations.
  2. Cross-Disciplinary Research: Combining expertise from materials science, mechanical engineering, and computer science could lead to holistic advancements in AFP technology.
  3. International Collaborations: Given the global nature of the composites industry, international research collaborations could pool resources and expertise to tackle larger challenges in AFP technology.

As we look to the future, the potential for advancements in AFP technology is truly exciting. By building on the foundation laid by studies like ours and embracing collaborative, multidisciplinary approaches, we can push the boundaries of what's possible in composite manufacturing. The journey towards more efficient, capable, and versatile AFP systems is ongoing, and each step forward opens up new possibilities for creating lighter, stronger, and more complex composite structures.

Conclusion: Shaping the Future of Composite Manufacturing

As we conclude our deep dive into the world of Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) and compaction roller design, let's recap the key insights from our groundbreaking research and consider their implications for the future of composite manufacturing.

Recap of Key Findings

Our study has shed new light on the complex relationship between compaction roller properties and manufacturable geometries in AFP:

  1. We introduced the Displacement Pressure Coefficient (DPC) as a novel metric for quantifying roller performance.
  2. We identified key factors influencing the DPC, with coating thickness emerging as the most significant parameter.
  3. We discovered that compaction rollers are generally more capable of producing small concave curvatures compared to small convex curvatures.
  4. We found an optimal roller radius for achieving the highest curvature in both the layup direction and perpendicular to it.
  5. We developed a model that allows for the prediction of maximum manufacturable curvatures based on roller parameters.

These findings provide a solid foundation for optimizing AFP processes and pushing the boundaries of what's possible in composite part design and manufacturing.

The Importance of This Research

The insights gained from this study are crucial for advancing AFP technology:

  1. Enhanced Design Capabilities: By understanding the limitations and capabilities of compaction rollers, designers can create more complex and optimized composite structures.
  2. Improved Manufacturing Efficiency: The ability to predict and optimize roller performance can lead to reduced setup times, fewer defects, and overall improved manufacturing efficiency.
  3. Expanded Applications: As AFP technology becomes capable of producing more complex geometries, it opens up new possibilities in industries beyond aerospace, such as automotive, renewable energy, and more.
  4. Informed Innovation: Our findings provide a springboard for future innovations in AFP technology, from adaptive roller designs to AI-driven process optimization.

The Future of Composite Manufacturing

As we look to the future, the potential for advancements in AFP technology and composite manufacturing is truly exciting:

  1. Smarter Systems: We envision AFP systems that can adapt in real-time to changing part geometries, optimizing roller parameters on the fly for perfect layups.
  2. Digital Integration: The integration of our findings with digital twin technology and AI could lead to self-optimizing manufacturing processes.
  3. Sustainable Manufacturing: As AFP technology becomes more efficient and capable, it could play a crucial role in producing lightweight, high-performance parts that contribute to sustainability goals across various industries.
  4. Pushing Boundaries: With continued research and innovation, we may see AFP systems capable of producing geometries that are currently considered impossible, opening up new frontiers in product design.

The journey towards more advanced AFP technology is ongoing, and each step forward brings us closer to realizing the full potential of composite materials. Our research contributes to this journey by providing a deeper understanding of the fundamental interactions between compaction rollers and composite materials.

As we continue to push the boundaries of what's possible with AFP, we invite researchers, engineers, and manufacturers to build upon these findings. The future of composite manufacturing is bright, and together, we can shape it to create a world of stronger, lighter, and more sustainable products.

Explore more about the future of composites manufacturing


  1. Denkena, B., Heimbs, S., Schmidt, C., Reichert, L., & Tiemann, T. (2023). Automated fiber placement: Modeling the influence of compaction roller properties on manufacturable geometries. SAMPE Europe Conference 2023 Madrid - Spain.
  2. What is Automated Fibre Placement (AFP)? - Addcomposites
  3. Automated Fiber Placement Process: A Revolutionary Way to Create Composite Parts - Addcomposites
  4. The Shift in Composite Manufacturing: From Traditional to Intelligent - Addcomposites
  5. AFP Machines and Components - Addcomposites

Advance Your AFP Expertise with Addcomposites

Are you ready to take your composite manufacturing to the next level? At Addcomposites, we're at the forefront of Automated Fiber Placement technology, translating cutting-edge research like the study we've discussed into practical, industry-leading solutions.

Whether you're looking to optimize your current AFP processes, explore new applications for complex geometries, or integrate the latest advancements in compaction roller technology, we're here to help. Our team of experts can guide you through the process of implementing or upgrading your AFP systems to achieve unprecedented levels of efficiency and capability.

Don't let the complexities of AFP hold you back from realizing your manufacturing potential. Contact Addcomposites today to discover how we can help you push the boundaries of what's possible in composite manufacturing.

Get in touch with Addcomposites and let's shape the future of composites together!


In the world of advanced manufacturing, Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) has emerged as a game-changing technology. This innovative process has revolutionized the production of high-quality, lightweight composite structures, particularly in the aerospace industry. AFP systems precisely lay down narrow strips of composite material, called tows, to create complex parts with exceptional strength-to-weight ratios.

Initially developed for flat or slightly curved geometries, AFP technology has come a long way. Today, there's a growing interest in pushing the boundaries of what's possible with AFP, particularly in manufacturing more complex, double-curved structures. This evolution is opening up new opportunities for AFP applications across various industries beyond aerospace.

However, as we strive to create increasingly intricate shapes, we face significant challenges. One of the most critical components in the AFP process is the compaction roller, which plays a crucial role in ensuring proper tape placement and preventing defects. The compaction roller applies pressure to bond the composite material to the tooling or substrate, but its effectiveness can be limited when dealing with highly curved surfaces.

Understanding these limitations and optimizing the design of compaction rollers is crucial for advancing AFP technology. That's where our latest research comes in. We've conducted an in-depth study to model the influence of compaction roller properties on manufacturable geometries, aiming to push the boundaries of what's possible with AFP.

In this blog post, we'll take you on a journey through our research, exploring how different roller parameters affect the manufacturing process and what it means for the future of composite manufacturing. Whether you're an AFP expert or new to the field, you'll gain valuable insights into the cutting-edge developments shaping the future of this transformative technology.

The Role of Compaction Rollers in AFP

At the heart of any Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) system lies a crucial component: the compaction roller. These unassuming cylindrical tools play a pivotal role in ensuring the quality and integrity of composite parts produced through AFP. But what exactly do these rollers do, and why are they so important?

The Function of Compaction Rollers

Compaction rollers are responsible for applying pressure to the composite material as it's laid down during the AFP process. This pressure serves several critical functions:

  1. Bonding: The roller presses the newly laid material onto the substrate or previous layers, promoting adhesion and ensuring a strong bond.
  2. Consolidation: By applying pressure, the roller helps to remove air pockets and consolidate the layers, reducing the risk of voids in the final part.
  3. Shaping: For complex geometries, the roller helps to conform the material to the desired shape, particularly important for curved surfaces.

The Link Between Roller Design and Layup Quality

The design of compaction rollers isn't a one-size-fits-all affair. Different roller properties can significantly impact the layup quality and the types of geometries that can be successfully manufactured. Key parameters include:

  • Roller radius: Affects the roller's ability to conform to different curvatures.
  • Roller width: Influences the area of pressure application and the ability to navigate complex geometries.
  • Coating thickness: Impacts the roller's compliance and ability to distribute pressure evenly.
  • Coating hardness: Affects how the roller interacts with the composite material and conforms to surface irregularities.

Understanding how these parameters interact is crucial for optimizing the AFP process for different applications and geometries.

Current Limitations in Manufacturing Complex Geometries

While AFP technology has come a long way, manufacturing highly complex, double-curved geometries remains a significant challenge. The limitations often stem from the compaction roller's ability (or inability) to maintain consistent pressure across the entire surface of intricate shapes.

When dealing with tight curves or rapid changes in surface geometry, traditional roller designs may struggle to maintain full contact. This can lead to issues such as:

  • Inconsistent pressure distribution
  • Inadequate bonding in certain areas
  • Increased risk of defects like wrinkles or voids

These challenges have driven researchers and engineers to explore new approaches to compaction roller design, aiming to push the boundaries of what's possible with AFP technology.

In our study, we set out to model these limitations systematically, with the goal of understanding how different roller properties influence the range of manufacturable geometries. By gaining a deeper understanding of these relationships, we aim to pave the way for more advanced AFP systems capable of producing increasingly complex composite parts with high precision and quality.

The Study: Modeling Compaction Roller Limitations

To address the challenges of manufacturing complex geometries with AFP, our research team conducted a comprehensive study aimed at modeling the influence of compaction roller properties on manufacturable geometries. Let's dive into the details of this groundbreaking research.

Objectives of the Research

The primary goal of our study was to estimate the maximum achievable curvatures for a given compaction roller. By understanding these limitations, we aimed to provide insights that could inform the design of more effective AFP systems capable of producing increasingly complex composite parts.

Specifically, we sought to:

  1. Evaluate the effect of different roller parameters on contact pressure applied to surfaces with varying curvatures.
  2. Develop a model to predict manufacturable curvatures based on roller parameters.
  3. Understand the relationship between roller indentation and contact pressure.

Key Parameters Investigated

Our study focused on four critical parameters of compaction rollers:

  1. Roller Radius: We examined how the overall size of the roller affects its performance on curved surfaces.
  2. Roller Width: We investigated rollers of different widths to understand how this parameter influences pressure distribution and conformability.
  3. Coating Thickness: We varied the thickness of the elastomer coating to assess its impact on roller compliance.
  4. Coating Hardness: Different hardness levels of the elastomer coating were tested to evaluate their effect on pressure distribution and conformability.

These parameters were chosen based on their potential influence on the roller's ability to maintain consistent contact and pressure across complex geometries.

Experimental Setup and Methodology

Our experimental investigation was carefully designed to provide comprehensive data on roller behavior. Here's an overview of our approach:

  1. Roller Design: We created a set of 16 different compaction rollers, varying the four key parameters mentioned above. This allowed us to examine a wide range of roller configurations.
  2. Test Surfaces: We used flat, convex, and concave molds with constant curvatures to simulate various surface geometries.
  3. Force Application: Each roller was pressed onto the surface with a force of 100 N per tow width, mimicking typical AFP process conditions.
  4. Pressure Measurement: We used pressure-sensitive films to measure the contact pressure distribution for each roller configuration on different surface curvatures.
  5. Data Analysis: We developed custom image processing algorithms to analyze the pressure distribution data from the films, allowing us to quantify the contact pressure at different points across the roller width.
  6. Modeling: Based on the experimental data, we developed a model to predict the relationship between roller parameters, indentation, and contact pressure. This model forms the basis for estimating manufacturable curvatures for different roller configurations.

Introduction of the Displacement Pressure Coefficient (DPC)

A key innovation in our study was the introduction of the Displacement Pressure Coefficient (DPC). This coefficient quantifies the relationship between roller indentation and the corresponding contact pressure. The DPC allows us to predict how different roller configurations will perform on various surface curvatures, providing a powerful tool for optimizing AFP processes for complex geometries.

By systematically investigating these parameters and developing a predictive model, our study aims to provide valuable insights for AFP system design and optimization. In the next section, we'll delve into the key findings from this research and their implications for the future of AFP technology.

Key Findings

Our comprehensive study on compaction roller performance in Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) has yielded several significant insights. These findings not only enhance our understanding of the AFP process but also pave the way for more advanced and efficient composite manufacturing techniques.

The Displacement Pressure Coefficient (DPC): A New Metric for Roller Performance

One of the most important outcomes of our research was the introduction of the Displacement Pressure Coefficient (DPC). This novel metric quantifies the relationship between roller indentation and the corresponding contact pressure. The DPC proved to be a powerful tool for predicting roller performance across various surface curvatures.

Key observations about the DPC include:

  1. For curvatures below 0.01 1/mm, the tool shape had no significant influence on the DPC at the applied load.
  2. The DPC can be derived solely as a function of roller parameters for a given force, simplifying performance predictions.

Factors Influencing the DPC

Our analysis revealed that several roller parameters significantly influence the DPC:

  1. Coating Thickness: This emerged as the most influential factor. In some cases, a 20% increase in coating thickness resulted in a 600% increase in manufacturable curvature.
  2. Roller Radius: The outer radius of the roller showed a substantial impact on the DPC and, consequently, on the achievable curvatures.
  3. Coating Hardness: The hardness of the elastomer coating also played a significant role in determining the DPC.
  4. Roller Width: Interestingly, the width of the compaction roller had a negligible effect on the DPC when the force per unit width was kept constant.

These findings provide valuable insights for optimizing AFP processes and roller design.

The Relationship Between Roller Parameters and Manufacturable Curvatures

Our study revealed several key relationships between roller parameters and the ability to manufacture complex curvatures:

  1. Direction Matters: Compaction rollers are generally more capable of producing small concave curvatures compared to small convex curvatures.
  2. Optimal Roller Radius: We found that there's an optimal roller radius for achieving the highest curvature in both the layup direction (0°) and perpendicular to it (90°). Smaller roller radii (r < 50.8 mm) limit high concave curvatures in the 90° direction, while larger radii (r > 50.8 mm) limit curvatures in the layup direction.
  3. Nonlinear Interactions: The interaction between coating thickness and hardness proved crucial for producing high curvatures. We observed that small changes in these parameters can result in significantly higher performance, depending on the specific configuration.
  4. Performance Prediction: Our model allows for the prediction of maximum manufacturable curvatures based on roller parameters. This capability is invaluable for designing AFP systems tailored to specific manufacturing requirements.

Implications for AFP System Design

These findings have significant implications for AFP system design:

  1. Roller Customization: By understanding the influence of each parameter, AFP systems can be equipped with rollers optimized for specific manufacturing tasks.
  2. Process Optimization: The ability to predict manufacturable curvatures allows for better process planning and optimization, potentially reducing defects and improving part quality.
  3. Expanded Capabilities: With a deeper understanding of roller behavior, AFP systems can be pushed to manufacture increasingly complex geometries, expanding the potential applications of this technology.

These results represent a significant step forward in our understanding of AFP technology and open up new possibilities for advanced composite manufacturing. In the next section, we'll explore the practical implications of these findings and how they can be applied to improve AFP processes.

Practical Implications for AFP Design

The insights gained from our study on compaction roller behavior have significant practical implications for the design and optimization of Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) systems. Let's explore how these findings can be applied to enhance AFP technology and expand its capabilities.

Improving AFP Layup Head Design

Our research provides valuable guidance for AFP layup head design:

  1. Optimal Roller Configuration: By understanding the relationship between roller parameters and manufacturable curvatures, engineers can design layup heads with rollers optimized for specific applications. For instance:some text
    • For parts with predominantly concave surfaces, rollers with larger radii might be preferred.
    • For parts with both concave and convex features, an optimal radius can be selected to balance performance in both directions.
  2. Adaptive Systems: The insights from our study could inform the development of adaptive AFP systems with interchangeable rollers or adjustable roller parameters. This would allow a single AFP system to be quickly reconfigured for different part geometries.
  3. Segmented Roller Design: Our findings on the influence of roller width could guide the design of segmented rollers, potentially allowing for better conformity to complex surfaces.

Optimizing Roller Parameters for Specific Applications

The model we developed allows for precise optimization of roller parameters for specific manufacturing tasks:

  1. Coating Customization: Given the significant impact of coating thickness and hardness on performance, manufacturers can fine-tune these parameters for their specific needs. For example:some text
    • Parts with high curvatures might benefit from thicker, softer coatings.
    • Simpler geometries might use thinner, harder coatings for improved durability.
  2. Performance Prediction: Our model enables manufacturers to predict the performance of different roller configurations before physical testing. This can significantly reduce the time and cost associated with AFP system setup and optimization.
  3. Process Parameter Optimization: By understanding the relationship between roller indentation and contact pressure, manufacturers can better optimize process parameters like compaction force and layup speed for different part geometries.

Manufacturing More Complex Geometries

Perhaps the most exciting implication of our research is the potential to manufacture more complex composite parts using AFP:

  1. Pushing Curvature Limits: With a clear understanding of the maximum manufacturable curvatures for different roller configurations, designers can push the boundaries of part complexity while ensuring manufacturability.
  2. Hybrid Manufacturing Approaches: For extremely complex parts, our findings could inform hybrid manufacturing approaches. For instance, areas with high curvatures exceeding the capabilities of a single roller might use a combination of AFP and hand layup or other complementary techniques.
  3. New Application Areas: As AFP systems become capable of producing more complex geometries, new application areas may open up in industries beyond aerospace, such as automotive or renewable energy.

Enhancing Quality Control

Our research also has implications for quality control in AFP processes:

  1. Defect Prediction: Understanding the relationship between roller parameters and contact pressure can help predict areas where defects are more likely to occur, allowing for proactive quality control measures.
  2. In-Process Monitoring: Our findings could inform the development of more sophisticated in-process monitoring systems, potentially using the expected contact pressure as a benchmark for detecting anomalies during layup.
  3. Design for Manufacturability: The ability to predict manufacturable curvatures can be integrated into design software, allowing for real-time feedback on part manufacturability during the design phase.

By applying these insights, manufacturers can enhance the capabilities of their AFP systems, optimize processes for specific applications, and potentially unlock new possibilities in composite part design and manufacturing. As we continue to push the boundaries of what's possible with AFP technology, these findings provide a solid foundation for future innovations in the field.

Future Directions

While our study has provided valuable insights into the behavior of compaction rollers in Automated Fiber Placement (AFP), it also opens up exciting new avenues for further research. Let's explore some of the potential directions for future investigations and how they might shape the evolution of AFP technology.

Areas for Further Research

  1. Expanded Parameter Range: Our study focused on specific ranges for roller parameters. Future research could explore a wider range of parameter combinations to build a more comprehensive understanding of roller behavior.
  2. Dynamic Process Modeling: Our current model is based on static measurements. Future studies could investigate the dynamic behavior of compaction rollers during the layup process, including the effects of layup speed and temperature.
  3. Material Interactions: Further research could delve into how different prepreg materials interact with various roller configurations. This could lead to material-specific optimization strategies for AFP processes.
  4. Complex Geometry Studies: While our study focused on constant curvatures, future research could explore more complex, variable curvature surfaces to better represent real-world manufacturing scenarios.
  5. Defect Formation Mechanisms: Building on our findings, researchers could investigate how roller parameters influence specific defect formation mechanisms, potentially leading to strategies for defect prevention.
  6. Advanced Roller Designs: Our study could serve as a springboard for research into novel roller designs, such as adaptive rollers that can change their properties during layup to suit varying surface geometries.

Integration with Other Design Methodologies

The insights from our research have the potential to be integrated with other design and manufacturing methodologies:

  1. Topology Optimization: Our model for predicting manufacturable curvatures could be incorporated into topology optimization algorithms for composite structures. This would ensure that optimized designs are also manufacturable using AFP.
  2. Digital Twin Technology: The relationship between roller parameters and manufacturability could be integrated into digital twin models of AFP processes. This could enable real-time process optimization and predictive maintenance.
  3. Machine Learning Applications: The data generated from our study and future extensions could feed into machine learning models, potentially leading to AI-driven optimization of AFP processes for complex parts.
  4. Multiscale Modeling: Our findings at the roller level could be integrated into larger-scale models of composite behavior, bridging the gap between manufacturing processes and final part performance.
  5. Design for Manufacturing (DFM) Tools: The insights from our study could be incorporated into DFM software tools, allowing designers to consider AFP manufacturability constraints early in the design process.

Collaboration Opportunities

The complexity of AFP technology and the breadth of potential applications call for collaborative research efforts:

  1. Industry-Academia Partnerships: Collaborations between research institutions and AFP system manufacturers could accelerate the translation of research findings into practical innovations.
  2. Cross-Disciplinary Research: Combining expertise from materials science, mechanical engineering, and computer science could lead to holistic advancements in AFP technology.
  3. International Collaborations: Given the global nature of the composites industry, international research collaborations could pool resources and expertise to tackle larger challenges in AFP technology.

As we look to the future, the potential for advancements in AFP technology is truly exciting. By building on the foundation laid by studies like ours and embracing collaborative, multidisciplinary approaches, we can push the boundaries of what's possible in composite manufacturing. The journey towards more efficient, capable, and versatile AFP systems is ongoing, and each step forward opens up new possibilities for creating lighter, stronger, and more complex composite structures.

Conclusion: Shaping the Future of Composite Manufacturing

As we conclude our deep dive into the world of Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) and compaction roller design, let's recap the key insights from our groundbreaking research and consider their implications for the future of composite manufacturing.

Recap of Key Findings

Our study has shed new light on the complex relationship between compaction roller properties and manufacturable geometries in AFP:

  1. We introduced the Displacement Pressure Coefficient (DPC) as a novel metric for quantifying roller performance.
  2. We identified key factors influencing the DPC, with coating thickness emerging as the most significant parameter.
  3. We discovered that compaction rollers are generally more capable of producing small concave curvatures compared to small convex curvatures.
  4. We found an optimal roller radius for achieving the highest curvature in both the layup direction and perpendicular to it.
  5. We developed a model that allows for the prediction of maximum manufacturable curvatures based on roller parameters.

These findings provide a solid foundation for optimizing AFP processes and pushing the boundaries of what's possible in composite part design and manufacturing.

The Importance of This Research

The insights gained from this study are crucial for advancing AFP technology:

  1. Enhanced Design Capabilities: By understanding the limitations and capabilities of compaction rollers, designers can create more complex and optimized composite structures.
  2. Improved Manufacturing Efficiency: The ability to predict and optimize roller performance can lead to reduced setup times, fewer defects, and overall improved manufacturing efficiency.
  3. Expanded Applications: As AFP technology becomes capable of producing more complex geometries, it opens up new possibilities in industries beyond aerospace, such as automotive, renewable energy, and more.
  4. Informed Innovation: Our findings provide a springboard for future innovations in AFP technology, from adaptive roller designs to AI-driven process optimization.

The Future of Composite Manufacturing

As we look to the future, the potential for advancements in AFP technology and composite manufacturing is truly exciting:

  1. Smarter Systems: We envision AFP systems that can adapt in real-time to changing part geometries, optimizing roller parameters on the fly for perfect layups.
  2. Digital Integration: The integration of our findings with digital twin technology and AI could lead to self-optimizing manufacturing processes.
  3. Sustainable Manufacturing: As AFP technology becomes more efficient and capable, it could play a crucial role in producing lightweight, high-performance parts that contribute to sustainability goals across various industries.
  4. Pushing Boundaries: With continued research and innovation, we may see AFP systems capable of producing geometries that are currently considered impossible, opening up new frontiers in product design.

The journey towards more advanced AFP technology is ongoing, and each step forward brings us closer to realizing the full potential of composite materials. Our research contributes to this journey by providing a deeper understanding of the fundamental interactions between compaction rollers and composite materials.

As we continue to push the boundaries of what's possible with AFP, we invite researchers, engineers, and manufacturers to build upon these findings. The future of composite manufacturing is bright, and together, we can shape it to create a world of stronger, lighter, and more sustainable products.

Explore more about the future of composites manufacturing


  1. Denkena, B., Heimbs, S., Schmidt, C., Reichert, L., & Tiemann, T. (2023). Automated fiber placement: Modeling the influence of compaction roller properties on manufacturable geometries. SAMPE Europe Conference 2023 Madrid - Spain.
  2. What is Automated Fibre Placement (AFP)? - Addcomposites
  3. Automated Fiber Placement Process: A Revolutionary Way to Create Composite Parts - Addcomposites
  4. The Shift in Composite Manufacturing: From Traditional to Intelligent - Addcomposites
  5. AFP Machines and Components - Addcomposites

Advance Your AFP Expertise with Addcomposites

Are you ready to take your composite manufacturing to the next level? At Addcomposites, we're at the forefront of Automated Fiber Placement technology, translating cutting-edge research like the study we've discussed into practical, industry-leading solutions.

Whether you're looking to optimize your current AFP processes, explore new applications for complex geometries, or integrate the latest advancements in compaction roller technology, we're here to help. Our team of experts can guide you through the process of implementing or upgrading your AFP systems to achieve unprecedented levels of efficiency and capability.

Don't let the complexities of AFP hold you back from realizing your manufacturing potential. Contact Addcomposites today to discover how we can help you push the boundaries of what's possible in composite manufacturing.

Get in touch with Addcomposites and let's shape the future of composites together!


In the world of advanced manufacturing, Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) has emerged as a game-changing technology. This innovative process has revolutionized the production of high-quality, lightweight composite structures, particularly in the aerospace industry. AFP systems precisely lay down narrow strips of composite material, called tows, to create complex parts with exceptional strength-to-weight ratios.

Initially developed for flat or slightly curved geometries, AFP technology has come a long way. Today, there's a growing interest in pushing the boundaries of what's possible with AFP, particularly in manufacturing more complex, double-curved structures. This evolution is opening up new opportunities for AFP applications across various industries beyond aerospace.

However, as we strive to create increasingly intricate shapes, we face significant challenges. One of the most critical components in the AFP process is the compaction roller, which plays a crucial role in ensuring proper tape placement and preventing defects. The compaction roller applies pressure to bond the composite material to the tooling or substrate, but its effectiveness can be limited when dealing with highly curved surfaces.

Understanding these limitations and optimizing the design of compaction rollers is crucial for advancing AFP technology. That's where our latest research comes in. We've conducted an in-depth study to model the influence of compaction roller properties on manufacturable geometries, aiming to push the boundaries of what's possible with AFP.

In this blog post, we'll take you on a journey through our research, exploring how different roller parameters affect the manufacturing process and what it means for the future of composite manufacturing. Whether you're an AFP expert or new to the field, you'll gain valuable insights into the cutting-edge developments shaping the future of this transformative technology.

The Role of Compaction Rollers in AFP

At the heart of any Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) system lies a crucial component: the compaction roller. These unassuming cylindrical tools play a pivotal role in ensuring the quality and integrity of composite parts produced through AFP. But what exactly do these rollers do, and why are they so important?

The Function of Compaction Rollers

Compaction rollers are responsible for applying pressure to the composite material as it's laid down during the AFP process. This pressure serves several critical functions:

  1. Bonding: The roller presses the newly laid material onto the substrate or previous layers, promoting adhesion and ensuring a strong bond.
  2. Consolidation: By applying pressure, the roller helps to remove air pockets and consolidate the layers, reducing the risk of voids in the final part.
  3. Shaping: For complex geometries, the roller helps to conform the material to the desired shape, particularly important for curved surfaces.

The Link Between Roller Design and Layup Quality

The design of compaction rollers isn't a one-size-fits-all affair. Different roller properties can significantly impact the layup quality and the types of geometries that can be successfully manufactured. Key parameters include:

  • Roller radius: Affects the roller's ability to conform to different curvatures.
  • Roller width: Influences the area of pressure application and the ability to navigate complex geometries.
  • Coating thickness: Impacts the roller's compliance and ability to distribute pressure evenly.
  • Coating hardness: Affects how the roller interacts with the composite material and conforms to surface irregularities.

Understanding how these parameters interact is crucial for optimizing the AFP process for different applications and geometries.

Current Limitations in Manufacturing Complex Geometries

While AFP technology has come a long way, manufacturing highly complex, double-curved geometries remains a significant challenge. The limitations often stem from the compaction roller's ability (or inability) to maintain consistent pressure across the entire surface of intricate shapes.

When dealing with tight curves or rapid changes in surface geometry, traditional roller designs may struggle to maintain full contact. This can lead to issues such as:

  • Inconsistent pressure distribution
  • Inadequate bonding in certain areas
  • Increased risk of defects like wrinkles or voids

These challenges have driven researchers and engineers to explore new approaches to compaction roller design, aiming to push the boundaries of what's possible with AFP technology.

In our study, we set out to model these limitations systematically, with the goal of understanding how different roller properties influence the range of manufacturable geometries. By gaining a deeper understanding of these relationships, we aim to pave the way for more advanced AFP systems capable of producing increasingly complex composite parts with high precision and quality.

The Study: Modeling Compaction Roller Limitations

To address the challenges of manufacturing complex geometries with AFP, our research team conducted a comprehensive study aimed at modeling the influence of compaction roller properties on manufacturable geometries. Let's dive into the details of this groundbreaking research.

Objectives of the Research

The primary goal of our study was to estimate the maximum achievable curvatures for a given compaction roller. By understanding these limitations, we aimed to provide insights that could inform the design of more effective AFP systems capable of producing increasingly complex composite parts.

Specifically, we sought to:

  1. Evaluate the effect of different roller parameters on contact pressure applied to surfaces with varying curvatures.
  2. Develop a model to predict manufacturable curvatures based on roller parameters.
  3. Understand the relationship between roller indentation and contact pressure.

Key Parameters Investigated

Our study focused on four critical parameters of compaction rollers:

  1. Roller Radius: We examined how the overall size of the roller affects its performance on curved surfaces.
  2. Roller Width: We investigated rollers of different widths to understand how this parameter influences pressure distribution and conformability.
  3. Coating Thickness: We varied the thickness of the elastomer coating to assess its impact on roller compliance.
  4. Coating Hardness: Different hardness levels of the elastomer coating were tested to evaluate their effect on pressure distribution and conformability.

These parameters were chosen based on their potential influence on the roller's ability to maintain consistent contact and pressure across complex geometries.

Experimental Setup and Methodology

Our experimental investigation was carefully designed to provide comprehensive data on roller behavior. Here's an overview of our approach:

  1. Roller Design: We created a set of 16 different compaction rollers, varying the four key parameters mentioned above. This allowed us to examine a wide range of roller configurations.
  2. Test Surfaces: We used flat, convex, and concave molds with constant curvatures to simulate various surface geometries.
  3. Force Application: Each roller was pressed onto the surface with a force of 100 N per tow width, mimicking typical AFP process conditions.
  4. Pressure Measurement: We used pressure-sensitive films to measure the contact pressure distribution for each roller configuration on different surface curvatures.
  5. Data Analysis: We developed custom image processing algorithms to analyze the pressure distribution data from the films, allowing us to quantify the contact pressure at different points across the roller width.
  6. Modeling: Based on the experimental data, we developed a model to predict the relationship between roller parameters, indentation, and contact pressure. This model forms the basis for estimating manufacturable curvatures for different roller configurations.

Introduction of the Displacement Pressure Coefficient (DPC)

A key innovation in our study was the introduction of the Displacement Pressure Coefficient (DPC). This coefficient quantifies the relationship between roller indentation and the corresponding contact pressure. The DPC allows us to predict how different roller configurations will perform on various surface curvatures, providing a powerful tool for optimizing AFP processes for complex geometries.

By systematically investigating these parameters and developing a predictive model, our study aims to provide valuable insights for AFP system design and optimization. In the next section, we'll delve into the key findings from this research and their implications for the future of AFP technology.

Key Findings

Our comprehensive study on compaction roller performance in Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) has yielded several significant insights. These findings not only enhance our understanding of the AFP process but also pave the way for more advanced and efficient composite manufacturing techniques.

The Displacement Pressure Coefficient (DPC): A New Metric for Roller Performance

One of the most important outcomes of our research was the introduction of the Displacement Pressure Coefficient (DPC). This novel metric quantifies the relationship between roller indentation and the corresponding contact pressure. The DPC proved to be a powerful tool for predicting roller performance across various surface curvatures.

Key observations about the DPC include:

  1. For curvatures below 0.01 1/mm, the tool shape had no significant influence on the DPC at the applied load.
  2. The DPC can be derived solely as a function of roller parameters for a given force, simplifying performance predictions.

Factors Influencing the DPC

Our analysis revealed that several roller parameters significantly influence the DPC:

  1. Coating Thickness: This emerged as the most influential factor. In some cases, a 20% increase in coating thickness resulted in a 600% increase in manufacturable curvature.
  2. Roller Radius: The outer radius of the roller showed a substantial impact on the DPC and, consequently, on the achievable curvatures.
  3. Coating Hardness: The hardness of the elastomer coating also played a significant role in determining the DPC.
  4. Roller Width: Interestingly, the width of the compaction roller had a negligible effect on the DPC when the force per unit width was kept constant.

These findings provide valuable insights for optimizing AFP processes and roller design.

The Relationship Between Roller Parameters and Manufacturable Curvatures

Our study revealed several key relationships between roller parameters and the ability to manufacture complex curvatures:

  1. Direction Matters: Compaction rollers are generally more capable of producing small concave curvatures compared to small convex curvatures.
  2. Optimal Roller Radius: We found that there's an optimal roller radius for achieving the highest curvature in both the layup direction (0°) and perpendicular to it (90°). Smaller roller radii (r < 50.8 mm) limit high concave curvatures in the 90° direction, while larger radii (r > 50.8 mm) limit curvatures in the layup direction.
  3. Nonlinear Interactions: The interaction between coating thickness and hardness proved crucial for producing high curvatures. We observed that small changes in these parameters can result in significantly higher performance, depending on the specific configuration.
  4. Performance Prediction: Our model allows for the prediction of maximum manufacturable curvatures based on roller parameters. This capability is invaluable for designing AFP systems tailored to specific manufacturing requirements.

Implications for AFP System Design

These findings have significant implications for AFP system design:

  1. Roller Customization: By understanding the influence of each parameter, AFP systems can be equipped with rollers optimized for specific manufacturing tasks.
  2. Process Optimization: The ability to predict manufacturable curvatures allows for better process planning and optimization, potentially reducing defects and improving part quality.
  3. Expanded Capabilities: With a deeper understanding of roller behavior, AFP systems can be pushed to manufacture increasingly complex geometries, expanding the potential applications of this technology.

These results represent a significant step forward in our understanding of AFP technology and open up new possibilities for advanced composite manufacturing. In the next section, we'll explore the practical implications of these findings and how they can be applied to improve AFP processes.

Practical Implications for AFP Design

The insights gained from our study on compaction roller behavior have significant practical implications for the design and optimization of Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) systems. Let's explore how these findings can be applied to enhance AFP technology and expand its capabilities.

Improving AFP Layup Head Design

Our research provides valuable guidance for AFP layup head design:

  1. Optimal Roller Configuration: By understanding the relationship between roller parameters and manufacturable curvatures, engineers can design layup heads with rollers optimized for specific applications. For instance:some text
    • For parts with predominantly concave surfaces, rollers with larger radii might be preferred.
    • For parts with both concave and convex features, an optimal radius can be selected to balance performance in both directions.
  2. Adaptive Systems: The insights from our study could inform the development of adaptive AFP systems with interchangeable rollers or adjustable roller parameters. This would allow a single AFP system to be quickly reconfigured for different part geometries.
  3. Segmented Roller Design: Our findings on the influence of roller width could guide the design of segmented rollers, potentially allowing for better conformity to complex surfaces.

Optimizing Roller Parameters for Specific Applications

The model we developed allows for precise optimization of roller parameters for specific manufacturing tasks:

  1. Coating Customization: Given the significant impact of coating thickness and hardness on performance, manufacturers can fine-tune these parameters for their specific needs. For example:some text
    • Parts with high curvatures might benefit from thicker, softer coatings.
    • Simpler geometries might use thinner, harder coatings for improved durability.
  2. Performance Prediction: Our model enables manufacturers to predict the performance of different roller configurations before physical testing. This can significantly reduce the time and cost associated with AFP system setup and optimization.
  3. Process Parameter Optimization: By understanding the relationship between roller indentation and contact pressure, manufacturers can better optimize process parameters like compaction force and layup speed for different part geometries.

Manufacturing More Complex Geometries

Perhaps the most exciting implication of our research is the potential to manufacture more complex composite parts using AFP:

  1. Pushing Curvature Limits: With a clear understanding of the maximum manufacturable curvatures for different roller configurations, designers can push the boundaries of part complexity while ensuring manufacturability.
  2. Hybrid Manufacturing Approaches: For extremely complex parts, our findings could inform hybrid manufacturing approaches. For instance, areas with high curvatures exceeding the capabilities of a single roller might use a combination of AFP and hand layup or other complementary techniques.
  3. New Application Areas: As AFP systems become capable of producing more complex geometries, new application areas may open up in industries beyond aerospace, such as automotive or renewable energy.

Enhancing Quality Control

Our research also has implications for quality control in AFP processes:

  1. Defect Prediction: Understanding the relationship between roller parameters and contact pressure can help predict areas where defects are more likely to occur, allowing for proactive quality control measures.
  2. In-Process Monitoring: Our findings could inform the development of more sophisticated in-process monitoring systems, potentially using the expected contact pressure as a benchmark for detecting anomalies during layup.
  3. Design for Manufacturability: The ability to predict manufacturable curvatures can be integrated into design software, allowing for real-time feedback on part manufacturability during the design phase.

By applying these insights, manufacturers can enhance the capabilities of their AFP systems, optimize processes for specific applications, and potentially unlock new possibilities in composite part design and manufacturing. As we continue to push the boundaries of what's possible with AFP technology, these findings provide a solid foundation for future innovations in the field.

Future Directions

While our study has provided valuable insights into the behavior of compaction rollers in Automated Fiber Placement (AFP), it also opens up exciting new avenues for further research. Let's explore some of the potential directions for future investigations and how they might shape the evolution of AFP technology.

Areas for Further Research

  1. Expanded Parameter Range: Our study focused on specific ranges for roller parameters. Future research could explore a wider range of parameter combinations to build a more comprehensive understanding of roller behavior.
  2. Dynamic Process Modeling: Our current model is based on static measurements. Future studies could investigate the dynamic behavior of compaction rollers during the layup process, including the effects of layup speed and temperature.
  3. Material Interactions: Further research could delve into how different prepreg materials interact with various roller configurations. This could lead to material-specific optimization strategies for AFP processes.
  4. Complex Geometry Studies: While our study focused on constant curvatures, future research could explore more complex, variable curvature surfaces to better represent real-world manufacturing scenarios.
  5. Defect Formation Mechanisms: Building on our findings, researchers could investigate how roller parameters influence specific defect formation mechanisms, potentially leading to strategies for defect prevention.
  6. Advanced Roller Designs: Our study could serve as a springboard for research into novel roller designs, such as adaptive rollers that can change their properties during layup to suit varying surface geometries.

Integration with Other Design Methodologies

The insights from our research have the potential to be integrated with other design and manufacturing methodologies:

  1. Topology Optimization: Our model for predicting manufacturable curvatures could be incorporated into topology optimization algorithms for composite structures. This would ensure that optimized designs are also manufacturable using AFP.
  2. Digital Twin Technology: The relationship between roller parameters and manufacturability could be integrated into digital twin models of AFP processes. This could enable real-time process optimization and predictive maintenance.
  3. Machine Learning Applications: The data generated from our study and future extensions could feed into machine learning models, potentially leading to AI-driven optimization of AFP processes for complex parts.
  4. Multiscale Modeling: Our findings at the roller level could be integrated into larger-scale models of composite behavior, bridging the gap between manufacturing processes and final part performance.
  5. Design for Manufacturing (DFM) Tools: The insights from our study could be incorporated into DFM software tools, allowing designers to consider AFP manufacturability constraints early in the design process.

Collaboration Opportunities

The complexity of AFP technology and the breadth of potential applications call for collaborative research efforts:

  1. Industry-Academia Partnerships: Collaborations between research institutions and AFP system manufacturers could accelerate the translation of research findings into practical innovations.
  2. Cross-Disciplinary Research: Combining expertise from materials science, mechanical engineering, and computer science could lead to holistic advancements in AFP technology.
  3. International Collaborations: Given the global nature of the composites industry, international research collaborations could pool resources and expertise to tackle larger challenges in AFP technology.

As we look to the future, the potential for advancements in AFP technology is truly exciting. By building on the foundation laid by studies like ours and embracing collaborative, multidisciplinary approaches, we can push the boundaries of what's possible in composite manufacturing. The journey towards more efficient, capable, and versatile AFP systems is ongoing, and each step forward opens up new possibilities for creating lighter, stronger, and more complex composite structures.

Conclusion: Shaping the Future of Composite Manufacturing

As we conclude our deep dive into the world of Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) and compaction roller design, let's recap the key insights from our groundbreaking research and consider their implications for the future of composite manufacturing.

Recap of Key Findings

Our study has shed new light on the complex relationship between compaction roller properties and manufacturable geometries in AFP:

  1. We introduced the Displacement Pressure Coefficient (DPC) as a novel metric for quantifying roller performance.
  2. We identified key factors influencing the DPC, with coating thickness emerging as the most significant parameter.
  3. We discovered that compaction rollers are generally more capable of producing small concave curvatures compared to small convex curvatures.
  4. We found an optimal roller radius for achieving the highest curvature in both the layup direction and perpendicular to it.
  5. We developed a model that allows for the prediction of maximum manufacturable curvatures based on roller parameters.

These findings provide a solid foundation for optimizing AFP processes and pushing the boundaries of what's possible in composite part design and manufacturing.

The Importance of This Research

The insights gained from this study are crucial for advancing AFP technology:

  1. Enhanced Design Capabilities: By understanding the limitations and capabilities of compaction rollers, designers can create more complex and optimized composite structures.
  2. Improved Manufacturing Efficiency: The ability to predict and optimize roller performance can lead to reduced setup times, fewer defects, and overall improved manufacturing efficiency.
  3. Expanded Applications: As AFP technology becomes capable of producing more complex geometries, it opens up new possibilities in industries beyond aerospace, such as automotive, renewable energy, and more.
  4. Informed Innovation: Our findings provide a springboard for future innovations in AFP technology, from adaptive roller designs to AI-driven process optimization.

The Future of Composite Manufacturing

As we look to the future, the potential for advancements in AFP technology and composite manufacturing is truly exciting:

  1. Smarter Systems: We envision AFP systems that can adapt in real-time to changing part geometries, optimizing roller parameters on the fly for perfect layups.
  2. Digital Integration: The integration of our findings with digital twin technology and AI could lead to self-optimizing manufacturing processes.
  3. Sustainable Manufacturing: As AFP technology becomes more efficient and capable, it could play a crucial role in producing lightweight, high-performance parts that contribute to sustainability goals across various industries.
  4. Pushing Boundaries: With continued research and innovation, we may see AFP systems capable of producing geometries that are currently considered impossible, opening up new frontiers in product design.

The journey towards more advanced AFP technology is ongoing, and each step forward brings us closer to realizing the full potential of composite materials. Our research contributes to this journey by providing a deeper understanding of the fundamental interactions between compaction rollers and composite materials.

As we continue to push the boundaries of what's possible with AFP, we invite researchers, engineers, and manufacturers to build upon these findings. The future of composite manufacturing is bright, and together, we can shape it to create a world of stronger, lighter, and more sustainable products.

Explore more about the future of composites manufacturing


  1. Denkena, B., Heimbs, S., Schmidt, C., Reichert, L., & Tiemann, T. (2023). Automated fiber placement: Modeling the influence of compaction roller properties on manufacturable geometries. SAMPE Europe Conference 2023 Madrid - Spain.
  2. What is Automated Fibre Placement (AFP)? - Addcomposites
  3. Automated Fiber Placement Process: A Revolutionary Way to Create Composite Parts - Addcomposites
  4. The Shift in Composite Manufacturing: From Traditional to Intelligent - Addcomposites
  5. AFP Machines and Components - Addcomposites

Advance Your AFP Expertise with Addcomposites

Are you ready to take your composite manufacturing to the next level? At Addcomposites, we're at the forefront of Automated Fiber Placement technology, translating cutting-edge research like the study we've discussed into practical, industry-leading solutions.

Whether you're looking to optimize your current AFP processes, explore new applications for complex geometries, or integrate the latest advancements in compaction roller technology, we're here to help. Our team of experts can guide you through the process of implementing or upgrading your AFP systems to achieve unprecedented levels of efficiency and capability.

Don't let the complexities of AFP hold you back from realizing your manufacturing potential. Contact Addcomposites today to discover how we can help you push the boundaries of what's possible in composite manufacturing.

Get in touch with Addcomposites and let's shape the future of composites together!


In the world of advanced manufacturing, Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) has emerged as a game-changing technology. This innovative process has revolutionized the production of high-quality, lightweight composite structures, particularly in the aerospace industry. AFP systems precisely lay down narrow strips of composite material, called tows, to create complex parts with exceptional strength-to-weight ratios.

Initially developed for flat or slightly curved geometries, AFP technology has come a long way. Today, there's a growing interest in pushing the boundaries of what's possible with AFP, particularly in manufacturing more complex, double-curved structures. This evolution is opening up new opportunities for AFP applications across various industries beyond aerospace.

However, as we strive to create increasingly intricate shapes, we face significant challenges. One of the most critical components in the AFP process is the compaction roller, which plays a crucial role in ensuring proper tape placement and preventing defects. The compaction roller applies pressure to bond the composite material to the tooling or substrate, but its effectiveness can be limited when dealing with highly curved surfaces.

Understanding these limitations and optimizing the design of compaction rollers is crucial for advancing AFP technology. That's where our latest research comes in. We've conducted an in-depth study to model the influence of compaction roller properties on manufacturable geometries, aiming to push the boundaries of what's possible with AFP.

In this blog post, we'll take you on a journey through our research, exploring how different roller parameters affect the manufacturing process and what it means for the future of composite manufacturing. Whether you're an AFP expert or new to the field, you'll gain valuable insights into the cutting-edge developments shaping the future of this transformative technology.

The Role of Compaction Rollers in AFP

At the heart of any Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) system lies a crucial component: the compaction roller. These unassuming cylindrical tools play a pivotal role in ensuring the quality and integrity of composite parts produced through AFP. But what exactly do these rollers do, and why are they so important?

The Function of Compaction Rollers

Compaction rollers are responsible for applying pressure to the composite material as it's laid down during the AFP process. This pressure serves several critical functions:

  1. Bonding: The roller presses the newly laid material onto the substrate or previous layers, promoting adhesion and ensuring a strong bond.
  2. Consolidation: By applying pressure, the roller helps to remove air pockets and consolidate the layers, reducing the risk of voids in the final part.
  3. Shaping: For complex geometries, the roller helps to conform the material to the desired shape, particularly important for curved surfaces.

The Link Between Roller Design and Layup Quality

The design of compaction rollers isn't a one-size-fits-all affair. Different roller properties can significantly impact the layup quality and the types of geometries that can be successfully manufactured. Key parameters include:

  • Roller radius: Affects the roller's ability to conform to different curvatures.
  • Roller width: Influences the area of pressure application and the ability to navigate complex geometries.
  • Coating thickness: Impacts the roller's compliance and ability to distribute pressure evenly.
  • Coating hardness: Affects how the roller interacts with the composite material and conforms to surface irregularities.

Understanding how these parameters interact is crucial for optimizing the AFP process for different applications and geometries.

Current Limitations in Manufacturing Complex Geometries

While AFP technology has come a long way, manufacturing highly complex, double-curved geometries remains a significant challenge. The limitations often stem from the compaction roller's ability (or inability) to maintain consistent pressure across the entire surface of intricate shapes.

When dealing with tight curves or rapid changes in surface geometry, traditional roller designs may struggle to maintain full contact. This can lead to issues such as:

  • Inconsistent pressure distribution
  • Inadequate bonding in certain areas
  • Increased risk of defects like wrinkles or voids

These challenges have driven researchers and engineers to explore new approaches to compaction roller design, aiming to push the boundaries of what's possible with AFP technology.

In our study, we set out to model these limitations systematically, with the goal of understanding how different roller properties influence the range of manufacturable geometries. By gaining a deeper understanding of these relationships, we aim to pave the way for more advanced AFP systems capable of producing increasingly complex composite parts with high precision and quality.

The Study: Modeling Compaction Roller Limitations

To address the challenges of manufacturing complex geometries with AFP, our research team conducted a comprehensive study aimed at modeling the influence of compaction roller properties on manufacturable geometries. Let's dive into the details of this groundbreaking research.

Objectives of the Research

The primary goal of our study was to estimate the maximum achievable curvatures for a given compaction roller. By understanding these limitations, we aimed to provide insights that could inform the design of more effective AFP systems capable of producing increasingly complex composite parts.

Specifically, we sought to:

  1. Evaluate the effect of different roller parameters on contact pressure applied to surfaces with varying curvatures.
  2. Develop a model to predict manufacturable curvatures based on roller parameters.
  3. Understand the relationship between roller indentation and contact pressure.

Key Parameters Investigated

Our study focused on four critical parameters of compaction rollers:

  1. Roller Radius: We examined how the overall size of the roller affects its performance on curved surfaces.
  2. Roller Width: We investigated rollers of different widths to understand how this parameter influences pressure distribution and conformability.
  3. Coating Thickness: We varied the thickness of the elastomer coating to assess its impact on roller compliance.
  4. Coating Hardness: Different hardness levels of the elastomer coating were tested to evaluate their effect on pressure distribution and conformability.

These parameters were chosen based on their potential influence on the roller's ability to maintain consistent contact and pressure across complex geometries.

Experimental Setup and Methodology

Our experimental investigation was carefully designed to provide comprehensive data on roller behavior. Here's an overview of our approach:

  1. Roller Design: We created a set of 16 different compaction rollers, varying the four key parameters mentioned above. This allowed us to examine a wide range of roller configurations.
  2. Test Surfaces: We used flat, convex, and concave molds with constant curvatures to simulate various surface geometries.
  3. Force Application: Each roller was pressed onto the surface with a force of 100 N per tow width, mimicking typical AFP process conditions.
  4. Pressure Measurement: We used pressure-sensitive films to measure the contact pressure distribution for each roller configuration on different surface curvatures.
  5. Data Analysis: We developed custom image processing algorithms to analyze the pressure distribution data from the films, allowing us to quantify the contact pressure at different points across the roller width.
  6. Modeling: Based on the experimental data, we developed a model to predict the relationship between roller parameters, indentation, and contact pressure. This model forms the basis for estimating manufacturable curvatures for different roller configurations.

Introduction of the Displacement Pressure Coefficient (DPC)

A key innovation in our study was the introduction of the Displacement Pressure Coefficient (DPC). This coefficient quantifies the relationship between roller indentation and the corresponding contact pressure. The DPC allows us to predict how different roller configurations will perform on various surface curvatures, providing a powerful tool for optimizing AFP processes for complex geometries.

By systematically investigating these parameters and developing a predictive model, our study aims to provide valuable insights for AFP system design and optimization. In the next section, we'll delve into the key findings from this research and their implications for the future of AFP technology.

Key Findings

Our comprehensive study on compaction roller performance in Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) has yielded several significant insights. These findings not only enhance our understanding of the AFP process but also pave the way for more advanced and efficient composite manufacturing techniques.

The Displacement Pressure Coefficient (DPC): A New Metric for Roller Performance

One of the most important outcomes of our research was the introduction of the Displacement Pressure Coefficient (DPC). This novel metric quantifies the relationship between roller indentation and the corresponding contact pressure. The DPC proved to be a powerful tool for predicting roller performance across various surface curvatures.

Key observations about the DPC include:

  1. For curvatures below 0.01 1/mm, the tool shape had no significant influence on the DPC at the applied load.
  2. The DPC can be derived solely as a function of roller parameters for a given force, simplifying performance predictions.

Factors Influencing the DPC

Our analysis revealed that several roller parameters significantly influence the DPC:

  1. Coating Thickness: This emerged as the most influential factor. In some cases, a 20% increase in coating thickness resulted in a 600% increase in manufacturable curvature.
  2. Roller Radius: The outer radius of the roller showed a substantial impact on the DPC and, consequently, on the achievable curvatures.
  3. Coating Hardness: The hardness of the elastomer coating also played a significant role in determining the DPC.
  4. Roller Width: Interestingly, the width of the compaction roller had a negligible effect on the DPC when the force per unit width was kept constant.

These findings provide valuable insights for optimizing AFP processes and roller design.

The Relationship Between Roller Parameters and Manufacturable Curvatures

Our study revealed several key relationships between roller parameters and the ability to manufacture complex curvatures:

  1. Direction Matters: Compaction rollers are generally more capable of producing small concave curvatures compared to small convex curvatures.
  2. Optimal Roller Radius: We found that there's an optimal roller radius for achieving the highest curvature in both the layup direction (0°) and perpendicular to it (90°). Smaller roller radii (r < 50.8 mm) limit high concave curvatures in the 90° direction, while larger radii (r > 50.8 mm) limit curvatures in the layup direction.
  3. Nonlinear Interactions: The interaction between coating thickness and hardness proved crucial for producing high curvatures. We observed that small changes in these parameters can result in significantly higher performance, depending on the specific configuration.
  4. Performance Prediction: Our model allows for the prediction of maximum manufacturable curvatures based on roller parameters. This capability is invaluable for designing AFP systems tailored to specific manufacturing requirements.

Implications for AFP System Design

These findings have significant implications for AFP system design:

  1. Roller Customization: By understanding the influence of each parameter, AFP systems can be equipped with rollers optimized for specific manufacturing tasks.
  2. Process Optimization: The ability to predict manufacturable curvatures allows for better process planning and optimization, potentially reducing defects and improving part quality.
  3. Expanded Capabilities: With a deeper understanding of roller behavior, AFP systems can be pushed to manufacture increasingly complex geometries, expanding the potential applications of this technology.

These results represent a significant step forward in our understanding of AFP technology and open up new possibilities for advanced composite manufacturing. In the next section, we'll explore the practical implications of these findings and how they can be applied to improve AFP processes.

Practical Implications for AFP Design

The insights gained from our study on compaction roller behavior have significant practical implications for the design and optimization of Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) systems. Let's explore how these findings can be applied to enhance AFP technology and expand its capabilities.

Improving AFP Layup Head Design

Our research provides valuable guidance for AFP layup head design:

  1. Optimal Roller Configuration: By understanding the relationship between roller parameters and manufacturable curvatures, engineers can design layup heads with rollers optimized for specific applications. For instance:some text
    • For parts with predominantly concave surfaces, rollers with larger radii might be preferred.
    • For parts with both concave and convex features, an optimal radius can be selected to balance performance in both directions.
  2. Adaptive Systems: The insights from our study could inform the development of adaptive AFP systems with interchangeable rollers or adjustable roller parameters. This would allow a single AFP system to be quickly reconfigured for different part geometries.
  3. Segmented Roller Design: Our findings on the influence of roller width could guide the design of segmented rollers, potentially allowing for better conformity to complex surfaces.

Optimizing Roller Parameters for Specific Applications

The model we developed allows for precise optimization of roller parameters for specific manufacturing tasks:

  1. Coating Customization: Given the significant impact of coating thickness and hardness on performance, manufacturers can fine-tune these parameters for their specific needs. For example:some text
    • Parts with high curvatures might benefit from thicker, softer coatings.
    • Simpler geometries might use thinner, harder coatings for improved durability.
  2. Performance Prediction: Our model enables manufacturers to predict the performance of different roller configurations before physical testing. This can significantly reduce the time and cost associated with AFP system setup and optimization.
  3. Process Parameter Optimization: By understanding the relationship between roller indentation and contact pressure, manufacturers can better optimize process parameters like compaction force and layup speed for different part geometries.

Manufacturing More Complex Geometries

Perhaps the most exciting implication of our research is the potential to manufacture more complex composite parts using AFP:

  1. Pushing Curvature Limits: With a clear understanding of the maximum manufacturable curvatures for different roller configurations, designers can push the boundaries of part complexity while ensuring manufacturability.
  2. Hybrid Manufacturing Approaches: For extremely complex parts, our findings could inform hybrid manufacturing approaches. For instance, areas with high curvatures exceeding the capabilities of a single roller might use a combination of AFP and hand layup or other complementary techniques.
  3. New Application Areas: As AFP systems become capable of producing more complex geometries, new application areas may open up in industries beyond aerospace, such as automotive or renewable energy.

Enhancing Quality Control

Our research also has implications for quality control in AFP processes:

  1. Defect Prediction: Understanding the relationship between roller parameters and contact pressure can help predict areas where defects are more likely to occur, allowing for proactive quality control measures.
  2. In-Process Monitoring: Our findings could inform the development of more sophisticated in-process monitoring systems, potentially using the expected contact pressure as a benchmark for detecting anomalies during layup.
  3. Design for Manufacturability: The ability to predict manufacturable curvatures can be integrated into design software, allowing for real-time feedback on part manufacturability during the design phase.

By applying these insights, manufacturers can enhance the capabilities of their AFP systems, optimize processes for specific applications, and potentially unlock new possibilities in composite part design and manufacturing. As we continue to push the boundaries of what's possible with AFP technology, these findings provide a solid foundation for future innovations in the field.

Future Directions

While our study has provided valuable insights into the behavior of compaction rollers in Automated Fiber Placement (AFP), it also opens up exciting new avenues for further research. Let's explore some of the potential directions for future investigations and how they might shape the evolution of AFP technology.

Areas for Further Research

  1. Expanded Parameter Range: Our study focused on specific ranges for roller parameters. Future research could explore a wider range of parameter combinations to build a more comprehensive understanding of roller behavior.
  2. Dynamic Process Modeling: Our current model is based on static measurements. Future studies could investigate the dynamic behavior of compaction rollers during the layup process, including the effects of layup speed and temperature.
  3. Material Interactions: Further research could delve into how different prepreg materials interact with various roller configurations. This could lead to material-specific optimization strategies for AFP processes.
  4. Complex Geometry Studies: While our study focused on constant curvatures, future research could explore more complex, variable curvature surfaces to better represent real-world manufacturing scenarios.
  5. Defect Formation Mechanisms: Building on our findings, researchers could investigate how roller parameters influence specific defect formation mechanisms, potentially leading to strategies for defect prevention.
  6. Advanced Roller Designs: Our study could serve as a springboard for research into novel roller designs, such as adaptive rollers that can change their properties during layup to suit varying surface geometries.

Integration with Other Design Methodologies

The insights from our research have the potential to be integrated with other design and manufacturing methodologies:

  1. Topology Optimization: Our model for predicting manufacturable curvatures could be incorporated into topology optimization algorithms for composite structures. This would ensure that optimized designs are also manufacturable using AFP.
  2. Digital Twin Technology: The relationship between roller parameters and manufacturability could be integrated into digital twin models of AFP processes. This could enable real-time process optimization and predictive maintenance.
  3. Machine Learning Applications: The data generated from our study and future extensions could feed into machine learning models, potentially leading to AI-driven optimization of AFP processes for complex parts.
  4. Multiscale Modeling: Our findings at the roller level could be integrated into larger-scale models of composite behavior, bridging the gap between manufacturing processes and final part performance.
  5. Design for Manufacturing (DFM) Tools: The insights from our study could be incorporated into DFM software tools, allowing designers to consider AFP manufacturability constraints early in the design process.

Collaboration Opportunities

The complexity of AFP technology and the breadth of potential applications call for collaborative research efforts:

  1. Industry-Academia Partnerships: Collaborations between research institutions and AFP system manufacturers could accelerate the translation of research findings into practical innovations.
  2. Cross-Disciplinary Research: Combining expertise from materials science, mechanical engineering, and computer science could lead to holistic advancements in AFP technology.
  3. International Collaborations: Given the global nature of the composites industry, international research collaborations could pool resources and expertise to tackle larger challenges in AFP technology.

As we look to the future, the potential for advancements in AFP technology is truly exciting. By building on the foundation laid by studies like ours and embracing collaborative, multidisciplinary approaches, we can push the boundaries of what's possible in composite manufacturing. The journey towards more efficient, capable, and versatile AFP systems is ongoing, and each step forward opens up new possibilities for creating lighter, stronger, and more complex composite structures.

Conclusion: Shaping the Future of Composite Manufacturing

As we conclude our deep dive into the world of Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) and compaction roller design, let's recap the key insights from our groundbreaking research and consider their implications for the future of composite manufacturing.

Recap of Key Findings

Our study has shed new light on the complex relationship between compaction roller properties and manufacturable geometries in AFP:

  1. We introduced the Displacement Pressure Coefficient (DPC) as a novel metric for quantifying roller performance.
  2. We identified key factors influencing the DPC, with coating thickness emerging as the most significant parameter.
  3. We discovered that compaction rollers are generally more capable of producing small concave curvatures compared to small convex curvatures.
  4. We found an optimal roller radius for achieving the highest curvature in both the layup direction and perpendicular to it.
  5. We developed a model that allows for the prediction of maximum manufacturable curvatures based on roller parameters.

These findings provide a solid foundation for optimizing AFP processes and pushing the boundaries of what's possible in composite part design and manufacturing.

The Importance of This Research

The insights gained from this study are crucial for advancing AFP technology:

  1. Enhanced Design Capabilities: By understanding the limitations and capabilities of compaction rollers, designers can create more complex and optimized composite structures.
  2. Improved Manufacturing Efficiency: The ability to predict and optimize roller performance can lead to reduced setup times, fewer defects, and overall improved manufacturing efficiency.
  3. Expanded Applications: As AFP technology becomes capable of producing more complex geometries, it opens up new possibilities in industries beyond aerospace, such as automotive, renewable energy, and more.
  4. Informed Innovation: Our findings provide a springboard for future innovations in AFP technology, from adaptive roller designs to AI-driven process optimization.

The Future of Composite Manufacturing

As we look to the future, the potential for advancements in AFP technology and composite manufacturing is truly exciting:

  1. Smarter Systems: We envision AFP systems that can adapt in real-time to changing part geometries, optimizing roller parameters on the fly for perfect layups.
  2. Digital Integration: The integration of our findings with digital twin technology and AI could lead to self-optimizing manufacturing processes.
  3. Sustainable Manufacturing: As AFP technology becomes more efficient and capable, it could play a crucial role in producing lightweight, high-performance parts that contribute to sustainability goals across various industries.
  4. Pushing Boundaries: With continued research and innovation, we may see AFP systems capable of producing geometries that are currently considered impossible, opening up new frontiers in product design.

The journey towards more advanced AFP technology is ongoing, and each step forward brings us closer to realizing the full potential of composite materials. Our research contributes to this journey by providing a deeper understanding of the fundamental interactions between compaction rollers and composite materials.

As we continue to push the boundaries of what's possible with AFP, we invite researchers, engineers, and manufacturers to build upon these findings. The future of composite manufacturing is bright, and together, we can shape it to create a world of stronger, lighter, and more sustainable products.

Explore more about the future of composites manufacturing


  1. Denkena, B., Heimbs, S., Schmidt, C., Reichert, L., & Tiemann, T. (2023). Automated fiber placement: Modeling the influence of compaction roller properties on manufacturable geometries. SAMPE Europe Conference 2023 Madrid - Spain.
  2. What is Automated Fibre Placement (AFP)? - Addcomposites
  3. Automated Fiber Placement Process: A Revolutionary Way to Create Composite Parts - Addcomposites
  4. The Shift in Composite Manufacturing: From Traditional to Intelligent - Addcomposites
  5. AFP Machines and Components - Addcomposites

Advance Your AFP Expertise with Addcomposites

Are you ready to take your composite manufacturing to the next level? At Addcomposites, we're at the forefront of Automated Fiber Placement technology, translating cutting-edge research like the study we've discussed into practical, industry-leading solutions.

Whether you're looking to optimize your current AFP processes, explore new applications for complex geometries, or integrate the latest advancements in compaction roller technology, we're here to help. Our team of experts can guide you through the process of implementing or upgrading your AFP systems to achieve unprecedented levels of efficiency and capability.

Don't let the complexities of AFP hold you back from realizing your manufacturing potential. Contact Addcomposites today to discover how we can help you push the boundaries of what's possible in composite manufacturing.

Get in touch with Addcomposites and let's shape the future of composites together!

In the world of advanced manufacturing, Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) has emerged as a game-changing technology. This innovative process has revolutionized the production of high-quality, lightweight composite structures, particularly in the aerospace industry. AFP systems precisely lay down narrow strips of composite material, called tows, to create complex parts with exceptional strength-to-weight ratios.

Initially developed for flat or slightly curved geometries, AFP technology has come a long way. Today, there's a growing interest in pushing the boundaries of what's possible with AFP, particularly in manufacturing more complex, double-curved structures. This evolution is opening up new opportunities for AFP applications across various industries beyond aerospace.

However, as we strive to create increasingly intricate shapes, we face significant challenges. One of the most critical components in the AFP process is the compaction roller, which plays a crucial role in ensuring proper tape placement and preventing defects. The compaction roller applies pressure to bond the composite material to the tooling or substrate, but its effectiveness can be limited when dealing with highly curved surfaces.

Understanding these limitations and optimizing the design of compaction rollers is crucial for advancing AFP technology. That's where our latest research comes in. We've conducted an in-depth study to model the influence of compaction roller properties on manufacturable geometries, aiming to push the boundaries of what's possible with AFP.

In this blog post, we'll take you on a journey through our research, exploring how different roller parameters affect the manufacturing process and what it means for the future of composite manufacturing. Whether you're an AFP expert or new to the field, you'll gain valuable insights into the cutting-edge developments shaping the future of this transformative technology.

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