
  • Tooling temperature significantly influences crystallinity in T-AFP laminates
  • Lay-up speed and nip-point temperature affect porosity and bonding strength
  • Combining rapid lay-up with stamp forming shows promise for efficient, high-quality production
  • Optimal parameters for in-situ consolidation identified


In the ever-evolving world of advanced materials, thermoplastic composites are gaining significant traction, particularly in aerospace and automotive industries. These materials offer numerous advantages, including high strength-to-weight ratios, recyclability, and the potential for rapid manufacturing. However, producing high-quality thermoplastic composite parts efficiently remains a challenge for manufacturers.

Enter Thermoplastic Automated Fiber Placement (T-AFP), a cutting-edge manufacturing process that promises to revolutionize how we create complex composite structures. But like any advanced technology, T-AFP comes with its own set of challenges. How do we balance speed and quality? How do different process parameters interact to affect the final product? And how can we achieve the desired material properties consistently?

Recent research conducted by Kilian Seefried and colleagues at the Fraunhofer Institute for Casting, Composite and Processing Technology IGCV sheds light on these questions. Their study, published in the Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, delves deep into the influence of T-AFP process parameters on laminate quality, offering valuable insights for both researchers and industry professionals.

In this blog post, we'll explore the key findings of this research, unpack the complex relationships between process parameters and laminate properties, and discuss the practical implications for thermoplastic composite manufacturing. Whether you're an engineer, a materials scientist, or simply curious about the future of advanced materials, this exploration of T-AFP optimization will provide you with a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities in this exciting field.


The Rise of Thermoplastic Composites

In recent years, thermoplastic composites have been gaining momentum in various industries, particularly aerospace and automotive. Unlike their thermoset counterparts, thermoplastic composites offer several advantages:

  1. Recyclability: They can be melted and reshaped, making them more environmentally friendly.
  2. Rapid processing: Thermoplastics don't require lengthy curing processes.
  3. Improved impact resistance and damage tolerance.
  4. Potential for welding and functional integration.

These benefits have driven increased interest in developing efficient manufacturing processes for thermoplastic composite parts.

Key Concepts

To understand the research findings, it's essential to familiarize ourselves with some key concepts:

  • Thermoplastic Automated Fiber Placement (T-AFP):T-AFP is an advanced manufacturing process where continuous fiber-reinforced thermoplastic tapes are laid down by a robotic system to create complex composite structures. The process involves heating the tape to melt the thermoplastic matrix, then applying pressure to bond it to the previous layers or substrate.
Lay-up head configuration (left) and example evaluation of the nip-point temperature in Therma CAM Researcher Pro2.1019 (right)
  1. Process Parameters: The study focuses on three critical process parameters: a) Lay-up speed: The rate at which the tape is placed. b) Nip-point temperature: The temperature at the point where the incoming tape meets the substrate or previous layer. c) Tooling temperature: The temperature of the surface on which the part is being built.
  2. Laminate Quality Indicators: The researchers assessed the quality of the produced laminates using three main criteria: a) Porosity: The presence of voids or air pockets within the laminate. b) Bonding strength: The adhesion between layers, often measured by interlaminar shear strength. c) Crystallinity: The degree of molecular order in the thermoplastic matrix, which affects mechanical properties
Examples of mixed failure for the investigated SBS specimen. Top: Specimen with failure due shear and compression with visible plastic deformation. Bottom: Specimen with slightly no plastic deformation

Understanding how these process parameters influence the laminate quality indicators is crucial for optimizing the T-AFP process and producing high-quality thermoplastic composite parts efficiently.

Main Body

Problem: Challenges in T-AFP

While T-AFP offers great potential for thermoplastic composite manufacturing, it comes with several challenges:

  1. Balancing Speed and Quality: Manufacturers are constantly seeking to increase production rates, but faster lay-up speeds can compromise laminate quality. Finding the right balance is crucial for efficient, high-quality production.
  2. Understanding Parameter Interactions: The process parameters in T-AFP don't act in isolation. Their interactions are complex and can have significant effects on the final product. Unraveling these relationships is essential for process optimization.
  3. Achieving Desired Material Properties: Different applications require different material properties. Tailoring the T-AFP process to achieve specific levels of crystallinity, porosity, and bonding strength is a major challenge.

Solution: Research Findings

Seefried and colleagues' research provides valuable insights into addressing these challenges:

  • Effect of Tooling Temperature on Crystallinity: The study found that tooling temperature significantly influences the degree of crystallinity in the laminate. Higher tooling temperatures, particularly those close to the crystallization temperature of the thermoplastic (in this case, LM-PAEK), resulted in higher degrees of crystallinity. Key finding: Tooling temperatures of 240°C produced crystallinity levels above 25%, regardless of other parameters.
Results of degree of crystallinity evaluated for the different parameter combinations after lay-up
  • Influence of Lay-up Speed and Nip-point Temperature on Porosity and Bonding: These two parameters showed strong correlations with laminate quality: a) Lay-up Speed: Increasing speed from 80 mm/s to 400 mm/s led to significantly higher porosity and reduced bonding strength. b) Nip-point Temperature: Higher temperatures improved bonding strength and reduced porosity. Key finding: The best laminate quality was achieved with low lay-up speeds (80 mm/s) and high nip-point temperatures (470°C).
Results of the degree of area porosity evaluated for the different parameter combinations after lay-up
  • Regression Models for Predicting Consolidation Quality: The researchers developed statistical models to predict laminate quality based on process parameters. These models showed high predictive power for crystallinity and bonding strength, though porosity predictions were less reliable due to high variability.
Evaluated correlations between process parameters and relative apparent interlaminar shear strength3
  • Distinction Between In-situ and Rapid Lay-up: The study helped define boundaries between in-situ consolidation (where no post-processing is needed) and rapid lay-up (requiring post-consolidation):In-situ consolidation: Achieved with low lay-up speeds (80 mm/s), moderate tooling temperatures (160°C), and high nip-point temperatures (470°C).Rapid lay-up: Higher speeds result in higher porosity and lower bonding strength, necessitating post-processing.
  • Potential of Combining Rapid Lay-up with Stamp Forming: One of the most promising findings was the potential of a two-step process: a) Rapid lay-up for quick preform production b) Followed by stamp forming for final consolidation This approach could significantly reduce porosity (to below 1%) and increase bonding strength (to over 95% of the reference value), regardless of initial blank quality.[FIGURE PLACEHOLDER: Insert Figure 12 here. Caption: Comparison of cross-sections of laminates after lay-up (left) laid on a tooling temperature of 160 °C and stamp-formed laminates
Comparison of cross-sections of laminates after lay-up (left) laid on a tooling temperature of 160 °C and stamp-formed laminates (right).
Comparison of reachable degree of area porosity for rapid lay-up, in situ lay-up, stamp forming and press consolidation.

These findings provide a roadmap for optimizing the T-AFP process, balancing production speed with laminate quality, and potentially revolutionizing thermoplastic composite manufacturing.

Practical Takeaways

The research findings offer several valuable insights for industry professionals and researchers working with thermoplastic composites:

  1. Guidelines for Parameter Selection: When setting up a T-AFP process, consider the following: a) For high crystallinity: Use tooling temperatures close to the material's crystallization temperature (e.g., 240°C for LM-PAEK).b) For low porosity and high bonding strength: Opt for lower lay-up speeds (around 80 mm/s) and higher nip-point temperatures (around 470°C).c) For in-situ consolidation: Aim for a combination of low lay-up speed (80 mm/s), moderate tooling temperature (160°C), and high nip-point temperature (470°C).
  2. Process Chain Optimization: Consider implementing a two-step manufacturing process: a) Use rapid lay-up for quick preform production. This may result in higher porosity and lower bonding strength but allows for faster manufacturing. b) Follow with stamp forming for final consolidation. This can significantly improve laminate quality, reducing porosity to below 1% and increasing bonding strength to over 95% of reference values. This approach could offer an excellent balance between production speed and final part quality.
  3. Material-Specific Considerations: While this study focused on carbon fiber-reinforced LM-PAEK, keep in mind that: a) Different thermoplastic materials may respond differently to process parameters. b) Always consider the specific properties of your material, such as its glass transition temperature and crystallization behavior. c) Similar studies may be needed for other thermoplastic composites to establish optimal processing parameters.
  4. Quality Control Strategies: The research highlights the importance of monitoring multiple quality indicators: a) Implement methods to assess porosity, bonding strength, and crystallinity in your production process. b) Be aware that porosity can vary significantly within a part. Consider using non-destructive testing methods for comprehensive quality assessment.
  5. Future Process Development: As you refine your T-AFP processes: a) Consider investing in precise temperature control systems, especially for nip-point and tooling temperatures. b) Explore the potential of variable lay-up speeds and temperatures within a single part to optimize local properties. c) Look into developing closed-loop control systems that can adjust parameters in real-time based on quality indicators.

By applying these insights, manufacturers can work towards optimizing their thermoplastic composite production processes, potentially achieving higher quality parts at faster production rates.


The research by Seefried and colleagues into the optimization of the Thermoplastic Automated Fiber Placement (T-AFP) process marks a significant step forward in the field of advanced composites manufacturing. By meticulously examining the relationships between process parameters and laminate quality, this study provides valuable insights that can drive the industry towards more efficient and effective production methods.

Key findings from this research include:

  1. The critical role of tooling temperature in determining crystallinity levels
  2. The significant impact of lay-up speed and nip-point temperature on porosity and bonding strength
  3. The potential for combining rapid lay-up with stamp forming to achieve high-quality laminates efficiently

These insights not only enhance our understanding of the T-AFP process but also open up new avenues for process optimization and quality control in thermoplastic composite manufacturing.

Looking to the future, this research lays a foundation for several exciting directions:

  1. Extension to other thermoplastic materials: While this study focused on LM-PAEK, similar investigations into other thermoplastic composites could further broaden the applicability of these findings.
  2. Complex geometries: Future research could explore how these process parameters affect the production of more complex, three-dimensional parts.
  3. In-line quality monitoring: Development of real-time monitoring systems based on the quality indicators identified in this study could lead to more robust and adaptive manufacturing processes.
  4. Sustainability analysis: Further investigation into the energy efficiency and environmental impact of different T-AFP parameter combinations could contribute to more sustainable manufacturing practices.

As we continue to push the boundaries of what's possible with thermoplastic composites, research like this plays a crucial role in bridging the gap between laboratory innovations and industrial applications. For engineers, materials scientists, and manufacturers working in this field, staying abreast of such developments is key to remaining competitive and driving innovation.

We encourage readers to consider how these findings might apply to their own work with thermoplastic composites. Whether you're optimizing existing processes or developing new applications, the insights from this research offer valuable guidance for achieving high-quality, efficiently produced thermoplastic composite parts.

By continually refining our understanding and implementation of advanced manufacturing processes like T-AFP, we can unlock the full potential of thermoplastic composites, paving the way for lighter, stronger, and more sustainable products across a wide range of industries.

What's Next!

Robotics Power displayed through Tesla Optimus Robot

Discover the future of composite manufacturing with Addcomposites! Here's how you can get involved:

  1. Stay Informed: Subscribe to our newsletter to receive the latest updates, news, and developments in AFP systems and services. Knowledge is power, and by staying informed, you'll always have the upper hand. Subscribe Now
  2. Experience Our Technology: Try our cutting-edge simulation software for a firsthand experience of the versatility and capability of our AFP systems. You'll see how our technology can transform your production line. Try Simulation
  3. Join the Collaboration: Engage with us and other technical centers across various industries. By joining this collaborative platform, you'll get to share ideas, innovate, and influence the future of AFP. Join Collaboration
  4. Get Hands-On: Avail our educational rentals for university projects or semester-long programs. Experience how our AFP systems bring about a revolution in composite manufacturing and leverage this opportunity for academic and research pursuits. Request for Educational Rental
  5. Take the Next Step: Request a quotation for our AFP systems. Whether you're interested in the AFP-XS, AFP-X, or SCF3D, we are committed to offering cost-effective solutions tailored to your needs. Take the plunge and prepare your production line for the next generation of composite manufacturing. Request Quotation

At Addcomposites, we are dedicated to revolutionizing composite manufacturing. Our AFP systems and comprehensive support services are waiting for you to harness. So, don't wait – get started on your journey to the future of manufacturing today!

Optimizing Thermoplastic Composite Manufacturing: Insights from T-AFP Process Parameter Research

August 29, 2024
This is some text inside of a div block.


  • Tooling temperature significantly influences crystallinity in T-AFP laminates
  • Lay-up speed and nip-point temperature affect porosity and bonding strength
  • Combining rapid lay-up with stamp forming shows promise for efficient, high-quality production
  • Optimal parameters for in-situ consolidation identified


In the ever-evolving world of advanced materials, thermoplastic composites are gaining significant traction, particularly in aerospace and automotive industries. These materials offer numerous advantages, including high strength-to-weight ratios, recyclability, and the potential for rapid manufacturing. However, producing high-quality thermoplastic composite parts efficiently remains a challenge for manufacturers.

Enter Thermoplastic Automated Fiber Placement (T-AFP), a cutting-edge manufacturing process that promises to revolutionize how we create complex composite structures. But like any advanced technology, T-AFP comes with its own set of challenges. How do we balance speed and quality? How do different process parameters interact to affect the final product? And how can we achieve the desired material properties consistently?

Recent research conducted by Kilian Seefried and colleagues at the Fraunhofer Institute for Casting, Composite and Processing Technology IGCV sheds light on these questions. Their study, published in the Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, delves deep into the influence of T-AFP process parameters on laminate quality, offering valuable insights for both researchers and industry professionals.

In this blog post, we'll explore the key findings of this research, unpack the complex relationships between process parameters and laminate properties, and discuss the practical implications for thermoplastic composite manufacturing. Whether you're an engineer, a materials scientist, or simply curious about the future of advanced materials, this exploration of T-AFP optimization will provide you with a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities in this exciting field.


The Rise of Thermoplastic Composites

In recent years, thermoplastic composites have been gaining momentum in various industries, particularly aerospace and automotive. Unlike their thermoset counterparts, thermoplastic composites offer several advantages:

  1. Recyclability: They can be melted and reshaped, making them more environmentally friendly.
  2. Rapid processing: Thermoplastics don't require lengthy curing processes.
  3. Improved impact resistance and damage tolerance.
  4. Potential for welding and functional integration.

These benefits have driven increased interest in developing efficient manufacturing processes for thermoplastic composite parts.

Key Concepts

To understand the research findings, it's essential to familiarize ourselves with some key concepts:

  • Thermoplastic Automated Fiber Placement (T-AFP):T-AFP is an advanced manufacturing process where continuous fiber-reinforced thermoplastic tapes are laid down by a robotic system to create complex composite structures. The process involves heating the tape to melt the thermoplastic matrix, then applying pressure to bond it to the previous layers or substrate.
Lay-up head configuration (left) and example evaluation of the nip-point temperature in Therma CAM Researcher Pro2.1019 (right)
  1. Process Parameters: The study focuses on three critical process parameters: a) Lay-up speed: The rate at which the tape is placed. b) Nip-point temperature: The temperature at the point where the incoming tape meets the substrate or previous layer. c) Tooling temperature: The temperature of the surface on which the part is being built.
  2. Laminate Quality Indicators: The researchers assessed the quality of the produced laminates using three main criteria: a) Porosity: The presence of voids or air pockets within the laminate. b) Bonding strength: The adhesion between layers, often measured by interlaminar shear strength. c) Crystallinity: The degree of molecular order in the thermoplastic matrix, which affects mechanical properties
Examples of mixed failure for the investigated SBS specimen. Top: Specimen with failure due shear and compression with visible plastic deformation. Bottom: Specimen with slightly no plastic deformation

Understanding how these process parameters influence the laminate quality indicators is crucial for optimizing the T-AFP process and producing high-quality thermoplastic composite parts efficiently.

Main Body

Problem: Challenges in T-AFP

While T-AFP offers great potential for thermoplastic composite manufacturing, it comes with several challenges:

  1. Balancing Speed and Quality: Manufacturers are constantly seeking to increase production rates, but faster lay-up speeds can compromise laminate quality. Finding the right balance is crucial for efficient, high-quality production.
  2. Understanding Parameter Interactions: The process parameters in T-AFP don't act in isolation. Their interactions are complex and can have significant effects on the final product. Unraveling these relationships is essential for process optimization.
  3. Achieving Desired Material Properties: Different applications require different material properties. Tailoring the T-AFP process to achieve specific levels of crystallinity, porosity, and bonding strength is a major challenge.

Solution: Research Findings

Seefried and colleagues' research provides valuable insights into addressing these challenges:

  • Effect of Tooling Temperature on Crystallinity: The study found that tooling temperature significantly influences the degree of crystallinity in the laminate. Higher tooling temperatures, particularly those close to the crystallization temperature of the thermoplastic (in this case, LM-PAEK), resulted in higher degrees of crystallinity. Key finding: Tooling temperatures of 240°C produced crystallinity levels above 25%, regardless of other parameters.
Results of degree of crystallinity evaluated for the different parameter combinations after lay-up
  • Influence of Lay-up Speed and Nip-point Temperature on Porosity and Bonding: These two parameters showed strong correlations with laminate quality: a) Lay-up Speed: Increasing speed from 80 mm/s to 400 mm/s led to significantly higher porosity and reduced bonding strength. b) Nip-point Temperature: Higher temperatures improved bonding strength and reduced porosity. Key finding: The best laminate quality was achieved with low lay-up speeds (80 mm/s) and high nip-point temperatures (470°C).
Results of the degree of area porosity evaluated for the different parameter combinations after lay-up
  • Regression Models for Predicting Consolidation Quality: The researchers developed statistical models to predict laminate quality based on process parameters. These models showed high predictive power for crystallinity and bonding strength, though porosity predictions were less reliable due to high variability.
Evaluated correlations between process parameters and relative apparent interlaminar shear strength3
  • Distinction Between In-situ and Rapid Lay-up: The study helped define boundaries between in-situ consolidation (where no post-processing is needed) and rapid lay-up (requiring post-consolidation):In-situ consolidation: Achieved with low lay-up speeds (80 mm/s), moderate tooling temperatures (160°C), and high nip-point temperatures (470°C).Rapid lay-up: Higher speeds result in higher porosity and lower bonding strength, necessitating post-processing.
  • Potential of Combining Rapid Lay-up with Stamp Forming: One of the most promising findings was the potential of a two-step process: a) Rapid lay-up for quick preform production b) Followed by stamp forming for final consolidation This approach could significantly reduce porosity (to below 1%) and increase bonding strength (to over 95% of the reference value), regardless of initial blank quality.[FIGURE PLACEHOLDER: Insert Figure 12 here. Caption: Comparison of cross-sections of laminates after lay-up (left) laid on a tooling temperature of 160 °C and stamp-formed laminates
Comparison of cross-sections of laminates after lay-up (left) laid on a tooling temperature of 160 °C and stamp-formed laminates (right).
Comparison of reachable degree of area porosity for rapid lay-up, in situ lay-up, stamp forming and press consolidation.

These findings provide a roadmap for optimizing the T-AFP process, balancing production speed with laminate quality, and potentially revolutionizing thermoplastic composite manufacturing.

Practical Takeaways

The research findings offer several valuable insights for industry professionals and researchers working with thermoplastic composites:

  1. Guidelines for Parameter Selection: When setting up a T-AFP process, consider the following: a) For high crystallinity: Use tooling temperatures close to the material's crystallization temperature (e.g., 240°C for LM-PAEK).b) For low porosity and high bonding strength: Opt for lower lay-up speeds (around 80 mm/s) and higher nip-point temperatures (around 470°C).c) For in-situ consolidation: Aim for a combination of low lay-up speed (80 mm/s), moderate tooling temperature (160°C), and high nip-point temperature (470°C).
  2. Process Chain Optimization: Consider implementing a two-step manufacturing process: a) Use rapid lay-up for quick preform production. This may result in higher porosity and lower bonding strength but allows for faster manufacturing. b) Follow with stamp forming for final consolidation. This can significantly improve laminate quality, reducing porosity to below 1% and increasing bonding strength to over 95% of reference values. This approach could offer an excellent balance between production speed and final part quality.
  3. Material-Specific Considerations: While this study focused on carbon fiber-reinforced LM-PAEK, keep in mind that: a) Different thermoplastic materials may respond differently to process parameters. b) Always consider the specific properties of your material, such as its glass transition temperature and crystallization behavior. c) Similar studies may be needed for other thermoplastic composites to establish optimal processing parameters.
  4. Quality Control Strategies: The research highlights the importance of monitoring multiple quality indicators: a) Implement methods to assess porosity, bonding strength, and crystallinity in your production process. b) Be aware that porosity can vary significantly within a part. Consider using non-destructive testing methods for comprehensive quality assessment.
  5. Future Process Development: As you refine your T-AFP processes: a) Consider investing in precise temperature control systems, especially for nip-point and tooling temperatures. b) Explore the potential of variable lay-up speeds and temperatures within a single part to optimize local properties. c) Look into developing closed-loop control systems that can adjust parameters in real-time based on quality indicators.

By applying these insights, manufacturers can work towards optimizing their thermoplastic composite production processes, potentially achieving higher quality parts at faster production rates.


The research by Seefried and colleagues into the optimization of the Thermoplastic Automated Fiber Placement (T-AFP) process marks a significant step forward in the field of advanced composites manufacturing. By meticulously examining the relationships between process parameters and laminate quality, this study provides valuable insights that can drive the industry towards more efficient and effective production methods.

Key findings from this research include:

  1. The critical role of tooling temperature in determining crystallinity levels
  2. The significant impact of lay-up speed and nip-point temperature on porosity and bonding strength
  3. The potential for combining rapid lay-up with stamp forming to achieve high-quality laminates efficiently

These insights not only enhance our understanding of the T-AFP process but also open up new avenues for process optimization and quality control in thermoplastic composite manufacturing.

Looking to the future, this research lays a foundation for several exciting directions:

  1. Extension to other thermoplastic materials: While this study focused on LM-PAEK, similar investigations into other thermoplastic composites could further broaden the applicability of these findings.
  2. Complex geometries: Future research could explore how these process parameters affect the production of more complex, three-dimensional parts.
  3. In-line quality monitoring: Development of real-time monitoring systems based on the quality indicators identified in this study could lead to more robust and adaptive manufacturing processes.
  4. Sustainability analysis: Further investigation into the energy efficiency and environmental impact of different T-AFP parameter combinations could contribute to more sustainable manufacturing practices.

As we continue to push the boundaries of what's possible with thermoplastic composites, research like this plays a crucial role in bridging the gap between laboratory innovations and industrial applications. For engineers, materials scientists, and manufacturers working in this field, staying abreast of such developments is key to remaining competitive and driving innovation.

We encourage readers to consider how these findings might apply to their own work with thermoplastic composites. Whether you're optimizing existing processes or developing new applications, the insights from this research offer valuable guidance for achieving high-quality, efficiently produced thermoplastic composite parts.

By continually refining our understanding and implementation of advanced manufacturing processes like T-AFP, we can unlock the full potential of thermoplastic composites, paving the way for lighter, stronger, and more sustainable products across a wide range of industries.

What's Next!

Robotics Power displayed through Tesla Optimus Robot

Discover the future of composite manufacturing with Addcomposites! Here's how you can get involved:

  1. Stay Informed: Subscribe to our newsletter to receive the latest updates, news, and developments in AFP systems and services. Knowledge is power, and by staying informed, you'll always have the upper hand. Subscribe Now
  2. Experience Our Technology: Try our cutting-edge simulation software for a firsthand experience of the versatility and capability of our AFP systems. You'll see how our technology can transform your production line. Try Simulation
  3. Join the Collaboration: Engage with us and other technical centers across various industries. By joining this collaborative platform, you'll get to share ideas, innovate, and influence the future of AFP. Join Collaboration
  4. Get Hands-On: Avail our educational rentals for university projects or semester-long programs. Experience how our AFP systems bring about a revolution in composite manufacturing and leverage this opportunity for academic and research pursuits. Request for Educational Rental
  5. Take the Next Step: Request a quotation for our AFP systems. Whether you're interested in the AFP-XS, AFP-X, or SCF3D, we are committed to offering cost-effective solutions tailored to your needs. Take the plunge and prepare your production line for the next generation of composite manufacturing. Request Quotation

At Addcomposites, we are dedicated to revolutionizing composite manufacturing. Our AFP systems and comprehensive support services are waiting for you to harness. So, don't wait – get started on your journey to the future of manufacturing today!

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