
In the ever-evolving world of materials science, composites have emerged as a game-changer, offering unparalleled advantages in terms of strength, durability, and versatility. But as the global emphasis shifts towards sustainability and environmental conservation, there's a pressing need to rethink how we design and utilize these materials. Enter the realm of "Circular Composites."

This blog delves deep into the pioneering world of sustainable design in the composites industry. Drawing insights from the comprehensive guide "Circular Composites: A design guide for products containing composite materials in a circular economy", we'll explore the transformative power of circular strategies. From understanding the very essence of circularity to real-world applications and future prospects, this post aims to provide a holistic view of how the composites industry is gearing up for a sustainable future.

This blog post is based on the book "Circular Composites: A design guide for products containing composite materials in a circular economy" authored by Jelle Joustra and Riel Bessai, published in Delft, 2021. All insights and information provided are attributed to their extensive research and expertise in the field.

The Importance of Circular Strategies

The concept of circularity, especially in the composites industry, is gaining significant traction. It revolves around the idea of closing the resource loop for composite materials, ensuring that products, parts, and materials are continually reused and recycled. This approach contrasts with the traditional linear economy, where products are manufactured, used, and then discarded.

Preserving Product and Material Integrity

Circular strategies can be broadly categorized based on their primary aim: preserving product integrity or preserving material integrity.

Circular product design framework
Circular product design framework

1. Preserving Product Integrity:This group of strategies focuses on prolonging the lifetime of products and parts. The actions associated with these strategies include:

  • Long Use: Ensuring that products are designed to last longer.
  • Reuse: Using products or parts in their original form without significant changes.
  • Repair: Fixing damaged products to extend their life.
  • Maintenance: Regular upkeep to prevent wear and tear.
  • Adapt: Modifying products to serve different purposes.
  • Upgrade: Enhancing products with newer features or technologies.
  • Refurbishment: Restoring old or used products to like-new condition.
  • Remanufacture: Rebuilding products using a mix of reused, repaired, and new parts.
  • Parts Harvesting: Extracting and reusing parts from discarded products.

2. Preserving Material Integrity:Material-oriented strategies aim to retain the quality of materials while finding alternative applications for them. These strategies involve:

  • Repurpose: Using materials in different applications without significant processing.
  • Resize, Reshape, Remould: Altering the form of materials to fit new applications.
  • Mechanical, Thermal, Chemical Recycling: Processing materials to reclaim their base constituents.

Environmental and Economic Benefits

Adopting circular strategies offers both environmental and economic advantages:

  • Environmental Benefits:
    • Reduced Waste: By reusing and recycling, the amount of waste sent to landfills decreases.
    • Conservation of Resources: Reusing materials means fewer raw materials are extracted.
    • Lower Carbon Footprint: Recycling processes often have a lower carbon footprint than producing new materials.
  • Economic Benefits:
    • Cost Savings: Reusing and recycling can be more cost-effective than sourcing new materials.
    • New Business Models: Circular strategies can lead to innovative business models, like product-as-a-service.
    • Enhanced Brand Image: Companies that adopt sustainable practices are often viewed more favorably by consumers.

Key Design Aspects for Circular Composites

About the design aspects
About the design aspects

The design of composite products in a circular economy is a multifaceted process that requires a deep understanding of various design aspects. These aspects are crucial in ensuring that products are not only functional but also sustainable, aligning with the principles of circularity.

Concept Design

Concept design is the initial stage of product development, where the foundational ideas and principles are laid out. It focuses on the broader vision of the product, considering its potential use cycles, adaptability, and relevance in future scenarios.


  • Description: Adaptability emphasizes anticipating and enabling changes that might be made to the product during its successive use cycles. This ensures the product remains relevant and avoids obsolescence.
  • Design Guidelines:
    • Create multi-functional designs to allow a product to be adapted to various uses.
    • Facilitate DIY solutions and adaptations for versatility.
    • Design for customizable layouts of product components.
    • Allow for changeable surface colors to cater to evolving user preferences.
    • Incorporate transformable systems and reversible assemblies for adaptability.

(Note: Adaptability is one of the many aspects of concept design. More aspects can be explored for a comprehensive understanding.)

Embodiment Design

Embodiment design delves deeper into the physical attributes of the product, focusing on its structure, materials, and connections. It's where the conceptual ideas are given a tangible form.  (Note: Specific design aspects related to embodiment design need to be queried for detailed information.)

Detail Design

Detail design is the final stage, where every minute detail of the product is refined and finalized. It involves meticulous planning and precision to ensure the product aligns with the envisioned concept and embodiment designs. (Note: Specific design aspects related to detail design need to be queried for detailed information.)

Life Cycle Exploration Sheet

The product lifecycle is a comprehensive journey that a product undergoes, from its inception to its eventual disposal. Understanding this lifecycle is paramount, especially when aiming to implement circular strategies. The Life Cycle Exploration Sheet serves as a pivotal tool in this regard.

  • Purpose: The sheet is designed to explore the product, its associated actors, and the various actions that occur throughout the product's lifecycle. It provides a structured framework to visualize and understand the entire journey of a product.
Life Cycle Exploration Sheet
Life Cycle Exploration Sheet
  • Application: The exploration sheet is particularly beneficial during group sessions. It stimulates discussions and fosters a shared understanding of the product lifecycle and the potential circular opportunities that can be harnessed. The session typically commences with a detailed product description. This is followed by the identification of stakeholders for each phase in the product value chain. The final step involves exploring the recovery loops. These loops describe potential recovery actions that can reintroduce the product, its parts, or its materials back into the value chain after its end of use.
  • Benefits: By using the Life Cycle Exploration Sheet, designers and stakeholders can gain a holistic view of the product's lifecycle. This understanding is crucial when selecting and implementing circular strategies. It ensures that the product is designed to be long-lasting, facilitates repair and maintenance, and ensures that the product's end-of-life journey is as prolonged as possible, maximizing its value within the system.
  • Additional Resources: For those interested in delving deeper into the intricacies of the lifecycle exploration sheet, more information is available at

Real-world Applications

The world of circular composites is not just confined to theoretical discussions and design principles. Several real-world projects have been initiated, showcasing the practical implications and benefits of implementing circular strategies in the composites industry. Here are some of the featured projects from the guide:

Ecobulk Demonstrator Projects

  • Conenor: This project focuses on demonstrating the potential of circular composites in various applications, emphasizing the reuse and recycling of materials.
  • CRF: A project that showcases the versatility of circular composites in automotive applications, ensuring that vehicles are designed with sustainability in mind.
  • Maier: Highlighting the importance of circular strategies in the manufacturing sector, this project demonstrates how products can be designed for longevity and adaptability.
  • Microcab: A testament to the potential of circular composites in transportation, this project emphasizes the design of vehicles that are both efficient and sustainable.
  • Moretti: This project underscores the significance of circular strategies in product design, ensuring that products are not only functional but also environmentally friendly.

Other Notable Projects

  • WTB Table by Jelle Joustra: A project that showcases the potential of repurposing composite materials, turning them into functional pieces of furniture.
  • Reverse Forming of PP Glass Fiber Composites by Jelle Joustra: This project delves into the intricacies of reshaping and reforming composite materials, ensuring that they can be reused in various applications.
  • Fastener Finder by Bram van der Grinten: A tool designed to aid in the assembly and disassembly of products, ensuring that they can be easily repaired or recycled.
  • Unito by Riel Bessai: Emphasizing the importance of modular design, this project showcases how products can be designed for adaptability and customization.
  • Bridge of Blades by Stijn Speksnijder: A project that highlights the potential of repurposing composite materials, turning them into functional infrastructure.

(Note: The above projects are just a glimpse of the numerous initiatives in the realm of circular composites. Each project offers unique insights and lessons, emphasizing the importance of circular strategies in the real world.)

Challenges and Future Prospects

Challenges in Implementing Circular Strategies

The composites industry has witnessed a significant expansion in its applications, from furniture in the mid-20th century to sectors like automotive, construction, and aviation. While composites offer numerous advantages, such as lightweight designs and extended lifetimes, they also present considerable challenges, especially concerning recovery and recycling:

  1. Complex Composition: Composites are materials made up of two or more distinct components. Their unique composition, tailored for specific applications, makes the separation of these constituent materials challenging.
  2. Recycling Limitations: Current recycling processes for composites tend to degrade the material, causing a loss of the specific properties of the composite. As a result, recycling becomes economically unviable.
  3. Waste Generation: Due to the difficulties in recycling, a significant portion of composite material ends up in landfills or is incinerated. This not only results in the loss of valuable materials but also contributes to resource depletion and waste generation.

Future Prospects in the Composites Industry

The future of the composites industry is intrinsically linked to the principles of the circular economy. The challenges posed by the current lifecycle of composite materials highlight the need for innovative design strategies:

  1. Embracing Circular Design: There's an urgent need for design strategies that prioritize the circular design of composite products. Such strategies would focus on the entire lifecycle of the product, from creation to disposal, ensuring minimal waste generation.
  2. Circular Recovery Strategies: The industry is moving towards recovery strategies that range from reuse to restructuring and recycling. These strategies aim to retain the value and functionality of composites, reducing the need for new raw materials.
  3. Innovative Solutions: Designers are at the forefront of this change, with a focus on creating innovative and effective solutions. By providing clear guidelines and real-world examples, the industry can guide designers in developing products that align with the principles of a circular economy.


The journey through the realm of circular composites has been enlightening. As we've explored, the composites industry stands at a pivotal juncture. With the increasing emphasis on sustainability and environmental conservation, the importance of circular strategies in the composites industry cannot be overstated.

Circular strategies not only pave the way for sustainable growth but also ensure that products are designed with longevity, adaptability, and recyclability in mind. By embracing these strategies, the industry can address the challenges posed by waste generation and resource depletion, ensuring a brighter and greener future.

The real-world applications and projects we've discussed serve as a testament to the potential of circular composites. They offer tangible examples of how these strategies can be implemented, driving the industry towards a path of innovation and sustainability.

To the readers, especially those in the composites industry, we encourage you to delve deeper into the subject. The strategies discussed in this guide are not just theoretical concepts but practical solutions that can be implemented. By doing so, you'll not only contribute to the industry's growth but also play a pivotal role in shaping a sustainable future. Remember, the future of the composites industry is intrinsically linked to the principles of the circular economy. By prioritizing circular design and recovery strategies, we can ensure that the industry thrives, benefiting both the environment and the economy.

What's Next!

Discover the future of composite manufacturing with Addcomposites! Here's how you can get involved:

  1. Stay Informed: Subscribe to our newsletter to receive the latest updates, news, and developments in AFP systems and services. Knowledge is power, and by staying informed, you'll always have the upper hand. Subscribe Now
  2. Experience Our Technology: Try our cutting-edge simulation software for a firsthand experience of the versatility and capability of our AFP systems. You'll see how our technology can transform your production line. Try Simulation
  3. Join the Collaboration: Engage with us and other technical centers across various industries. By joining this collaborative platform, you'll get to share ideas, innovate, and influence the future of AFP. Join Collaboration
  4. Get Hands-On: Avail our educational rentals for university projects or semester-long programs. Experience how our AFP systems bring about a revolution in composite manufacturing and leverage this opportunity for academic and research pursuits. Request for Educational Rental
  5. Take the Next Step: Request a quotation for our AFP systems. Whether you're interested in the AFP-XS, AFP-X, or SCF3D, we are committed to offering cost-effective solutions tailored to your needs. Take the plunge and prepare your production line for the next generation of composite manufacturing. Request Quotation

At Addcomposites, we are dedicated to revolutionizing composite manufacturing. Our AFP systems and comprehensive support services are waiting for you to harness. So, don't wait – get started on your journey to the future of manufacturing today!

Composite Materials in a Circular World: A Comprehensive Guide to Sustainable Design

August 20, 2024
This is some text inside of a div block.


In the ever-evolving world of materials science, composites have emerged as a game-changer, offering unparalleled advantages in terms of strength, durability, and versatility. But as the global emphasis shifts towards sustainability and environmental conservation, there's a pressing need to rethink how we design and utilize these materials. Enter the realm of "Circular Composites."

This blog delves deep into the pioneering world of sustainable design in the composites industry. Drawing insights from the comprehensive guide "Circular Composites: A design guide for products containing composite materials in a circular economy", we'll explore the transformative power of circular strategies. From understanding the very essence of circularity to real-world applications and future prospects, this post aims to provide a holistic view of how the composites industry is gearing up for a sustainable future.

This blog post is based on the book "Circular Composites: A design guide for products containing composite materials in a circular economy" authored by Jelle Joustra and Riel Bessai, published in Delft, 2021. All insights and information provided are attributed to their extensive research and expertise in the field.

The Importance of Circular Strategies

The concept of circularity, especially in the composites industry, is gaining significant traction. It revolves around the idea of closing the resource loop for composite materials, ensuring that products, parts, and materials are continually reused and recycled. This approach contrasts with the traditional linear economy, where products are manufactured, used, and then discarded.

Preserving Product and Material Integrity

Circular strategies can be broadly categorized based on their primary aim: preserving product integrity or preserving material integrity.

Circular product design framework
Circular product design framework

1. Preserving Product Integrity:This group of strategies focuses on prolonging the lifetime of products and parts. The actions associated with these strategies include:

  • Long Use: Ensuring that products are designed to last longer.
  • Reuse: Using products or parts in their original form without significant changes.
  • Repair: Fixing damaged products to extend their life.
  • Maintenance: Regular upkeep to prevent wear and tear.
  • Adapt: Modifying products to serve different purposes.
  • Upgrade: Enhancing products with newer features or technologies.
  • Refurbishment: Restoring old or used products to like-new condition.
  • Remanufacture: Rebuilding products using a mix of reused, repaired, and new parts.
  • Parts Harvesting: Extracting and reusing parts from discarded products.

2. Preserving Material Integrity:Material-oriented strategies aim to retain the quality of materials while finding alternative applications for them. These strategies involve:

  • Repurpose: Using materials in different applications without significant processing.
  • Resize, Reshape, Remould: Altering the form of materials to fit new applications.
  • Mechanical, Thermal, Chemical Recycling: Processing materials to reclaim their base constituents.

Environmental and Economic Benefits

Adopting circular strategies offers both environmental and economic advantages:

  • Environmental Benefits:
    • Reduced Waste: By reusing and recycling, the amount of waste sent to landfills decreases.
    • Conservation of Resources: Reusing materials means fewer raw materials are extracted.
    • Lower Carbon Footprint: Recycling processes often have a lower carbon footprint than producing new materials.
  • Economic Benefits:
    • Cost Savings: Reusing and recycling can be more cost-effective than sourcing new materials.
    • New Business Models: Circular strategies can lead to innovative business models, like product-as-a-service.
    • Enhanced Brand Image: Companies that adopt sustainable practices are often viewed more favorably by consumers.

Key Design Aspects for Circular Composites

About the design aspects
About the design aspects

The design of composite products in a circular economy is a multifaceted process that requires a deep understanding of various design aspects. These aspects are crucial in ensuring that products are not only functional but also sustainable, aligning with the principles of circularity.

Concept Design

Concept design is the initial stage of product development, where the foundational ideas and principles are laid out. It focuses on the broader vision of the product, considering its potential use cycles, adaptability, and relevance in future scenarios.


  • Description: Adaptability emphasizes anticipating and enabling changes that might be made to the product during its successive use cycles. This ensures the product remains relevant and avoids obsolescence.
  • Design Guidelines:
    • Create multi-functional designs to allow a product to be adapted to various uses.
    • Facilitate DIY solutions and adaptations for versatility.
    • Design for customizable layouts of product components.
    • Allow for changeable surface colors to cater to evolving user preferences.
    • Incorporate transformable systems and reversible assemblies for adaptability.

(Note: Adaptability is one of the many aspects of concept design. More aspects can be explored for a comprehensive understanding.)

Embodiment Design

Embodiment design delves deeper into the physical attributes of the product, focusing on its structure, materials, and connections. It's where the conceptual ideas are given a tangible form.  (Note: Specific design aspects related to embodiment design need to be queried for detailed information.)

Detail Design

Detail design is the final stage, where every minute detail of the product is refined and finalized. It involves meticulous planning and precision to ensure the product aligns with the envisioned concept and embodiment designs. (Note: Specific design aspects related to detail design need to be queried for detailed information.)

Life Cycle Exploration Sheet

The product lifecycle is a comprehensive journey that a product undergoes, from its inception to its eventual disposal. Understanding this lifecycle is paramount, especially when aiming to implement circular strategies. The Life Cycle Exploration Sheet serves as a pivotal tool in this regard.

  • Purpose: The sheet is designed to explore the product, its associated actors, and the various actions that occur throughout the product's lifecycle. It provides a structured framework to visualize and understand the entire journey of a product.
Life Cycle Exploration Sheet
Life Cycle Exploration Sheet
  • Application: The exploration sheet is particularly beneficial during group sessions. It stimulates discussions and fosters a shared understanding of the product lifecycle and the potential circular opportunities that can be harnessed. The session typically commences with a detailed product description. This is followed by the identification of stakeholders for each phase in the product value chain. The final step involves exploring the recovery loops. These loops describe potential recovery actions that can reintroduce the product, its parts, or its materials back into the value chain after its end of use.
  • Benefits: By using the Life Cycle Exploration Sheet, designers and stakeholders can gain a holistic view of the product's lifecycle. This understanding is crucial when selecting and implementing circular strategies. It ensures that the product is designed to be long-lasting, facilitates repair and maintenance, and ensures that the product's end-of-life journey is as prolonged as possible, maximizing its value within the system.
  • Additional Resources: For those interested in delving deeper into the intricacies of the lifecycle exploration sheet, more information is available at

Real-world Applications

The world of circular composites is not just confined to theoretical discussions and design principles. Several real-world projects have been initiated, showcasing the practical implications and benefits of implementing circular strategies in the composites industry. Here are some of the featured projects from the guide:

Ecobulk Demonstrator Projects

  • Conenor: This project focuses on demonstrating the potential of circular composites in various applications, emphasizing the reuse and recycling of materials.
  • CRF: A project that showcases the versatility of circular composites in automotive applications, ensuring that vehicles are designed with sustainability in mind.
  • Maier: Highlighting the importance of circular strategies in the manufacturing sector, this project demonstrates how products can be designed for longevity and adaptability.
  • Microcab: A testament to the potential of circular composites in transportation, this project emphasizes the design of vehicles that are both efficient and sustainable.
  • Moretti: This project underscores the significance of circular strategies in product design, ensuring that products are not only functional but also environmentally friendly.

Other Notable Projects

  • WTB Table by Jelle Joustra: A project that showcases the potential of repurposing composite materials, turning them into functional pieces of furniture.
  • Reverse Forming of PP Glass Fiber Composites by Jelle Joustra: This project delves into the intricacies of reshaping and reforming composite materials, ensuring that they can be reused in various applications.
  • Fastener Finder by Bram van der Grinten: A tool designed to aid in the assembly and disassembly of products, ensuring that they can be easily repaired or recycled.
  • Unito by Riel Bessai: Emphasizing the importance of modular design, this project showcases how products can be designed for adaptability and customization.
  • Bridge of Blades by Stijn Speksnijder: A project that highlights the potential of repurposing composite materials, turning them into functional infrastructure.

(Note: The above projects are just a glimpse of the numerous initiatives in the realm of circular composites. Each project offers unique insights and lessons, emphasizing the importance of circular strategies in the real world.)

Challenges and Future Prospects

Challenges in Implementing Circular Strategies

The composites industry has witnessed a significant expansion in its applications, from furniture in the mid-20th century to sectors like automotive, construction, and aviation. While composites offer numerous advantages, such as lightweight designs and extended lifetimes, they also present considerable challenges, especially concerning recovery and recycling:

  1. Complex Composition: Composites are materials made up of two or more distinct components. Their unique composition, tailored for specific applications, makes the separation of these constituent materials challenging.
  2. Recycling Limitations: Current recycling processes for composites tend to degrade the material, causing a loss of the specific properties of the composite. As a result, recycling becomes economically unviable.
  3. Waste Generation: Due to the difficulties in recycling, a significant portion of composite material ends up in landfills or is incinerated. This not only results in the loss of valuable materials but also contributes to resource depletion and waste generation.

Future Prospects in the Composites Industry

The future of the composites industry is intrinsically linked to the principles of the circular economy. The challenges posed by the current lifecycle of composite materials highlight the need for innovative design strategies:

  1. Embracing Circular Design: There's an urgent need for design strategies that prioritize the circular design of composite products. Such strategies would focus on the entire lifecycle of the product, from creation to disposal, ensuring minimal waste generation.
  2. Circular Recovery Strategies: The industry is moving towards recovery strategies that range from reuse to restructuring and recycling. These strategies aim to retain the value and functionality of composites, reducing the need for new raw materials.
  3. Innovative Solutions: Designers are at the forefront of this change, with a focus on creating innovative and effective solutions. By providing clear guidelines and real-world examples, the industry can guide designers in developing products that align with the principles of a circular economy.


The journey through the realm of circular composites has been enlightening. As we've explored, the composites industry stands at a pivotal juncture. With the increasing emphasis on sustainability and environmental conservation, the importance of circular strategies in the composites industry cannot be overstated.

Circular strategies not only pave the way for sustainable growth but also ensure that products are designed with longevity, adaptability, and recyclability in mind. By embracing these strategies, the industry can address the challenges posed by waste generation and resource depletion, ensuring a brighter and greener future.

The real-world applications and projects we've discussed serve as a testament to the potential of circular composites. They offer tangible examples of how these strategies can be implemented, driving the industry towards a path of innovation and sustainability.

To the readers, especially those in the composites industry, we encourage you to delve deeper into the subject. The strategies discussed in this guide are not just theoretical concepts but practical solutions that can be implemented. By doing so, you'll not only contribute to the industry's growth but also play a pivotal role in shaping a sustainable future. Remember, the future of the composites industry is intrinsically linked to the principles of the circular economy. By prioritizing circular design and recovery strategies, we can ensure that the industry thrives, benefiting both the environment and the economy.

What's Next!

Discover the future of composite manufacturing with Addcomposites! Here's how you can get involved:

  1. Stay Informed: Subscribe to our newsletter to receive the latest updates, news, and developments in AFP systems and services. Knowledge is power, and by staying informed, you'll always have the upper hand. Subscribe Now
  2. Experience Our Technology: Try our cutting-edge simulation software for a firsthand experience of the versatility and capability of our AFP systems. You'll see how our technology can transform your production line. Try Simulation
  3. Join the Collaboration: Engage with us and other technical centers across various industries. By joining this collaborative platform, you'll get to share ideas, innovate, and influence the future of AFP. Join Collaboration
  4. Get Hands-On: Avail our educational rentals for university projects or semester-long programs. Experience how our AFP systems bring about a revolution in composite manufacturing and leverage this opportunity for academic and research pursuits. Request for Educational Rental
  5. Take the Next Step: Request a quotation for our AFP systems. Whether you're interested in the AFP-XS, AFP-X, or SCF3D, we are committed to offering cost-effective solutions tailored to your needs. Take the plunge and prepare your production line for the next generation of composite manufacturing. Request Quotation

At Addcomposites, we are dedicated to revolutionizing composite manufacturing. Our AFP systems and comprehensive support services are waiting for you to harness. So, don't wait – get started on your journey to the future of manufacturing today!

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